40 Superb Arabic Tattoos


Love for the Arabic language is nothing new for the people around the world and there are different ways of showing it. Some do it by learning the language itself or some are just fascinated with the beautiful calligraphy and want to give it a shape. The latter group does so with the Arabic tattoos. Though some believers of Islam are of the view that tattooing is against the ethos of their religion, even Arabs can be seen wearing the Arabic tattoos. These tattoos mostly consist of the name of the person or their dear one like son, daughter, wife, husband or partner.

Apart from this, spiritual or serene words or a line are also popular as tattoo designs. As said above some are just fascinated with the look of the script. Therefore, for them words or meanings do not matter. They just get the Arabic alphabets carved on their body parts. The Arabic script is really elegant and artistic. The cursive letters are full of beautiful twists and turns, thereby, creating a mesmerizing display. If you are also an Arabic enthusiast and looking forward to a tattoo design, do check out this post. It will give you a very good insight into the world of Arabic tattoos.

If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Chinese Writing Tattoos, Indian Tattoos, Chinese Tattoos and Hispanic Tattoos.

Arab Name Tattoo

Getting one’s own name carved in Arabic is quite common and this girl did the same on her forearm.

Arab Name Tattoo

Arab Name Tattoo

Peace And Harmony Arabic Tattoo

The Arabic liner means faith, hope and love carved along with a dove symbol that looks soothing and serene.

Peace And Harmony

Peace And Harmony

Collar Bone Tattoo

The Arabic tattoo means “My Only Sunshine” and looks more flattering with the rolled orange hair.

Collar Bone Tattoo

Collar Bone Tattoo

Shoulder Tattoo

This Arabic tattoo bears the first name of the wearer and has a pleasing look.

Shoulder Tattoo

Shoulder Tattoo

Lovely Wrist Tattoo

This beautiful line in Arabic means “my soul” and is used by the Arabs as an endearing term.

Lovely Wrist Tattoo

Lovely Wrist Tattoo

Arabic Tattoos: Daughter’s Name

The loving father shows love for his daughter through this tattoo that bears her name.

Daughter's Name

Daughter’s Name

Forever My Love

This lover has sgot her beloved’s name carved in Arabic as well as English on his back.

Forever My Love

Forever My Love

Waist Tattoo

The first three words mean endless love and the last word is for Jesus.

Waist Tattoo

Waist Tattoo

Forearm Tattoo

This tattoo has two Turkish words, created with Arabic alphabets.

Forearm Tattoo

Forearm Tattoo

Rib Tattoo

The Arabic loving girl got her name Elena Gonzalez carved in the same language on her ribs.

Rib Tattoo

Rib Tattoo

Prayerful Tattoo

This cross is a sacred Egyptian symbol which has been carved along with the words happiness, life and health.

Prayerful Tattoo

Prayerful Tattoo

Glory To God

The Arabic line saying “for our god is a consuming fire” carved with a flame motif presents a spiritual design.

Glory To God

Glory To God

Sweet Tattoo

The famous poet Rumi’s lines carved on chest along with two colorful birds on sides look charming.

Sweet Tattoo

Sweet Tattoo

Belly Tattoo

The meaning of this Arabic liner created in bold fonts is “waves crashing”.

Belly Tattoo

Belly Tattoo

Arabic Script

This is an Arabic tattoo that has been engraved on the rib just for the sheer love of the language.

Arabic Script

Arabic Script

Straight From Heart

The woman got her son’s and partner’s name engraved in Arabic on the edge of her palm.

Straight From Heart

Straight From Heart

Wonderful Message

Located under the collar bones and created in scarlet red ink, the tattoo reads “stay strong and just breathe”.

Wonderful Message

Wonderful Message

Arabic Calligraphy

The two symbols are salaam and houb which stand for peace and love.

Arabic Calligraphy

Arabic Calligraphy

Al Salam

Arabic tattoo on wrist that says “Al Salam”, meaning peace.

Al Salam

Al Salam

Cool Idea

This woman got the words “One Life” inked behind her ears, in Arabic, after she was kidnapped two times.

Cool Idea

Cool Idea

Arm Arabic Tattoo

The Arabic script has an exquisite script and the tattoo design carved in it looks unique.

Arm Arabic Tattoo

Arm Arabic Tattoo

Leg Tattoo

This elegant word in Arabic has been carved on the leg, just above the ankle.

