11 Very Appealing African Flower Tattoo Designs


Though there are many African-oriented tattoos that exist today, perhaps none carry as much meaning and employ as much beauty as the African flower tattoo. In addition to being extremely fun for tattoo artists to do, this design looks amazing and is worn by people of many cultures – not just those of an African descent. So, to properly showcase this design for those who haven’t seen it, while also giving those who have seen it, a gallery to look through, we have created the list below. Compiled of 11 incredible African flower tattoos, sure to blow your mind, here is our list!

1. A Very Unique, Colorless African Flower Back Tattoo

Though this is only the outline, it gives you a great idea of how nice these tattoos actually look – whether they are colored in or not!

A Very Unique, Colorless African Flower Back Tattoo

2. Two Very Realistic Looking African Flowers

Done in blue and pink ink, these two African flowers look nice and certainly stand out well!

Two Very Realistic Looking African Flowers

3. A Woman, A Tiger, And An African Flower

Another great African flower back tattoo, that is as meaningful as it is beautiful!

A Woman, A Tiger, And An African Flower

4. An African Violet Rib Tattoo

Another great African flower option – the purple violet!

An African Violet Rib Tattoo

5. Another Great African Violet Flower Tattoo

Perhaps even better and more realistic looking than the last one!

Another Great African Violet Flower Tattoo

6. A Red And Green African Flower Lower Back Tattoo

The lower back is certainly not the most common area for African flower tattoos, however, this design does look great!

A Red And Green African Flower Lower Back Tattoo

7. A Darkly Outlined African Flower

Outlined with a dark shadowy circle and filled in with purple ink, this design is certainly a great choice for those interested in a bright design!

A Darkly Outlined African Flower

8. An African Mask, Surrounded By Some Beautiful African Flowers

Very appealing, and perhaps the most unique design on the entire list!

An African Mask, Surrounded By Some Beautiful African Flowers

9. An African Elephant, Encircled By Some Blue And Purple African Flowers

Due to the oval shape of this design, it fits almost perfectly on the upper leg!

An African Elephant, Encircled By Some Blue And Purple African Flowers

10. An African Continent Outline, With A Border Made Of African Flowers

Another very meaningful African flower design, likely done on someone who is from the continent themselves!

An African Continent Outline, With A Border Made Of African Flowers

11. Three African Violets

Fully colored in purple ink with some small green vines on the outside, this design certainly looks nice along the collar bone!

Three African Violets



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