26 Cool Tribal Tattoos You Should Check Today


Are you looking for cool tattoo ideas that are bold and wild? Going into the rich tribal communities of human civilization can be an inspiration for a host of interesting designs. The tribes in different parts of the world feature tattoos in many of their rituals. These stunning and bold motifs get incorporated by tattoo artists, who add their personal spin to the design.

Every tribe has its own customs, patterns and symbolic meanings associated with tattoos. When the designs are used by tattoo artists, the meanings get transformed. Whether it is the intricate tattoos associated with Maori tribes people, or stunning colorful designs of the Mexican tribes, tattoo art has a huge variety and range. What makes the designs interesting is their play of lines, and use of geometric symbols to depict complex belief systems of the tribe. Most of the Cool Tribal Tattoos feature motifs drawn from the world of nature and human activities. Fantasy themes like dragons and other esoteric animals often feature in tattoos, highlighting the rich tribal myths and legends. Using negative space and simple yet powerful patterns, is common to most tribal tattoos. Check out this assortment of attractive tattoos that showcase different primitive tribal patterns.

If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Southern Cross Tattoos, Lea Michele Tattoos, Tiki Tattoos and Traditional Tattoos.

Complex Tribal Tattoo

Patterns resembling hills feature in this powerful tribal inspiration forearm tattoo.

Complex Tribal Tattoo

Complex Tribal Tattoo

Stunning Design

Powerful curvy lines form the boundary of this wings theme tattoo on the upper back.

Stunning Design

Stunning Design

Nature Inspiration

A pair of flowers with blue centers combines with strong tribal curvy lines.

Nature Inspiration

Nature Inspiration

Back Design

Take a look at the strong lines and negative space used to create this stunning abstract motif.

Back Design

Back Design

Tribal Design

In this tribal design tattoo in black, the use of negative space creates a powerful impression.

Tribal Design

Tribal Design

Tribal Theme Tattoo

Sharp angles give a powerful and mysterious look to the 8 shaped tattoo in black.

Tribal Theme Tattoo

Tribal Theme Tattoo

Tribal Myth Tattoo

The strong flowy lines of tribal patterns have been used to create this stunning raging bull tattoo.

Tribal Myth Tattoo

Tribal Myth Tattoo

Tribal Wisdom

The bold black lines give a power and grace to the figure of the flying eagle.

Tribal Wisdom

Tribal Wisdom

Tribal Ink Art

The smoothly inked black lines create a wavy feel near the collar bones. A smartly inked tribal tattoo.

Tribal Ink Art

Tribal Ink Art

Primitive Inspiration

The face of Jesus uses traditional tribal patterns for inspiration. A unique tattoo idea.

Primitive Inspiration

Primitive Inspiration

Inspired Polynesian Theme

A circle surrounded by concentric bands is given an interesting look with tribal patterns.

Inspired Polynesian Theme

Inspired Polynesian Theme

Covered Tribal Patterns

The fine black outline gives a bold look to the shaded brown areas in this upper back tattoo design.

Covered Tribal Patterns

Covered Tribal Patterns

New Tribal Pattern Idea

A densely inked combination of feathers and curvy patterns is the highlight of the tattoo.

New Tribal Pattern Idea

New Tribal Pattern Idea

Blended Pattern

Sinuous lines have been used to ink this head of a fox, drawing on tribal art for inspiration.

Blended Pattern

Blended Pattern

Borrowing From Tribal Ideas

Black lines spread outward in bold dancing patterns. A knife sits at the center of the design.

Borrowing From Tribal Ideas

Borrowing From Tribal Ideas

Natural Tribal Idea

The negative space gives a dramatic and bold look to the scorpion tattoo.

Natural Tribal Idea

Natural Tribal Idea

Island Tribal Design

Strong brown and black patterns bring out the face of a deer with antlers.

Island Tribal Design

Island Tribal Design

Ancient Design

In this back tattoo, bold black lines with sharp angles make up an abstract design.

Ancient Design

Ancient Design

Inspiration Roots

Check out the powerful waves with sharp corners and lines making up this tribal tattoo.

Inspiration Roots

Inspiration Roots

Source Energy Tribal

The geometric figure with overlapping squares is surrounded by fiery patterns.

Source Energy Tribal

Source Energy Tribal

Bird Tribal Style

A dance of bold black lines is the highlight of this tattoo. Check out the red motif contained in the heart shape.

Bird Tribal Style

Bird Tribal Style

Cosmic Tribal Design

The infinity tattoo is inked in a bold tribal design, with blue used for the shading.

Cosmic Tribal Design

Cosmic Tribal Design

Contemporary Tribe

Intricate play with lines, shaded areas and spots brings out the form of a turtle.

Contemporary Tribe

Contemporary Tribe

A New Tribal Tattoo

Check out the stunning collar bones tattoo featuring a decorative play of geometric patterns.

A New Tribal Tattoo

A New Tribal Tattoo

Tribal Flight

The bold tribal inspiration of the lines combines with delicate butterflies in this design.

Tribal Flight

Tribal Flight

Elemental Tattoo

Red, blue and yellow fires play in tandem in this circular upper arm tattoo.

Elemental Tattoo

Elemental Tattoo


  1. I like Natural Tribal Idea tattoo very much,indeed its very good,it gives a dramatic and bold look to the scorpion tattoo…good post,thanks for sharing….

  2. This is a very cool collection of tribal tattoos. I liked all the tattoo displayed here they are very unique in design.

  3. I’d like to have the Tribal Myth Tattoo inked in my shoulder next Sinulog Fiestival in Cebu, Philippines. That would look very nice in my shoulder. Looking forward to it. Save the design. ^^ Thanks!

  4. Nice idea’s,I love Bird Tribal Style Tattoo very much,its giving Stunning look to my eyes,i love all this tattoo’s so much.


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