45 Unbelievable Angel Tattoos


Why do people get Angel Tattoos? The answer to this question rests in the understanding that there are many who believe in angels. Many have reportedly felt the presence of an invisible guardian angel surrounding him or her. Many have recognized the angelic being within the soul and have become the angelic being themselves. To imagine oneself as the angel, eternally bound to duties of divine forces is perhaps the guiding feeling that leads one to get an angel tattoo done.

Angel tattoos are almost always depicted by a pair of wings, outspread or folded.

The tattoo often shows the angel in flight, and sometimes it shows the angel in rest. The tattoos also represent the eternal conflict between good and evil within one’s soul. As one gains a firm belief that he or she is a divine being, an angel, fulfilling the tasks of the cosmos on this earth plane, having the angel tattoo seems the only natural decision. The references to angels are not only found in Christianity, but also in other religions like Islam and Judaism . Besides, angel tattoos also represent the eternal desire of mankind to take a flight on outspread wings. The desire for freedom is also expressed through these tattoos. It is interesting to note that being a divine being does not necessarily mean being a messenger of God. For example, the Bible cited the evil spirit, Lucifer as a fallen angel. So, in this great conflict of angelic ideas, it depends on you which thought you choose to be. This collection of tattoos shows the different ways in which tattoo artists have creatively expressed their idea of angel energy.

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My Praying Angel

A cute little praying angel complete with a halo and a heart on one side sits along the woman’s neck in this small tattoo design.

My Praying Angel

My Praying Angel

Angel Symbol

The mysterious conch shell style motifs sit in a circular pattern along the shoulder-blade while angel wings spread out on both sides of the shoulder.

Angel Symbol

Angel Symbol

Primitive Angel Tattoo

The angel with a short sword is out to take revenge. The angel is about to fulfill his mission of defeating the forces of evil in a holy crusade.

Primitive Angel Tattoo

Primitive Angel Tattoo

The New Dawn

The tattoo here shows the angel emerging victorious after a long fight. The sun of dawn behind the angel shows that the fight at last ends with the victory of the forces of God over monsters within our soul.

The New Dawn

The New Dawn

Elemental Angel

Intricate outlines spread out on the upper back combining the elemental forces of nature with the figure of an angel looking upward in a superb triangular design.

Elemental Angel

Elemental Angel

Angel Heart

A sword ruptures the heart causing it to bleed with angel wings attached to the sword handle in this religious love tattoo design.

Angel Heart

Angel Heart

Love Wings

The scaly birds in brown shades seem to be locked in an intimate dance of two in this couple tattoo design. Check out the curvy black dual motifs dancing between the bird couple.

Love Wings

Love Wings

Shoulder Angel

This beautiful angel has her head bowed down like she’s tired and resting after a long flight in this shoulder angel tattoo design for a woman.

Shoulder Angel

Shoulder Angel

Religious Angel Tattoo

The angel looks out from the upper arm as he holds a scroll with text in this horizontal single color tattoo design.

Religious Angel Tattoo

Religious Angel Tattoo

Bowed Angel

The perfect power and beauty of the human anatomy comes alive in this bowed angel tattoo on the upper back. The figure of Jesus with his head bowed on the Cross comes together with angel wings in the stunning design.

Bowed Angel

Bowed Angel

Armangel Wings

The tattoo design of a pair of folded wings on the upper arm keeps this woman just a step away from spreading those wings and flying.

Armangel Wings

Armangel Wings

Intimate Prayers

The figure of a praying angel in profile done in rich detailed shading sits beside the navel, facing it, in this intimate angel tattoo design.

Intimate Prayers

Intimate Prayers

Blue Angel Tattoo

With her slender arms out for flight this pretty blue angel with blue wings looks like she’s stepped out of the world of Disney.

Blue Angel Tattoo

Blue Angel Tattoo

Back Angel

The sculpted muscles show off the graceful form of Jesus on the Cross merged with the angel figure in this divine angel tattoo.

Back Angel

Back Angel

Star Angel Tattoo

This pretty thoughtful angel sits with her hand supporting her chin, with stars curving above her head in this unusual upper arm tattoo.

Star Angel Tattoo

Star Angel Tattoo

Young Angel

With one arm out and the other holding her head in secret despair this lovely angel crouches down on the ground, her glorious wings raised to fly again. She’s certainly down but not defeated.

Young Angel

Young Angel

Angel Power Tattoo

With fists clenched and a Jesus tattooed on the chest this angel figure is full of powerful energy with his dark wings spread out on both sides. An interesting tattoo within a tattoo design.

Angel Power Tattoo

Angel Power Tattoo

Angel Warrior

In this powerful mythic tattoo, the full-breasted tree legged angel raises her sword for a fight. The enormous wings curve along the natural lines of the back almost meeting at the top of the design.

Angel Warrior

Angel Warrior

Angel Art Tattoo

The hood hardly lets the face of the angel be seen as he walks, sword in his belt, with smaller monster figures on both sides.

Angel Art Tattoo

Angel Art Tattoo

Wing Shelter Angel

A Celtic cross sits at the center of the upper back with finely inked realistic feather wings spread out on both sides. A tiny angel in the clouds looks on.