Leg Tattoo

Leg Tattoo

Artistic Back Tattoo

The Arabic word inside the colorful rectangular block with beautiful embroidery means soul.

Artistic Back Tattoo

Artistic Back Tattoo

Arabic Display

A person’s name inked in Arabic around his wrist, acting as an inspirattion for others.

Arabic Display

Arabic Display

Wrist Tattoo

Arabic alpahbets carved on the wrist which, most probably, together say “Dominique”.

Wrist Tattoo

Wrist Tattoo


This word stands for courage, in Arabic, the most needed trait to succeed in life.



My Son’s Name

The shoulder tattoo represents the name of the wearer’s son, inked in Arabic.

My Son's Name

My Son’s Name

Left Hip Tattoo

This Arabic word stands for jealousy, which is the most negative feeling.

Left Hip Tattoo

Left Hip Tattoo

Arabic Trail On Ribs

The Arabic letters lying in a vertical fashion over the ribs look intriguing.

Arabic Trail On Ribs

Arabic Trail On Ribs

Hip Tattoo

Arabic words, in bold font, look even more enticing with their curves and spots.

Hip Tattoo

Hip Tattoo

Alluring Piece

This is actually a Tibetan prayer flag. The lettering inside the embroidered mirror has an artistic display.

Alluring Piece

Alluring Piece

Spiritual Tattoo

The woman has got the guardian angel lettering inked on his arm, in Arabic.

Spiritual Tattoo

Spiritual Tattoo

Karl In Arabic

The tattoo stands for Karl, the name of the wearer, who got it carved on his forearm.

Karl In Arabic

Karl In Arabic

Upper Back Tattoo

Traveller, inked in Arabic, on the upper back of this man has healed completely.

Upper Back Tattoo

Upper Back Tattoo

Foot Tattoo

This Arabic tattoo, sitting on th edge of the foot, looks cool and attractive.

Foot Tattoo

Foot Tattoo

Shoulder Blade Tattoo

A small Arabic tattoo, placed on the shoulder blade, has a cute look.

Shoulder Blade Tattoo

Shoulder Blade Tattoo

Still Beautiful

This Arabic tattoo standing for butterfly has faded out but still looks nice.

Still Beautiful

Still Beautiful


Wrist tattoo, standing for peace, carved in Arabic.



Forearm Tattoo

The twin Arabic words, resting on inside of the forearm, are for Isabella and Sofia.

Forearm Tattoo

Forearm Tattoo

Arabic Style Writing

The girl has got an Arabic tattoo on her forearm for the sake of her love for the script.

Arabic Style Writing

Arabic Style Writing


    • Is it an Arabic name? If it is, then it means “virgin” it is used as a name and is spelled :عذراء
      If it isn’t and it just accidentally sounds like an Arabic name, here’s Azra: ازرا

  1. Great tattoos!

    However, if the “Karl” tattoo wishes to say K A R L i.e. transliterated, then unfortunately for him, it does not. Also, the L is not correctly attached to the rest of the word.

    Good luck Karl.

  2. can you translate my name ” helina erika” in arabic and also ” Allah is always in my breath” , can you send me email… thanks

    • your name is
      هيلينا إريكا
      the sentence is
      الله دائما في انفاسي

      • fly
        this translation is not exact because the meaning of the word my change depend on the sentence used with it.
        I fly
        this translation is in slang language. the exact formal translation
        أنا أطير
        however the meaning in arabic sound a little bit lame.

  3. I’m arabic and i have to say most of these tattoos are missed up , either the meaning is wrong , wrong spelling , words written backwards or the font is super ugly.

    guys anyone wants do do an arabic tattoo with calligraphy please do extensive research

    • Hey ALyacoub, could you please translate ” Live today forget about tomorrow ” and also could you give me some advice of which font should i use. It will be tattooed on my hip left hand side from below of my armpit downwards.
      I will be grateful if you could help me.

      • live today forget about tomorrow
        عِش اليوم وإنس الغد

        My advice is not to tattoo yourself with these lame sentences, if you really love these words apply them in your life practically.

    • hey ya, if i were to write something in arabic vertically, (i know it cant be written vertically.) but it would be possible to write it so that if it were to be read you would turn your head to the side etc. so would it be appropriate to write it so that the first word is at the top or at the bottom??

    • Can you please translate the names ”Abigail” & ”Taha” for me?
      Is the translation here above ”enternal love” correct?

