The fairy tail motif is a very popular form of tattoo art. It produces a sense of life, speed, liveliness, energy, and a lot of other things. The positive image that it depicts makes it worth copying. Fairy tail tattoo designs add a sense of style to any outfit. Worn on any part of the body, it looks sexy and smart at the same time. Usually the fairy tail theme is designed in simple and bold black tattoo ink. But here are some beautiful variations that you will definitely want to imitate. For the very trendy and stylish look the fairy tail is an able companion.
Fairy tail tattoo designs look very attractive and trendy. It is a very cute representation of energy, speed, liveliness, enthusiasm, verve and all other positive aspects of life.
Maybe that is why this motif is popular as tattoo art. There is a feeling of simplistic art and creativity where the fairy tail design is concerned. It is usually created in simple black. But here are some forms using different colors and shades that you will surely like to try out. They are trend setting designs having a lively look to suit today‘s youth. Each one is a masterpiece worth copying.
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Bold Wings
This winged fairy in bold black design looks very simple yet attractive as a tattoo.
Extraordinary Art
The background of this fairy tail tattoo has the look of a cracked wall. This is classy tattoo art.
Flying Across The Skies
This fairy tail tattoo shows her flying across the skies in creating a lovely and artistic image.
Bright Red Fairy
This is a very unconventional fairy tail tattoo, with its vivid red and orange design.
Sexy Fairy Tail
A thigh tattoo like this one is definitely a sexy piece of art, especially with the fairy tail motif.
The Power Of The Fairy
This girl is showing off her lovely fairy tail tattoo on her bicep. The design looks very stylish on her.
Simple Style
There is a sense of style in this simple yet dark fairy tail hand tattoo that this girl wears so proudly.
Simple Style
Fire Breathing Fairy
This is very unusual. The tattoo is designed as a fire-breathing dragon-like fairy tail.
Away She Flies
This fairy tail tattoo looks superb with its dark and bold design making it worth imitating.
Small And Brilliant
This small neck tattoo looks is a brilliant art form because of the bold fairy tail motif.
Very Bold Fairy Tail
This back tattoo looks superlative with the big fairy tail motif, enough to draw attention.
Subdued Gray
This is a simple fairy tail tattoo in an unusual shade of gray instead of the usual pitch black.
Style Statement
This fairy tail tattoo is definitely a style statement for this sexy bikini clad young girl.
Blue Fairy Tail
The use of a lovely blue color makes this fairy tail tattoo look very unusual and attractive.
Zipping Across The Sky
This fairy tail tattoo looks like the fairy is zipping across the skies to cast good spells over people.
Zipping Across The Sky
Trendy Fairy Tail
This is an atypical and trendy version of the fairy tail tattoo motif. It looks very modern stylish.
Shaded Style
The dual shades of purple and blue make this fairy tail tattoo a very unusual one that‘s worth copying.
Following The Trend
This tattoo follows the usual trend of bold lines and black color to create the fairy tale design.
Electric Blue
The fairy tail motif in an electric blue shade has really made this a trend setting tattoo among all others.
Red Fairy Tail
When you want something out of the ordinary, this fairy tail tattoo in red is just what you are looking for.
Teal and Tail
The fairy tail motif designed in teal color has rendered this tattoo an unusual appeal.
Teal and Tail
A Trend Setter Fairy
This girl wants to live the role of the warrior fairy tail princess with her classy tattoo and sword.
A Trend Setting Look
When you want a trend setting look to suit your ensemble, this fairy tail tattoo is just what you need.
Dark Gray and Lively
This fairy tail tattoo in dark gray is designed to make the fairy look very lively, as if she is flying very fast.
Full Of Life
This fairy tail tattoo looks full of life. The vibrant green shade makes it look very attractive.
Ohhhhh! I’d like to have this tattoo too in my chest. Great designs of fairy tail tattoo. I love the red colored more. Thanks for the post!
A tattoo of fairy tail design looks very attractive and trendy. It is a very cute representation of energy, speed, liveliness, enthusiasm, verve and all other positive aspects of life.
Are you kidding me…. You do realize you took the majority of these pictures from people who are cosplaying from the really popular anime, Fairy Tail, right? Oh my god you don’t even understand what these tattoos are meant for even if they were real. Wow.
Apparently, you don’t really understand what tattoos are meant for, if that’s all you have to say about it. Not just cosplayers get this tattoo, just for your information.
got mine yesterday, hook it up
These are incredible. I wish I could post up a picture of mine to add to the collection!
Most of these are absolute garbage and I hope that they are drawn on/ temporary.