25 Stunning Tiger Tattoo Designs


A tiger tattoo is a widely popular tattoo design and the wild cat is also one of the most tattooed animals in the world. The tiger is a majestic animal and when it gets a shape on the body parts, the look is simply amazing. Men and women both like tiger tattoo designs and get them as tattoos. The tiger is a revered symbol in many cultures. It may not be officially the king of the jungle but in Asian countries it has got a similar status. Apart from the aesthetic reason, the tiger tattoo also holds deep symbolic meaning. People get them for both purposes and are served quite well.

The tiger stands for power, strength and ferocity. It is also associated with passion and beauty. If you are an admirer of the wild beast or want to show either of these emotions then it would be best to have a tiger tattoo done on your body.

The tiger tattoo designs are available in various shades and colors.

You can get any of them according to your taste and the look you want to display. Her we have presented a gallery of 25 tiger tattoo designs to help you explore more. Take a look.

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Mother Tattoo

The tigress with her cub stands for the strong protective cover all mothers provide to their children.


Mother Tattoo

Tiger Chest Tattoo

This courageous man has got a roaring tiger tattoo on his chest to represent his brave attitude.

Tiger Chest Tattoo

Tiger Chest Tattoo

Foo Tiger Tattoo

This mythical Chinese tiger is a said to possess spiritual powers and people wear it as a lucky charm.

Foo Tiger Tattoo

Foo Tiger Tattoo

Raging Tiger Tattoo

Carved on the top of the arm, this roaring tiger is a symbol of power and strength.

Raging Tiger Tattoo

Raging Tiger Tattoo

Full Back Tattoo

This girl has got a tiger along with cherry blossom flowers on her back to symbolize beauty and might.

Full Back Tattoo

Full Back Tattoo

Shoulder Tiger Tattoo

Fabulous tiger portrait carved on the shoulder that expresses the beauty of the majestic animal.

Shoulder Tiger Tattoo

Shoulder Tiger Tattoo

Fearsome Tiger Tattoo

The wild cat with its open mouth, sitting on the side of the stomach arouses fear in the minds of onlookers.

Fearsome Tiger Tattoo

Fearsome Tiger Tattoo

Calf Tattoo

The tiger and boar, in a combat posture and facing each other, represent war and strife.

Calf Tattoo

Calf Tattoo

Amazing Tiger Tattoo

Cool tiger tattoo, done on the ribs, in the form of scars that looks real and complements the contours too.

Rib Tattoo

Amazing Tiger Tattoo

Artistic Tiger Tattoo

Tiger face surrounded in a flaming tribal design and carved on the back is looking mystic.

Artistic Tiger Tattoo

Artistic Tiger Tattoo

Leg Tattoo

This charging tiger symbolizes that the wearer is always on the look out for opportunities and grabs them with ferocity.

Leg Tattoo

Leg Tattoo

Raring To Go

This roaring tiger carved in black ink is a symbol of energy and strength that keeps the wearer driving.

Black Ink Tattoo

Black Ink Tattoo

Serene Tiger Tattoo

This somber tiger face gives a look into the calm and composed nature of the ferocious wild beast.

Serene Tiger Tattoo

Serene Tiger Tattoo

The Wild Beast

This open-mouthed tiger is crazy with hunger and on the look out for a prey to appease his hunger pangs.

The Wild Beast

The Wild Beast

Restful Tiger Tattoo

This black and grey tiger, sitting on the shoulder with a calm expression on its face makes for a splendid tattoo piece.

Restful Tiger Tattoo

Restful Tiger Tattoo

Save Tiger Tattoo

This tiger with blue eyes symbolizes the danger that the species is facing and the need to save them.

Save Tiger Tattoo

Save Tiger Tattoo

Thinking Tiger

The tiger with a calm expression on his face is strategizing about his next catch.

Thinking Tiger

Thinking Tiger

Laughing Tiger Tattoo

A distinct laughing tiger tattoo that represents the fact that power and might bring happiness

Laughing Tiger Tattoo

Laughing Tiger Tattoo

Crazy Tiger

This hungry tiger has seen a prey and went wild at the thought of devouring the flesh and meat.