      Thank you so much

    • i agree with alyaqob. its so sad these people have tattooed weird things on their skins that are not close to the meaning they serious should have done more research.

    • war =حرب
      hate= كره or (Hatred)كراهية
      Every self (also means soul) tastes (not sure, the word spelling you wrote is weird) death.

  4. كل نفس ذائقة الموت is this right ? i found it, but i`m not sure of the translation. :(

  5. Would someone please convert freedom for me in Arabic? And explain when you’re semantic to put the ‘Alif’ infront of words?

    • “الحرية”

      The “Alif” in the begining of a word is just like adding “The” it gives it a powerful sound and meaning.

  6. Can someone please translate Kalila for me it’s my daughter’s name and it’s from Arabic and I would like to get that tattooed

    • do you call her kalila or khalila?

      if you call her khalila then it’d be = خليله

      if you call her kalila then it’d be = كليله

      don’t forget that arabic starts from right to left!

  7. These tattoos are all stunningly beautiful. Arabic wording is not something I had thought of before for a tattoo, but now I really have to get one.

    My son’s name is Riley, and I have always wanted the words THE LIFE OF RILEY tattooed on myself somewhere. Would you be able to translate that into Arabic for me, please?

    Thank you.

    • ليكون غير بديل لك يجب أن تكون مختليف

    • Actually disregard that last one, this one is more accurate. حتى تكون لا غنى عنك، يجب أن تكون مختلف

      • i think that alyacoub has a better translation, it is not exact but more suitable
        لكي لا تستبدل يجب أن تكون مختلفا
        it mean ” in order not to be replaced you should to be different

        another short version is
        لكي لا تستبدل كن مختلفا
        in order not to be replaced be different

    • Beauty in Arabic is جمال and beauty is not a caged bird الجمال ليس عصفور في قفص. Arabic has to be from right to left. (:

  8. Can you please translate a quote for me into Arabic it’s a little long though…
    “Fear is not real, it is a product of what we create. Fear is a choice but the actions and chances we take are very real. Therefore I shall take action and conquer whatever may come because nothing real or unreal shall stop me”

    • الخوف ليس حقيقي، إنه إنتاج لما نخلق. الخوف إختيار لكن الاجراءت Ùˆ الاختيارات التي نأخذها حقيقية جداً. لهذا سوف أخذ اجراءت Ùˆ سوف أقهر أي شيء أقابله لأن لا شيء حقيقي أو غير حقيقي سيوقفني.

    • Deyanira
      ( i dont know what is this)
      there are two translation for this word
      If you want to say my family

  9. Karl is all wrong buddy, this is Karl كارل do your research before u get it. What u have on your arm translates roughly to Lkai yeah haha epic fail

    • The wording will be very awkward, a better way of saying it would be “make God your priority” which is اجعل الله اولويتك

  10. Guyz can anybody translate the below line in Arabic/Urdu for me:

    I’m beautiful in my way Cause God makes no mistakes I’m on the right track, baby I was born this way.

    please do it guyz plssssssssss.

    • this is the translation ” أنا جميلة بطريقتي لأن الله لا يرتكب الأخطاء أنا على الطريق الصحيح ,حبيبي لقد ولدت هكذا”and remember from right to left

  11. Hey guys, can anyone could please translate “ Live today forget about tomorrow “ and also could give me some advice of which font should i use. It will be tattooed on my hip left hand side from below of my armpit downwards.
    I will be grateful if you could help me.

    • live today forget about tomorrow = عش اليوم انسَ الغد
      remember to start from right to left
      i’m sorry i can’t help you with fonts

  12. Hello, can anyone please translate this for me : «How many chances do we get »?
    I’m told كم فرصة لدينا is that accurate?

    • Yep, that’s correct, make sure you have a question mark at the end after لدينا؟
      It should be reversed like that too.

  13. Can I please have this translated into Arabic in the 3 lines please, I just want to compare my results!
    “Learn from yesterday
    Live for today
    Hope for tomorrow”

    • ” تعلّم من الأمس
      عش لليوم
      أأمل للغد”

      remember to start from right to left

    • Beautiful inside and outside
      جميل الداخل والخارج
      ( however using the word inside and outside may be not suitable to describe human a more romantic way to say it
      جميل القلب والقالب
      which mean beautiful in heart and cast
      for female
      جميلة القلب والقالب
      however it is common in Arabic romantic poetry to use male form for both male and female in

  14. I am going in 2 weeks to get “Khalasna” (english meaning enough) tattood and the spelling I have found is “خلصنا” can you confirm that is right?

