30 Vine Tattoos For Nature Lovers


Vine tattoos are the most feminine way of decorating parts of body with ink art.

The vine tattoos look very attractive with well-detailed floral designs.

Vines are mostly made in spiraling designs and they are seen either on the leg or the shoulders.

You may also find amazing vine tattoo example as full back pieces. These vine designs dazzle with leafy and colorful patterns. However the patterns might differ depending upon whether it vine is tribal or realistic about design.

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Foot Vine

Artistic flowers in great colors hanging to a vine, tattooed on leg.

Foot Vine

Foot Vine

Foot Tattoo

Great spring-themed flowers, leaves and a beautiful vine pattern.

Foot Tattoo

Foot Tattoo

Vine Stamp Pattern Tattoo

Well detailed vine design with unusual color scheme and nice shade work.

Vine Stamp Pattern Tattoo

Vine Stamp Pattern Tattoo

Gothic Rose Vine

Flashy, overly detailed vines, swirls and black roses.

Gothic Rose Vine

Gothic Rose Vine

Hummingbird And Trumpet Vine

Pretty hummingbird with a gorgeous tiger lily flowers.

Hummingbird And Trumpet Vine

Hummingbird And Trumpet Vine

Floral Foot

A cherry blossom with a sweet black tribal vine and dot work.

Floral Foot

Floral Foot

Cool Foot Flowers

Fashionable vine of purple flowers with a hint of pink, tattooed on foot.

Cool Foot Flowers

Cool Foot Flowers

Rose And Butterfly Vine

Sleek slender vine of colorful flowers with butterflies running across the back.

Rose And Butterfly Vine

Rose And Butterfly Vine

Right Foot Vine

Tribal vine with different colored flowers, dotted pattern and name.

Right Foot Vine

Right Foot Vine

Rose Vine Rib Tattoo

Gorgeous chained roses and leaves inked on ribcage.

Rose Vine Rib Tattoo

Rose Vine Rib Tattoo

Raspberry Vines

Beautiful green vine of raspberries shaped like a question mark, looking very pretty on belly.

Raspberry Vines

Raspberry Vines

Roses On Calf

Criss-cross running long vine carrying some blossomed and some budding flowers.

Roses On Calf

Roses On Calf

Back Cool Vine

Sultry vine tattoo design for back in wonderful dark shade work and classy details.

Back Cool Vine

Back Cool Vine

Flower Power

Rainbow colored butterflies and flowers and tender vine on ankle.

Flower Power

Flower Power

The Vine Guy

Extreme enthusiasm for tattooing, especially vines.

The Vine Guy

The Vine Guy

Floral Vine

Little purple flowers hanging to a small swirling vine.

Floral Vine

Floral Vine

Curly Vine

Glossy cluster of pink flowers tucked to a vine inked on foot.

Curly Vine

Curly Vine

Vine Tattoo

Small tribal vine with small leaves and simple details.

Vine Tattoo

Vine Tattoo

Freehand Vine

Stylish and sleek ankle band of a slender vine with flowers and leaves.

Freehand Vine

Freehand Vine

Butterfly And Vine Tattoo

Ostentatious black vines and swirls with sparkling butterflies.

Butterfly And Vine Tattoo

Butterfly And Vine Tattoo

Arm Vine

Sultry floral vine wrapped around the upper arm.

Arm Vine

Arm Vine

Flowers On Foot

Cute style statement having a fashionable floral vine on foot.

Flowers On Foot

Flowers On Foot

Shoulder Vine Rose

Big well-detailed roses of different shades tucked onto a vine.

Shoulder Vine Rose

Shoulder Vine Rose

Paula Vine

Vine of mystic blue leaves and a little magician with wings.

Paula Vine

Paula Vine

My Ivy Vine

Lovely hippy shades of green and red making it a really cool vine design for back.

My Ivy Vine

My Ivy Vine

Vine And Butterfly

Nice looking green vine with two flowers and a butterfly above it.

Vine And Butterfly

Vine And Butterfly

Tribal Vines

Gorgeous design of a tribal vine with bright colored flowers.

Tribal Vines

Tribal Vines

Foot On Boat

Henna-inspired design of vine for an attractive traditional tattoo on foot.

Foot On Boat

Foot On Boat

Back Vine Flowers

Large, flashy vine with dark shaded flowers inked across the spine.

Back Vine Flowers

Back Vine Flowers

Beccamary Foot Tattoo

Chic tribal vine in sleek style and black color inked on centre of the foot.

Beccamary Foot Tattoo

Beccamary Foot Tattoo

Rose Vine Leg

Pink and red roses with lush green leaves on a black vine tattooed on leg.

Rose Vine Leg

Rose Vine Leg

Rib Vine Tattoo

Spectacular large ribcage piece of tiger lilies vine with big green leaves.

Rib Vine Tattoo

Rib Vine Tattoo

Shoulder Floral Vine

A vine of lots of cherry blossoms on shoulder for good fortune and happiness.

Shoulder Floral Vine

Shoulder Floral Vine

Lower Back Vine

A dark rose with thorny horizontal vive, tattooed on lower back.

Lower Back Vine

Lower Back Vine

Growing Vine

Big raspberries vine on shoulder and swallow bird on back.

Growing Vine

Growing Vine



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