30 Mind-Blowing Elbow Tattoos


If you are looking for a small space on which to place a tattoo the elbow is a good idea. Circular designs look especially beautiful with the elbow as the center of the design. When you move your hands or are engaged in any activity you can showcase your beautiful elbow tattoo to the world.

Elbow Tattoos are of many kinds, based on what kind of theme you want to portray, but most of them involve designing around the circular shape of an elbow.

You can get inked with a wide variety of elbow tattoo designs either using a single color, two colors, a play of rich and complex shades, or a rainbow burst of colors. Mexican tattoo designs look great when you get them inked on the elbow, and flower and skull theme designs are the top pick when it comes to Mexican flavored elbow tattoo ideas. You can also got funky modern twists on a traditional Mexican skull tattoo by getting inked with a design that shows a skull wearing headphones. You can creatively use the surface area around the elbow, either by filling in the area, or keeping the heart of the design empty. Quirky designs such as a band-aid reminding you of the many times you have fallen and hurt your elbow as a kid, or a design with comic book sounds inked in colorful patterns also make great elbow tattoo ideas. The circular shape of spider webs and their neat interlocking design also make them popular as tattoo design ideas for elbows.

If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Hand Tattoos, Knuckle Tattoos, Face Tattoos, Eyebrow Tattoos.

Hurt Heal Tattoo

This delicate elbow tattoo is inked in the shape of a cute band-aid making for an unusual tattoo design.

Hurt Heal Tattoo

Hurt Heal Tattoo

Fresh Elbow Tattoo

Inked in a dense 3D style this fresh tattoo combines strong star-shaped patterns inspired by geometry with abstract motifs for a cool look.

Fresh Elbow Tattoo

Fresh Elbow Tattoo

Feather Stars

The pattern of a 5 point star and delicate feathers combine in this red and orange shaded elbow tattoo design.

Feather Stars

Feather Stars

Cracked Star

Realistic looking cracks mark the huge 3D style star in this dramatic single colored elbow tattoo design.

Cracked Star

Cracked Star

Flower Of Love

Rich red and black floral designs with bright yellow and orange towards the center make this a stunning elbow tattoo design.

Flower Of Love

Flower Of Love

Sunflower Happiness Elbow

Sunflower petals alternate with blue petals in this complex and rich floral theme elbow tattoo design.

Sunflower Happiness Elbow

Sunflower Happiness Elbow

Jewel Flower Tattoo

This bright red flower theme small tattoo is surrounded by blue decorating motifs making the elbow look very colorful.

Jewel Flower Tattoo

Jewel Flower Tattoo

Flower Colors

The empty flower shaped space at the heart of this tattoo design is bounded by pretty patterns of blue and red alternating petals.

Flower Colors

Flower Colors

Symbol Elbow Tattoo

Rich black and brilliant blue shades in this text theme elbow tattoo design look very colorful.

Symbol Elbow Tattoo

Symbol Elbow Tattoo

Nautical Tattoo

A complex arrangement of knots in a beautiful pattern sits inked in this small but elegant tattoo design.

Nautical Tattoo

Nautical Tattoo

Web Spider Elbow

Styled in a mix of red and black this is a beautiful spider web tattoo design right on the elbow.

Web Spider Elbow

Web Spider Elbow

Cartoon Elbow

The comic style sounds written in the design, the bright colors, and black shadow 3D effects celebrate the world of comics in this tattoo design.

Cartoon Elbow

Cartoon Elbow

Web Of 13

This elegant tattoo breaks free from the unlucky vibes associated with 13 with a beautiful web pattern and a 13 at the heart in a single color tattoo design.

Web Of 13

Web Of 13

Elbows Cross

Two strong cross shapes with straight dark outlined lines marks this cool double elbow tattoo design.

Elbows Cross

Elbows Cross

Rose Mexicana

Rich red shades with golden rims and green leaves mark this burst of colors in the rose theme elbow tattoo.

Rose Mexicana

Rose Mexicana

Black Stars

A bold star inked with thick solid black lines and a smaller solid black star make up this stunning single color elbow tattoo.

Black Stars

Black Stars

Skull Blues

A blue shaded skull with headphones on is a great tattoo for a music lover who also enjoys many-colored tattoo designs.

Skull Blues

Skull Blues

Football Patterns

A beautiful circular shape with waves of patterns all around look more gorgeous thanks to the dot pattern that shades the design in this elbow tattoo.

Football Patterns

Football Patterns

Heart Cake

This delicious looking cupcake filled with heart-shaped yummy fruit on the elbow celebrates the sweet joy of love.

Heart Cake

Heart Cake

Black Web

Styled in fine lines and delicate shades this circular elbow tattoo pattern shows a spider web.

Black Web

Black Web

Purple Cloud

This is a beautiful abstracy design tattoo for the elbow with the black outlines folding in purple cloud shades with an outer pattern of green leaves.

Purple Cloud

Purple Cloud

Lucky Elbow

A beautiful natural pattern in shades of green and a three-leaf design covers the elbow in realistically inked shades.

Lucky Elbow

Lucky Elbow

Gorgeous Elbow Tattoo

Rich shades of red and yellow mark the bright Mexican rose design on this elbow. Check out the touches of leaf green patterns in the rest of the design.

Gorgeous Elbow Tattoo

Gorgeous Elbow Tattoo

Sand Elbow

Flower patterns in a jigsaw puzzle style make a beautiful decoration in shades of red on the elbow.

Sand Elbow

Sand Elbow

Aperture Science Logo

A collection of black solid triangles much like Chinese puzzle pieces surrounds the elbow in a circle in this geometric tattoo.

Aperture Science Logo

Aperture Science Logo

Jewel Drive Tattoo

Red shades the elbow with a brown oval framing the design. Check out the blue beads forming the elbow tattoo decor.

Jewel Drive Tattoo

Jewel Drive Tattoo

Mask Elbow

A sinister looking masked face with a toothy smile decorates this elbow in shades of black.

Mask Elbow

Mask Elbow

Smiley Elbow Tattoo

A cute round smiley with a tongue sticking out is the high point of this elbow tattoo.

Smiley Elbow Tattoo

Smiley Elbow Tattoo

Shaded Tattoo

Dark outlines with delicate shades inside mark every part of this umbrella design elbow tattoo.

Shaded Tattoo

Shaded Tattoo

2D Web Elbow

Check out the beautiful patterns of this cyclical elbow tattoo design that looks much like an open umbrella.

2D Web Elbow

2D Web Elbow



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