  15. Are these correct?

    “Innaa Lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji‘oon“
    (Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return)
    حقا، إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
    قَالُوا إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

    Beloved son
    الابن الحبيب

  16. Hi,

    I want to know how to write “what doesn‘t kill us, make us stronger“ and “miss you” in Arabic, to make a tattoo.

    Someone can help me?
    Thank you

  17. Hello

    Can someone translate the following quote for me:

    “People can take everything away from you, but they can never take away your truth.”

    Please and Thank you :)

    • “الناس يمكنهم أن يأخذو كل شيء منك, ولكن لايمكنهم أن يأخذوا حقيقتك
      thats it

  18. Can someone please translate this into Arabic:
    1) My Angels

    2) My 3 Angels

    3) My precious Angels, please forgive me…

    4) My precious Angels, please forgive me… Skylen, Skyler, Alexis

    Also, is there a sign for “Fraternal Twins” ?

    • My angels
      my 3 angels
      ملائكتي الثلاثة
      my 3 angels please forgive me
      ملائكتي الغالية, سامحيني رجاءاً
      my 3 angels please forgive me skylen skyler alexi
      ملائكتي الغالية, سامحيني رجاءاً … سكايلن, سكايلر, ألكس
      (I dont know exact translation for Fraternal)
      the twin

        • روما كالفان
          the letter g and v does not exist in arab alphabet so your last last name is pronouced calfan in arabic

      • Can you please show me how to write “family forever” in arabic, in the best format you can think of. My son is getting his first tattoo and he would like to put this phrase on a sword on his left forearm. The sword will be of Arabic descent. Any ideas, I would very much appreciate it. His Birthday is July 9th, and I’m going nuts trying to find something unique. Thank you in advance.

        • family forever = عائلة إلى الأبد or عائلة للأبد
          remember to start from right to left

    • شكل حياتك مسؤوليتك وحدك
      انت فقط من تحدد شكل حياتك

  19. I really want a tattoo that says ‘beautiful’, I know there’s a male and female version but I can’t find the right word.. It’s about my mum so which word would I use? Help:’)

  20. Hi, can people please translate ‘Mourad’ to Arabic writing? Its my partners lastname. If a few people could translate it for me and also let me know where I can double check it right before we go ahead…really important that it has the right meaning etc. Thanks

  21. Hi, lovely webpage!! :)

    Please, could someone translate this into arabic for me:

    “Everything is possible if you wish hard enough”


    Many thanks!!

    • Everything is possible if you wish hard enough
      كل شئ ممكن اذا تمنيت بشدة
      however it is not exact translation

    • “he lives in me”
      يعيش بداخلي

  22. Can someone please translate “family” in Arabic please. I plan to tattoo it to my bicep and do not have a clue on how the word should look. Thank you!

  23. Hi

    Could you please translate;

    Forget what’s gone, appreciate what still remains and look forward to what’s coming

    Thank you in advance x

    • “انسى ما فقد , قدر ما بقي Ùˆ ترقب ما سيأتي”

  24. hi!
    i wanna tattoo Ayman (right handed, blessed, lucky) on my shoulder. is the meaning ayman for males only?
    could someone pls translate in arabic ? plss :) diferent variations.

    Thank youuu!!

    • as far as i know yes ayman means right handed and we use it in daily life to describe right handed people however i searched the dictionary and it also means blessed but it is not commonly used to say i feel blessed using ayman
      ayman is for males only, yumna is for females
      Ayman = أيمن
      yumna = يُمنى

  25. Would someone please translate my in arab, My name is Tshepiso simply meaning Promise, and I wanna get my name tatooed on my neck

  26. I live in the UAE and I am getting a henna tattoo and I want my name in Arabic, please. I am currently in the US and my name that I left with my tattoo artist has been deleted from the computer…Can you please translate Dora? Thank you so much! :-)

  27. Hi, I was wondering if there is a translation for “lost love” or something that has somewhat of the same meaning as “Saudade” which is Portuguese. Thanks :)

  28. Hi, would somebody translate this word “ulacoraifal” in arab?
    this wold means a lot to me, i wanna get a tatoo

    • كن التغير الذي تريد ان تراه في العالم

    • كن التغيير الذي تريد أن تراه في العالم

    • كن التغييرالذي تريد أن تشهده في العالم


    • Chloe = كلوي
      Marc = مارك
      Trey = تراي
      Elle-May = إيل – ماي
      Taylor = تايلور
      Sofia = صوفيا

  30. I’m looking to get an arabic tattoo sometime this week, and am worried translators are not going to be 100 % correct. Can someone translate “I suffered I learned I changed” please? Thank you!

