25 Fabulous Flower of Life Tattoo Designs


The flower of life is one of the most popular and unusual forms of art. It is a set of many concentric circles designed in such a way that it looks like there are many flowers within a single circle. This combination of geometric and nature has a great appeal where art is concerned and tattoos are no different.

This is a classic collection of the flower of life tattoo forms that is very appealing.

Each tattoo is so artistic and beautifully designed that you will definitely be tempted to get one for yourself. The flower of life design is a symbol in many religions, hence its popularity.

A tattoo with flower of life design is one of the most popular themes one will find. This design looks like a circular group of flowers and petals. But its uniqueness comes from the fact that the design is actually a set of many concentric circles that overlap creating a very artistic display. It is also a very significant symbol in many religions of the world. That is why the flower of life design is very popular in tattoo art. And this is collection that you will definitely say is worth copying. So why not go ahead and try one for yourself?

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Carried With Pride

The wearer carries this tattoo of the flower of life with great pride because of its artistic form.

Carried With Pride

Carried With Pride

Shaded Flower Of Life

The superb shading in this flower of life tattoo is what makes it different from the usual and worth copying.

Shaded Flower Of Life

Shaded Flower Of Life

Worthy Of Attention

Even a small tattoo of the flower of life is worthy of attention because of its intricate and artistic design.

Worthy Of Attention

Worthy Of Attention

Combined Flower Of Life

The flower of life combined with the geometric shapes of a tribal tattoo look great together.

Combined Flower Of Life

Combined Flower Of Life


This flower of life seems to give birth to life forms. As tattoo art it looks very attractive and colorful.



Traditional Flower Of Life

This attractive back tattoo represents the most traditional and simple design of the flower of life.

Traditional Flower Of Life

Traditional Flower Of Life

Symbiotic Life Forms

Life forms on Earth have a symbiotic relationship just like this flower of life tattoo has entwined petals and patterns.

Symbiotic Life Forms

Symbiotic Life Forms

Unusual Flower Of Life

This is an unusual tattoo of the flower of life in just black and gray shades yet looks very stylish.

Unusual Flower Of Life

Unusual Flower Of Life

Flower Of Life Emphasized

This intricate and highly artistic flower of life tattoo is worth showing off as this man is doing.

Flower Of Life Emphasized

Flower Of Life Emphasized

Together We Stand

The petals in this lovely flower of life tattoo have been designed very artistically albeit in simple lines.

Together We Stand

Together We Stand

Life‘s Full Circle

This is a simple yet very artistic flower of life tattoo. Despite its simplicity the black shade makes it very striking.

Life‘s Full Circle

Life‘s Full Circle

There Is Life

This shoulder flower of life tattoo is simplicity itself, yet has a striking appeal that draws attention.

There Is Life

There Is Life

Filled Up Flower Of Life

The greenish filling has given this lovely flower of life tattoo a different look that is very attractive.

Filled Up Flower Of Life

Filled Up Flower Of Life

Life And Death

The flower of life and skeleton combine together in this artistic tattoo to graphically define life and death.

Life And Death

Life And Death

Birth Of Life

Birth dates tattooed around the flower of life makes this a simple and artistic representation of the theme.

Birth Of Life

Birth Of Life

Not Circular

This flower of life, despite not being exactly circular, looks very artistic and appealing.

Not Circular

Not Circular

Simple Is Good

This tattoo of the flower of life emphasizes the fact that a simple design is good.

Simple Is Good

Simple Is Good

Combined Symbols

The swastik shapes combine with the flower of life design to give two such fantastic tattoos.

Combined Symbols

Combined Symbols

Intricate First

As a first tattoo, the flower of life is one of the most intricate and artistic designs to choose.

Intricate First

Intricate First

Displayed With Pride

The wearer of this knee tattoo displays the artistic flower of life design with great pride.

Displayed With Pride

Displayed With Pride

Great Detail

This flower of life has been tattooed with great detail and shading and is surely worth copying.

Great Detail

Great Detail

Can‘t Miss It

Despite being a small tattoo, the intricate design of the flower of life cannot be missed.

Can‘t Miss It

Can‘t Miss It

Unusual Flower Of Life

This is a great piece of art. The flower of life has been tattooed entirely with tiny dots and looks very artistic.

Unusual Flower Of Life

Unusual Flower Of Life

Purple Arches

Purple arches around the flower of life have created a very different and attractive tattoo.

Purple Arches

Purple Arches

Geometric Flower Of Life

This is a classy piece of tattoo art. The flower of life along with the geometric shapes has been designed very artistically.

Geometric Flower Of Life

Geometric Flower Of Life


  1. What’s up with the swastikas? Seems like an awfully wrong mix of symbols unless trying to portray the original meaning. And even then kind of odd.

      • Guys, the swastika has been an ancient buddhist symbol for thousands of years. Hitler copied it, reversed it and tilted it 22.5 degrees to pervert its original meaning.
        God, people are ignorant these days

    • It is an old design that is generally thought to indicate flow of energy and is a portion of the flower of life. The nazis took it and reversed it (how it usually portrayed, particularly in Buddhist art) as a possible means of bringing energy in, whereas the symbol tends to demonstrate a more torus style. That said, it shows up in both directions long before the Germans co-opted it, it is a symbol, whether a people tried to give it a meaning or not (similar to the five pointed star that inverted has no representation of ‘evil’ but that some people wanted it thus).

  2. Couldn’t have used the word “artistic” or “artistically” just one more time? No? and guys, really? the swastik is obviously being used in it’s original context.


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