Wing Shelter Angel

Wing Shelter Angel

Armageddon Angel Tattoo

This Red Indian long-haired man sits in a powerful kneeling pose with angel wings spread out, while red shades darken with tones of danger in the background of the design.

Armageddon Angel Tattoo

Armageddon Angel Tattoo

Divine Angel Tattoo

A traditional angel holds his hands in prayer among the clouds with a sun halo behind his head. Latin text is written below the praying angel figure.

Divine Angel Tattoo

Divine Angel Tattoo

Soul Flight

The simple angel wings just whisper to the soul that you are an angel. Nothing elaborate, but just a pair of wings silently brings out the angel among us.

Soul Flight

Soul Flight

Angel Possibilities Tattoo

The angel here is a beautiful woman. With sensuous lips, eyes and a falling attire, she seems to say, I am who I am. I am an angel. Interestingly, there is also a hint of a baby bulge, suggesting her to be a would-be mother.

Angel Possibilities Tattoo

Angel Possibilities Tattoo

Sketch Angel

This amazing angel tattoo done in the sketch motif shows the angel rising from a graveyard. The angel looks tired after an arduous battle.

Sketch Angel

Sketch Angel

Medieval Tattoo

The medieval angel tattoo shows a knight in armor with a gentle appearance. The flowy hairs and the glowing crown adds to the glory of this medieval angel.

Medieval Tattoo

Medieval Tattoo

Manga Angel Colors

This amazing colored tattoo done in manga style depicts a flowy angel with outspread wings. The blue eyes and the flowing tresses of the angel compliment her flight.

Manga Angel Colors

Manga Angel Colors

Angel Maths Pattern

Done in precise mathematical symmetry, this angel tattoo shows perfection. The huge outspread wings denotes the desire for flight.

Angel Maths Pattern

Angel Maths Pattern

Mermaid Tattoo

The elegant mermaid tattoo takes us to an underwater fantasy. The mermaid seems to floating in freedom. Mermaids are thought as angels of deep water.

Mermaid Tattoo

Mermaid Tattoo

Angel Myth

The mythical angel tattoo here shows her with sharp features and a flowy apparel. There are also Latin texts surrounding the angel.

Angel Myth

Angel Myth

Memorial Angel

The memorial angel here depicts the memory of a departed soul in an angelic light. The angelic presence of some persons in our lives is shown by this tattoo.

Memorial Angel

Memorial Angel

Angel Mamma

This wonderful mother angel tattoo shows a mom lovingly holding her newborn. This tattoo shows that every mother is an angel to her child.

Angel Mamma

Angel Mamma

Angel Of Righteousness

The righteous angel here holds a sword firmly in his hand. The faceless angel has a certain sense of cruelty.

Angel Of Righteousness

Angel Of Righteousness

Sculpted Angel Tattoo

An angel sitting in despair with his head buried in the fold of his hand creates a stunning sculpted image. The other hand of the angel holds the foot in a strong grasp.

Sculpted Angel Tattoo

Sculpted Angel Tattoo

Angel Militia

This angel tattoo gives the impression of being a ferocious soldier of God. Dresses in armor with a skull face on the shoulder, the angel takes a vow to fight all evil to fulfill the promise of God.

Angel Militia

Angel Militia

Arch Angel

This stunning angel tattoo shows the wrath of God in most intricate details. A hood partly covering his face and chains surrounding him, the angel holds a sword not by the hilt but by the blade.

Arch Angel

Arch Angel

Memoirs Of An Angel

This beautiful flying angel done in Japanese style has a beautiful appeal for the onlooker. The angel flies with a sense of comfort and beauty.

Memoirs Of An Angel

Memoirs Of An Angel

Angel Existence Pledge

The angel here is about to take flight. The angel takes a pledge to secure the future of mankind. Some may call this tattoo with the surrounding text a racist design.

Angel Existence Pledge

Angel Existence Pledge

Angel Armor

The armored angel with a flaming crown and covered face invokes a sense of fear in the minds of the false. Done in flaming red, the angel promises to stand by truth and honesty.

Angel Armor

Angel Armor

Motifs Angel

The angel with an angry expression on her face and claw hands transforms to motifs. The tattoo also spells vengeance for the evil.

Motifs Angel

Motifs Angel

Holy Angel

The praying holy angel here shows the belief in prayers. Prayers are the communication of angels with God and here the angel prays for the redemption of the misled.

Holy Angel

Holy Angel

Marching To Battle Angel

The armored angel here is all set to win the fight between the good and the evil. The fight that has been continuing since time immemorial seems to come to an end with this angel.

Marching To Battle Angel

Marching To Battle Angel

Angel Stylized

This simple yet subtle angel tattoo expresses in flowy strokes the essence of a good angel. The circular ring over the head of the angel affirms the inner goodness of angels.

Angel Stylized

Angel Stylized

Angel Birds

Not only are the wings impressive, but also the fallen feathers from the wings. The fallen feathers signify that the angel has been engaged in some very tough battles.

Angel Birds

Angel Birds

Angel Story

This amazing angel tattoo tells a story. The angel here is frozen in a moment of battle. With a dagger in hand, the angel seems all set to wind up the fight.

Angel Story

Angel Story


  1. Elemental Angel tattoo design is the one i liked very much the design of this angle tattoo is very stylish.


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