  31. Hey,, I really want this as a tattoo: ‘let your smile change the world, don’t let the world change your smile’ can someone please translate it? Thanksx

    • دع ابتسامتك تغير العالم Ùˆ لا تدع العالم يغير ابتسامتك
      Beautiful quote by the way!

    • let your smile change the world, don‘t let the world change your smile
      غير العالم بإبتسامتك,و لا تدع العالم يغير إبسامتك

  32. Hi,
    I am hoping to get the name Salim tattooed. I know it means peace, however there seem to be a few versions of peace in arabic, especially depending on how the name is pronounced- which one correctly reads ¨Salim ¨, pronounced Sa-leem?

  33. Pleas Translate me
    “you live what you would die” or
    “I live for what i`d die”

    Which ist Better in arabic?

    Im Form swiss thats a saying on swizerland
    = One swiss = “mann lebt wofür man sterben würde/ ich lebe wofür ich sterben würde”

    Thank you

  34. Actually, the name Sophia exists in Arabic. We have our own name for it. So it’s correctly spelled صفية. Not صوفيا.

    • That’s pronounced ‘Safiya’, though, which is different from ‘Sophia’. It depends whether she wants the Arabic version of the name, or her name spelled phonetically in Arabic.

    • Peace: سلام = Salaam
      Determination: العزيمة = Alazeemah
      Courage: الشجاعة = Alshaja’ah

    • االسلام,العزيمة Ùˆ الشجاعة
      and this is how you pronounce it
      al-salaam,al-azima ,a-chaja’a

    • Lea Jaspar= لي جاسبر english (A) sound like ly jaspar
      Lea Jaspar= ليّا جاسبر french (A) sound like leya jaspar

    • لا تفقد الامل , الالم ينتهي
      لا تفقد الأمل سينتهي الألم

    • Hold on pain ends = تماسك فالألم يزول = hold on pain will disappear

      تماسك فالالم يختفي is the same choose one

    • تحمل فإن الألم سيزول
      أصبر فالألم سينتهي

    • She flies with her own wings /idont know what you mean with this is it hide any meaning!
      if not then this is the translation = تطير بجناحيها = / She flies with her own wings /She flies with her wings

      I fly with my own wings = اطير بجناحي

    • She flies with her own wings
      طارت بجناحيها
      I fly with my own wings
      أطير بأجنحتي
      best translation you can get.
      you’re welcome.

    • السلام، Ùˆ الحب، Ùˆ السعادة = Peace, love, and happiness

      تانڤير رازا = Tanveer Raza

    • peace , love and happiness
      السلام , الحب و الحرية

      tanveer raza
      تانفير رازا

    • peace, love and happiness = سلام حب Ùˆ سعادة
      arabic language reading from right to left make sure you write it the same as you see it
      tanveer raza is this a english wordØŸ OR JUST YOUR NAME

    • peace, love and happiness
      سلام,حب و سعادة
      tanveer raza
      تانفير رازا

  35. Hi! I found out that my name in arabic means light and i want to tattoo it so can you please tell me how is light on arabic? Thank you very much :)

  36. How do you translate: “Determination” in Arabic and also “She flies with her own wings.” ?
    I really want to get determination on my right ankle and want to make sure I don’t tattoo something like ‘cheese’ on it. Your help will be amazingly appreciated!

    • determination actually has a lot of synonyms in Arabic it could be = عزيمة or إصرار
      she flies with her own wings = تحلّق بأجنحتها

  37. Hi, I want a tattoo in arabic soon but I need someone to translate the phrases for me. The phrases are “Whom God Hath Promised” and “Walk By Faith Not By Sight”. I would really appreciate it if you could translate them.

  38. Can someone please translate the names ” Abigail ” & ” Taha ” in arabic?
    And ” everlasting love ” or ” Forever ”

    Thank you so much!

