36 Sweet Graffiti Characters


Graffiti are an interesting form of art that are made by drawing or spraying on walls or other surfaces in public places. Graffiti uses lots of colors that are either sprayed or scrawled on a large surface, making them look very attractive and fascinating. This fast developing form of art is popular not only for its controversies but also for its unique style of use of colors. Spray paints and marker pens are mostly used for graffiti. Simple colorful paintings to large detailed wall paintings are common forms of graffiti.

Graffiti have been in prevalence from ancient times. Greeks, Romans and Egyptians covered walls, rocks and caves with graffiti that denoted the lifestyle and languages of the people. Nowadays, we can see graffiti on abandoned building walls, latrines, subways and lonely bridges. Graffiti characters include words, numbers and even symbolic designs that have significant meanings. Though graffiti are beautiful, there are a lot of controversies that surround them, as graffiti are used to denote strong political and social messages. They are considered to be illegal in most of the countries. The following post is a collection of amazing and interesting Graffiti pictures.

Perfect Tune

The girl playing the flute, will not only make you lose your mind with her tune but also fascinate you with vivid colors.

Perfect Tune

Perfect Tune

Funny Face Graffiti

Simple yet attractive, this graffiti character implies lots of hidden meanings.

Funny Face Graffiti

Funny Face Graffiti

Awesome Art

Exquisite design with lovely details and colors make this a magnificent piece of art.

Awesome Art

Awesome Art

Funny Worms Graffiti

Funny looking worm graffiti looks attractive with lots of interesting details.

Funny Worms Graffiti

Funny Worms Graffiti

Toronto Graffiti

Lively with vivid colors and hidden meanings, this is an interesting graffiti design.

Toronto Graffiti

Toronto Graffiti

Big Nose

This funny painting on the wall looks interesting from a perspective angle.

Big Nose

Big Nose

Two Characters

Animated characters with interesting expressions look amazing on a colorful background.

Two Characters

Two Characters

Angry Character

This fascinating graffiti design beautifully expresses the anger of the animated character.

Angry Character

Angry Character

Mask Graffiti

Bright red and black mask graffiti looks fascinating with a clear message.

Mask Graffiti

Mask Graffiti

Colorful Graffiti

Funny looking characters and colorful background make this graffiti very attractive.

Colorful Graffiti

Colorful Graffiti

Fluorescent Graffiti

Two graffiti characters in bright and attractive fluorescent colors are attention grabbing.

Fluorescent Graffiti

Fluorescent Graffiti

Two Faces

This interesting graffiti clearly sends out a message to let go of all your inhibitions.

Two Faces

Two Faces

Man And Woman

These two colorful graffiti characters, carry a message as funny as them.

Man And Woman

Man And Woman

No Pity

Cute graffiti character with a pity expression looks amazing and captivating.

No Pity

No Pity

Burning Skull

This meaningful graffiti of a burning skull is done elaborately covering an entire wall.

Burning Skull

Burning Skull

Wall Graffiti

This unique and abstract looking graffiti, makes a bold and daring statement to all.

Wall Graffiti

Wall Graffiti

Colorful Face

Beautiful art with exquisite details, make this graffiti stand out from the rest.

Colorful Face

Colorful Face

Lock And Key

Elaborately done graffiti covers an entire side of a building. It carries a deep meaning only to the eyes of the observer.

Lock And Key

Lock And Key

Art Graffiti

An abandoned building wall gets a fresh makeover with this lovely colorful graffiti.

Art Graffiti

Art Graffiti


Funny looking colorful graffiti character looks attractive in a vivid background.



Happy Character

This colorful graffiti character sends out a special message to its observer.

Happy Character

Happy Character

Creepy Character

This creepy graffiti character in gray and black colors will send a chill down your spine.

Creepy Character

Creepy Character

Tribal Graffiti Character

Cleverly designed graffiti character looks amazing with lots of colors.

Tribal Graffiti Character

Tribal Graffiti Character

Green Hair

Elegant girl graffiti character with lots of details adorns the walls of a building.

Green Hair

Green Hair

Artistic Graffiti

Elaborate details and vivid colors make this graffiti special. The different characters add a meaning to the art.

Artistic Graffiti

Artistic Graffiti


This amazing graffiti carries a special and interesting meaning. It looks fascinating with lots of colors.



Lady Graffiti

Pretty lady graffiti character in attractive colors looks fascinating and interesting.

Lady Graffiti

Lady Graffiti

Yellow Graffiti

An unused wall gets a colorful restoration with this attractive graffiti.

Yellow Graffiti

Yellow Graffiti

Comic Graffiti

Simple yet attractive, this graffiti character carries a lot of meaning.

Comic Graffiti

Comic Graffiti

Colorful Characters

Ingeniously designed with colorful characters, this graffiti is an exquisite and meaningful art.

Colorful Characters

Colorful Characters

Man Graffiti

This colorful graffiti of a man makes a bold political statement.

Man Graffiti

Man Graffiti

Next Again

This graffiti looks cool and interesting with a funny looking graffiti monkey character.

Next Again

Next Again

Excellent Artwork

Creatively designed with excellent details, this artwork is a masterpiece.

Excellent Artwork

Excellent Artwork

Scary Artwork

Beautiful artwork with clever use of colors, make this an excellent art.

Scary Artwork

Scary Artwork

Fun Girl Art

Attractive graffiti character with funny expression makes it a perfect art on the wall.

Fun Girl Art

Fun Girl Art

Red Character

Clever design combined with bright and vivid colors, makes this an exquisite graffiti.

Red Character

Red Character


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  1. Wow these graffiti characters are so cool and the wall on which these designs are made is looking very much decorated.

  2. Hey Nice Characters,Artistic Graffiti Character shows Elaborate details and vivid colors make this graffiti special. The different characters add a meaning to the this arts.thanks.

  3. Very sweet indeed and very nicely done graffiti designs showed here. So love most of it in this collection. Great compilation!


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