20 Groovy Soulja Boy Tattoos


Tattoos are a much loved and much desired concept the world over. There are different kinds of tattoos to suit everyone‘s taste. Sometimes, people get tattoos to denote their favorite music, favorite music band or even just beliefs.

The Soulja boy tattoo is a common art style amongst men. The designs are usually detailed and large, sometimes covering an entire body part to depict a certain theme or scene. Getting a Soulja boy tattoo can be slightly expensive and can also be time consuming. Expensive because of it‘s sheer size and art work required. If you choose to get a Soulja boy tattoo then it helps to go to a trusted and known tattoo artist. Since these tattoos are a little more complicated it makes sense to go to an experienced artist only.

If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Music Tattoo Designs, Celtic Knot Tattoos, Arm Tattoos For Men, and Bad Tattoos.

Soulja Boy Left Hand Tattoo

The left hand design covers the entire hand giving a person a nice, neat tattooed look.

Soulja Boy Left Hand Tattoo

Soulja Boy Left Hand Tattoo

Soulja Full upper body tattoo

This full upper body art work is perfect for a R&B musician. It covers the hands and the torso and looks great if you have a fit physique.

Soulija Full Body Tattoo

Soulija Full Body Tattoo

Soulja Back Hand Tattoo

This tattoo covers the entire hand, the focus of the design is on the back of the hand. It looks great if teamed with a pair of golden bracelets or a gold watch.

Soulija Back Hand Tattoo

Soulija Back Hand Tattoo

Front body torso tattoo

This front body torso tattoo covers the front torso and includes a quote too. It is ideal for people who want to show the world what they believe in.

Soulija Boy Fornt Body Tattoo

Soulija Boy Fornt Body Tattoo

The cards and dollars hand

This money themed Soulja tattoo looks great on people who want to show off their love and respect for money. It looks great with a couple of money themed rings and bracelets as an add-on too.

Cards And Dollars

Cards And Dollars

Soulja Boy Back Stage Tattoo

This back stage tattoo is commonly seen on backstage dancers. This design usually covers a part of the torso and most of the hands. It‘s perfect for younger people.

Soulja Boy Back Stage

Soulja Boy Back Stage

Teen Rapper Soulja

The teen rapper tattoo is ideal (although similar) to the backstage boy tattoo. The design is detailed but scarce and leaves room for some plain skin too.

Teen Rapper Soulija

Teen Rapper Soulja

Hot Soulja Tattoo

The hot soulja tattoo covers most of the front half of a person‘s body. It looks great on musicians and people with a builder‘s physique.

Hot Soulja Tattoo

Hot Soulja Tattoo

Soulja Before Taking Bath

Here, a soulja tattoo is made on parts of the body giving the person a young look.

Soulja Before Taking Bath

Soulja Before Taking Bath

Soulja Boy Facial Tattoo

The facial tattoo is a good design to add to your features. One should keep the design simple and small so that it doesn‘t ruin your natural look.

Soulja Boy Facial Tattoo

Soulja Boy Facial Tattoo

Half Soulja tattoo

A fine example of the half clear, half tattoo look.

Soulja Boy Posing

Soulja Boy Posing

Soulja Rose Tattoo

The Soulja rose which can be part of the bigger soulja design showcases a fine red rose in a much seen part of the body, either the front forearm or like in this case the back.

Soulja Rose Tattoo

Soulja Rose Tattoo

Left side Soulja

The left side soulja showcases a soulja tattoo that covers the left side of the face and neck. It‘s perfect for the casual look in a tee.

Soulja Left Face And Neck

Soulja Left Face And Neck

Soulja Boy Side Neck Tattoo

The soulja side neck tattoo can be made on either side of the neck in order to give a creative design to the body whilst not making it look too crowded.

Soulja Boy Side Neck Tattoo

Soulja Boy Side Neck Tattoo

Soulja Full arms inner and outer

The soulja full arms tattoo covers the inner and outer parts of the arms, perfect for performers.

Soulja Boy Left Tattoo View

Soulja Boy Left Tattoo View

Soulja Neck-Dollar Tattoo

The soulja neck–dollar tattoo is a simple money tattoo which can be seen in anything you wear…

Soulija Neck Dollar Tattoo

Soulija Neck Dollar Tattoo

Soulja Upper Back

The soulja upper back tattoo is a design that covers the left to right side of the upper back, it can tell a story or simply follow a theme. Either way, it looks great on people with toned backs!

Soulija Full Shoulder Tattoo

Soulija Full Shoulder Tattoo

Soulja Neck Kissing Tattoo

The neck kiss is the perfect young boy‘s tattoo giving the impression of a recent kiss.

Soulija Neck Kissing Tattoo

Soulija Neck Kissing Tattoo



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