    • it actually depends if it’s for male or female
      for female it’s = جميلة كالسّماء
      for male it’s = جميل كالسّماء

    • “endure and keep strong” has to versions for female and male
      for male = تحمّل وابقَ قوياً
      for female = تحمّلي وابقَي قوية
      “life must go on!” = ّالحياة لا بد أن تستمر! or الحياة ستستمرّ

    • if it’s for a male it’s ” لا تقلق، كن سعيداً”
      if it’s for female then it’s “لا تقلقي، كوني سعيدة”
      remember to start from right to left!

  39. wow some of those people have very bad tattoos some are spelled wrong and some of them are just plain wrong
    people if you are interested in Arabic tattoos then focus on the calligraphy and never use google translator

    • i’m assuming that your name is bryan bullock

      brayn in arabic is = براين

      bullock in arabic is =بولك

      the full name in arabic would be:

      براين بولك

      make sure that you remember that arabic starts from right to left!

  40. Hi,
    can anybody translate “Be at the feet of your mother and it’s paradise there…” in Arabic and also its pronunciation.

  41. I cant believe how many of these are REALLY messed up. I am not even a native Arabic speaker, I just took a couple of years in school and am married to an Arab. Wow, just wow. I suggest people talk to a native Arabic speaker before they put something on themselves for life.

  42. Can someone please translate العينان لا تنفعان عندما يكون العقل أعمى

    • it says:” eyes are useless when the brain is blind”

      or:” eyes don’t matter if the brain is blind”

      something along these lines and btw the arabic grammar is perfect so if you want it tattooed go for it!

  43. Hello!!! I’m from Romania and i would really appreciate if anybody could translate for me ” Heart of a lion” in Arabic. It means a lot to me, thanks !

  44. Approximately 90% of these tattoos are embarrassingly wrong. They mean absolutely nothing in Arabic and have clearly been “translated” (if you can call it that) incorrectly.
    For example, the first tattoo was propabalu trying to say “‘Mary”. It is not connected, and backwards , and reads “aryam” in Arabic.
    The one that says “Karl” looks like someone hit four random buttons on an Arabic keyboard and does not say Karl.

    The rest are pretty much all screwed up.

    Find a speaker who can translate for you before you get inked.

  45. Hi. My name is Victoria from Romania (EUROPE) and i want that someone could translate MY LIFE, AS A VICTORY . The idea is to put my name as a motto of my life…. i’ve asked some persons from Egypt but i can’t trust them so much. I wish i could recieve an e-mail … for the printable word spelling … of this is possible… thank u so much. :)

  46. And an other thing…. is it true that VICTORY it is called ENTISAR… or INTISAR in arrabic language???!! Please write with the big space between words to see them well and if is possible i would like to see the both spellings… arrabic letters and common letters. I wish so much to spell the sentence wright. Thks.. for understanding. Kisses from me.

  47. Pls pls…. what is the arabic translation of “MY LIFE, AS A VICTORY” ?!? Spelling and how could i pronunce iT… VICTORY = ENTISAR (INTISAR)? THKS

    • yea you’re right victory means انتصار (intisar)
      however im not sure how to translate the sentence it could go like this ” حياتي، كانتصار” (hayaty ka intisar)
      remember to start from right to left

  48. These are some of the most rediculous examples of arabic I’ve ever seen. IF YOU DONT KNOW ARABIC, DON’T GET AN ARABIC TATTOO. Thats the lesson we should all learn here. Let me just pioint out a few of these idiots above:
    Karl is not L-K-A-E….. and half of these are written backwards. Meaning, the letters are in order like english would read (left to right) but should be right to left. So many of them are disconnected, which is a dead give away that you have no idea what someone just permanently tattoo’d on your body. Arabic is a language only written in cursive form. I’m an Arabic translator, let me tell you hard my coworkers and I laughed at these….

  49. I desperately want to get a tattoo in arabic that says “strengthen me”
    but i am getting all these different answers and so worried. Open to proverbs or sayings that represent the same. Could someone kindly please reach and translate “strengthen me” from right to left (the proper way?) ?


  50. hi, can someone translate for me, family is forever or family forever or something similar in arabic, if its different to the two i’ve mentioned please let me know the meaning.

      • Still doesn’t make any sense. Both of these are not abbreviated at all, and only the second one is similar to what the English sentence means. But it doesn’t work despite of that, because it starts with “a” and “to return” doesn’t. Word plays are insanely difficult to translate. One could of course try something like: “حبت ((ر-ÙŠ-ب)) كان بمعنى ((ارجع، يا حازم!”. But where’s the point in that?

