30 Exceptional Gang Tattoos


Body art is an important way in which gang members show their unity. Being right on the skin, a gang tattoo tells you at once that the person’s bond with the gang goes deep. You can find Gang Tattoos showing special symbols like a blackbird or a group of skulls with the gang’s name inked intricately in the design. A piece of body art holds so many stories, from the person’s relationship with the gang to his loyalty and raw courage.

There is a whole world of Gang Tattoos that can keep you fascinated.

From items related to the gang, to pictures of weapons used in fights, to a special script, to figures symbolizing death, you can find so many kinds of tattoos.You can see many tattoos inked on a person’s face, or on his back, or even on his fingers. Often, experienced gang members get tattoos inked from their face all the way down to the chest. Take a look at these Gang Tattoos.

If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Bad Tattoos, Crazy Tattoos, Viking Tattoos and Samoan Tattoos.

Intricate Tattoos

You can see intricate designs inked all over this man’s face right down to his chest.

Intricate Tattoos

Intricate Tattoos

Spiders Forever

Fists with spider tattoos touch to show their unity.

Spiders Forever

Spiders Forever

Symbolic Tattoos

The forearm is a common place to get inked with gang symbols.

Symbolic Tattoos

Symbolic Tattoos

Ink Name

The man in this picture has a special name inked on both his forehead and neck region.

Ink Name

Ink Name

Matching Tattoos

You can see this couple sporting similar gang tattoos on the right side of their face.

Matching Tattoos

Matching Tattoos

Bird Phrase Tattoo

Featuring a picture of a bird and a phrase, this is an interesting tattoo.

Bird Phrase Tattoo

Bird Phrase Tattoo

Stomach Tattoo

This man’s stomach tattoo gives you an idea of the gang’s name.

Stomach Tattoo

Stomach Tattoo

Rough Street

Done in blue and red, this is a colorful street gang tattoo.

Rough Street

Rough Street

Go Bare

The bare upper body makes it easy to see the intricate tattoos on this man.

Go Bare

Go Bare

Gang Initials

Members of different gangs flash their gang initials tattoos.

Gang Initials

Gang Initials

Relaxed Show

As this man relaxes you can see old gang tattoos on his upper body.

Relaxed Show

Relaxed Show

Face Of Fear

This gang member shows off a sinister face tattoo on his chest.

Face Of Fear

Face Of Fear

Upper Arm Art

CFH tattoo stands for Cowboys from Hell, which is a Pantera album.

Upper Arm Art

Upper Arm Art

Black Bird

This black winged bird makes for a powerful gang tattoo.

Black Bird

Black Bird

Collar Bone Ink

You can see a script tattoo inked across this man’s collar bones.

Collar Bone Ink

Collar Bone Ink

Dead Men Tattoo

You can see an iconic tattoo of skulls symbolizing death.

Dead Men Tattoo

Dead Men Tattoo

Face Story

The numbers and symbols inked on this man’s face tell their own stories.

Face Story

Face Story

Snake And Arms

This gangster sports a large snake and weapons tattoo on his back.

Snake And Arms

Snake And Arms

Just Inked

You can see a fresh red gang symbol tattoo on the man’s fist.

Just Inked

Just Inked

Fist It

You have many gang members sporting name tattoos on their fists.

Fist It

Fist It

Gang Art

Every part of the skin you see on these two men is intricately inked.

Gang Art

Gang Art

Single Member

This gang member shows off the symbolic and number tattoos on his body.

Single Member

Single Member

Odd Ink

This man is inked not only on his face and shoulders but on defined portions of his chest.

Odd Ink

Odd Ink

Skinhead Tattoo

You can see intricate face designs with the word Skinhead inked boldly.

Skinhead Tattoo

Skinhead Tattoo

Knuckle Power

Powerful fists flash stylized script tattoos in this picture.

Knuckle Power

Knuckle Power

The Duo

See how these two men display the rose, sword, and other intricate tattoo designs.

The Duo

The Duo

Face Defined

With his high cheek bones and nose inked prominently this man has a bold look.

Face Defined

Face Defined

Black Tattoo

This gang member shows you his intricate script tattoo.

Black Tattoo

Black Tattoo

Power Tattoo

The man here has a powerful tattoo inked a little below his chest.

Power Tattoo

Power Tattoo

Left Side

On the left side of this man’s body, you can see a detailed tattoo with symbols.

Left Side

Left Side


  1. I don’t get the idea of having the tattoo on your face just like in the Face Defined tattoo design. That’s very dirty looking tattoo.

  2. Here in Texas, gang tattoos are very clear about 90% of the time if not more. But the ones that come from Latin America as the MS-13 are most likely identifiable by the MS-13.
    Certainly a lot of artwork that these gang members get can be beautiful to outright tacky-looking. But as a former convict here I want to advise anybody thinking about getting tattoos on their face to think twice because I’ve been there and done it and I seen it all in my 20 years of prison here in Texas. Think before you get a tattoo on your face because maybe you don’t care maybe you are bold and proud.
    Once you get these patches on your face you will never be able to remove it unless you pay for it through laser surgery. And if you are out in the Free World you will be identifiable and people will remember you what you look like so you will be marked everywhere you go and maybe that’s what you want.
    But if you ever plan to have a normal life and to get a job like a real man then save your face from all that because sooner or later it gets old and you will regret it deep within your soul that you ever fill your face with ink that you cannot take off unless you have the money for such surgery.
    Those who received these tattoos because they are in gangs know only one thing, blood in and blood out, only death can get you out only death can get you in for that matter. But my issue is not with them but to try to plead with the next man who is thinking about just getting a tattoo on his face because he thinks it’s cool. It’s cool only for a moment but then you have the rest of your life and you may meet a beautiful young lady that you wish you could marry but your face is tattooed up and you think she wants to be with you? There’s just too many problems so take my advice and tattoo other parts of your body other than your face.
    I have some on my face and on my neck and I wish I didn’t. It just makes me make other people that I am now trying to live in the outside world with, it makes them think that I am always a rebel or some type of gang member. As you get older again the rebel mentality grows old. And if you find God in your life than you really will wish you had never gotten those tattoos on your face. Good luck in keeping your face clear from skin deep ink of any sort. remember it may last just as long as your gang membership does which is 4life.


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