Crazy Tiger

Crazy Tiger

Tiger Head Tattoo

Badass, black and grey tiger tattoo done on the back that symbolizes passion and ferocity.

Tiger Head Tattoo

Tiger Head Tattoo

Shoulder Tattoo

A symbol of aggression and power, this tiger, sitting on the arm, arouses fear and awe.

Shoulder Tattoo

Shoulder Tattoo

Tiger Cub Tattoo

All babies are sweet and innocent, this is what the cute cub tattoo represents.

Tiger Cub Tattoo

Tiger Cub Tattoo

Symbolic Tiger Tattoo

This tiger is a symbol of the wild instinct hidden inside every man who must be kept in control.

Symbolic Tiger Tattoo

Symbolic Tiger Tattoo

Baby Tiger Tattoo

This man got a baby tiger tattoo along with the names of his kids to show his desire to see them growing tough and strong.

Baby Tiger Tattoo

Baby Tiger Tattoo

On The Prowl

The tiger secretly attacks its prey giving them no chance to escape, just like the tattoo image.

On The Prowl

On The Prowl

Growling Tiger Arm Tattoo

Oh my! What a scary tattoo! This tiger is beautiful with its detail and green eyes, but you can also see some very sharp teeth too!

Growling Tiger Arm TattooGrowling Tiger Arm Tattoo

Tiger Growling with Bird and Grass Tattoo

Here is an amazing tattoo of a growling tiger in the woods with some grass and a beautiful bird right next to it.

Tiger Growling with Bird and Grass TattooTiger Growling with Bird and Grass Tattoo

Grey Ink Tiger with Bamboo Tattoo

This grey ink tattoo is of a tiger that is not only climbing, but it also look pretty mad and is growling.

Grey Ink Tiger with Bamboo TattooGrey Ink Tiger with Bamboo Tattoo

Tiger In the Woods Tattoo

Here we see another unhappy together that is showing its teeth, but look at the detail with its body including his lovely long tail.

Tiger In the Woods TattooTiger In the Woods Tattoo

Colored Tiger Tattoo with Blue Lines Tattoo

Now this tiger looks cool, calm, and collected, and it actually has such a serene expression on its face too, but the blue lines do make the orange stand out more.

Colored Tiger Tattoo with Blue Lines TattooColored Tiger Tattoo with Blue Lines Tattoo

Orange Colored Tiger Arm Tattoo

This tiger tattoo is quite interesting because the orange is the most noticeable part of it, which makes it a very colorful tattoo to have on the arm.

Orange Colored Tiger Arm TattooOrange Colored Tiger Arm Tattoo

Sitting Up Tiger With Snarl Colored Tattoo

This tiger tattoo sort of has a lion pose with the way it is sitting up nice and straight, but it also has a little snarl on its face, which makes it terrifying!

Sitting Up Tiger With Snarl Colored TattooSitting Up Tiger With Snarl Colored Tattoo

Black Ink Tiger Face Tattoo

This tattoo is very small, and it is just the face of the tiger on the inner wrist using black ink.

Black Ink Tiger Face TattooBlack Ink Tiger Face Tattoo

Black Ink Index Finger Tattoo

Finger tattoos are becoming popular especially for women, and here we see a tiger tattooed onto the index finger and it looks really amazing!

Black Ink Index Finger TattooBlack Ink Index Finger Tattoo

Grey Ink Young Tiger Tattoo

Grey ink is used for this young tiger, and the look on its face says how stubborn and defiant this teenage tiger is!

Grey Ink Young Tiger TattooGrey Ink Young Tiger Tattoo

Tiger Butterfly Tattoo

Now this is an unusual way to get a tiger tattoo because it is in the shape of a butterfly, and you can see the eyes and nose of the tiger.

Tiger Butterfly TattooTiger Butterfly Tattoo

So, were we right about the beauty and power associated with a tiger? Did these tiger tattoos surprise or impress you? If you have something to say about tigers, be sure to leave us a comment below. However, if you didn’t like this list of tattoos, we have links to even more lists below. All you have to do is click one and you’ll be on a new page (and exciting list) in no time. Now, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

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