        In any case “I miss you Hazem” is easy: “مشتاق لك يا حازم”.

        People, there are quite a lot of comments here saying this already, but PLEASE make sure the words and letters look PROPERLY before you get them inked into your skin. Even copying and pasting something from here doesn’t guarantee that, only showing them to someone who knows how to read the language will!

  51. some of these tattoos are awful! the one that supposed to say “karl” does not even say “karl” when you pronounce the arabic letters!!! the one that says “dominique” is especially awful!!!

  52. Could I please have this translated please ( الحب والسلام والوحدة واحدة ) I am hoping that this translate to
    ( Love and peace, unity as one) , if this is wrong please could you correct it for me, thank you

    • الحب والسلام والتعاضد سوياً
      Is more accurate.
      You have to note that the same sentence can have many translations in Arabic but what i posted is the closest to good Arabic.
      Remember the arabic is written from right to left.

    • سنلتقي جميعا في الجنة
      Remember arabic is from right to left

  53. Hi, some of the comments have covered this point, but just to emphasize, a lot of these people have absolute rubbish written on them, either words which do not exist in Arabic, or written in a way which the Arabic language does not allow – for instance – only some letters may be joined to each other, sometimes on only one side. Also, you cannot just write the letters which make up a word singly if they should be joined – that is, it is not like English where you can write a word in capitals. I think the messsage is – don’t get a tatoo which you cannot understand, or at least have someone with you who can read the language.

  54. oh my goodness! these poor people!!!!!!! so many of these are written in a horribly incorrect way. imagine someone writing a sentence backward and upside-down with spelling errors, a letter or two that doesn’t even exist and some other random error, and that is what half of these tattoos look like. the absolute worst are the ones which don’t connect the cursive Arabic letters together, which is what forms the essence of the beauty in this language’s writing, with its elegant connections. if all your letters are SEPARATE in Arabic, your tattoo is simply ridiculous. even someone with no knowledge whatsoever of Arabic can kind of see that something is wrong. it just looks odd. and even worse with the letters written backwards. mash’allah!

  55. If you want to translate anything frim french/english to Arabic send me an email with your sentence and i will gladly do it for you. Its a shame to see such wonderful people who like to get inked in Arabic doing it wrong…



  56. I have two girls and their names are Miranda and Danyelle. Could some one translate this phase for me.
    “My two angels Miranda and Danyelle” thank you

    • Either:

      ملكتايَ ميراندة ودانيالة

      Note that western names are sometimes difficult to write in Arabic script. One reason is that Arabic only has three vowels, a/i/u – there is no e (except for some of the dialects, but it can’t be written anyways). So the above reads like “Meeraanda” and “Daneeyaala” – the reason for the loooong vowels being that it has become sort of customary to use loooong vowels (Arabic distinguishes between long and short vowels) with western names to make it clearer how to pronounce them.

      Keeping all this in mind, you could also do this:

      ملكتايَ مِرَنْدَة ودَنْيَلَة

      Here, so-called vowelisation signs have been used to help with pronounciation. This is less common but more aesthetically pleasing. I would transcribe it back into English as “Miranda” (with the “r” being a rrrolled one like in Spanish) and “Danyala”. Unfortunately, it doesn’t get much closer than this with your second daughter’s name. In case the “e” at the end isn’t pronounced, “Danyal” would of course be possible. Then it becomes:

      ملكتايَ مِرَنْدَة ودَنْيَل

      The first word (remember to read from right to left!) makes use of the dual, which is like singular or plural in English but always means “two of something”, in this case angels. The little wavy sign at the end of the word makes it “*my* two angels”. This dual stuff is not usually done in day-to-day language but is often used in literature, poetry, etc.

  57. Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but the one that’s supposed to say ‘butterfly’ isn’t faded, it’s actually horribly infected and is just now looking like it’s starting to heal, though it’ll never look ‘quite right’ after an infection like that unless it gets retouched.

  58. Hi can any arabic-knowing person help give me the words believer, traveler, thinker, and dreamer but all separately please, thank you.

  59. Please anyone, make sure that you have a native speaker of the language you’re about to engrave in your body because half of these pictures have wrong words or interpretation. Never trust Google and some sentences can’t just be, for example in English we say nice car but in Arabic we say car nice


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