25 Astonishing Lion King Tattoo Ideas


Simba, the Lion King is one of the most adorable Walt Disney characters. Simba epitomizes adventure and fun. He makes mistakes but learns from them. His philosophy of Hakuna Matata, which means “no worries“ in the African language of Swahili, gives him a fun-filled life. But when it comes to getting his kingdom back from his demonic uncle, he shows himself as the true King of Kings. His bravery and honesty show themselves in an adverse situation.

Since he is a character loved by everyone in any form, you are bound to like a Lion King tattoo from this lovely collection.

Whenever you think of a lion, you cannot help remembering the movie Lion King. Simba, the protagonist, is the most adorable characters that Walt Disney productions have ever created. As a cub he is carefree and mischievous. As a teenager he is the typical couldn‘t-care kind of youngster. But as an adult he challenges his cruel uncle and regains his kingdom with bravery. Knowing how much everyone loves Simba, you have a choice of a lovely tattoo of Lion King from this collection. Each one is worth copying. Even the simplest ones of the baby cub Simba look great. In fact those are the most popular ones among all Lion King images.

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Simple Little Simba

This is a simple little Simba, the Lion King, tattooed to show how much the wearer likes the movie.

Simple Little Simba

Simple Little Simba

Just A Silhouette

This silhouette like tattoo of the cub Simba, the Lion King looks truly attractive.

Just A Silhouette

Just A Silhouette

Simba, The Cub

This tattoo epitomizes the design of Simba, the Lion King when he is a cub.

Simba, The Cub

Simba, The Cub

In Full Ceremony

Simba, the Lion King wearing his crown in full ceremony makes a very lovely and artistic tattoo.

In Full Ceremony

In Full Ceremony

Simple Simba Tattoo

This is one of the simplest tattoos of Simba, The Lion King but is really worth copying.

Simple Simba Tattoo

Simple Simba Tattoo

Love Theme

Simba and Nala pose together in a romantic scene in this artistically designed Lion King tattoo.

Love Theme

Love Theme

Lion‘s Crowned Mane

Just the outline of Simba‘s mane with a crown on top of it symbolizes the Lion King theme in this lovely tattoo.

Lion‘s Crowned Mane

Lion‘s Crowned Mane

Artistic Lion King

This tattoo is a very ornate and artistic representation of Simba, the Lion King merging with other patterns.

Artistic Lion King

Artistic Lion King

Lion King Cub

The cub Samba looks very cute in this simple yet typical design of the Lion King tattoo.

Lion King Cub

Lion King Cub

Hakuna Matata

The Swahili phrase meaning “no worries“ is a way of life for Simba, Lion King who is tattooed so artistically.

Hakuna Matata

Hakuna Matata

Picture Of Power

The sheer power of a lion can be seen in Simba, the Lion King‘s expression in this artistic tattoo.

Picture Of Power

Picture Of Power

Baby Samba Has No Worries

Samba, the Lion King‘s sibling has been tattooed very artistically so that it is worth imitating.

Baby Samba Has No Worries

Baby Samba Has No Worries

Glorious Lion King

The royal status of Simba, the Lion King with his glorious mane and crown cannot be missed in this tattoo.

Glorious Lion King

Glorious Lion King

Cub Adventures

The adventurous Simba, the Lion King are tattooed beautifully with the Swahili words that mean no worries.

Cub Adventures

Cub Adventures

Furry Mane

Simba, the Lion King as a cub with a furry mane makes a very unusual and imaginative tattoo.

Furry Mane

Furry Mane

Very Simple Simba

This must be the simplest yet most graphically attractive tattoo of Simba, the Lion King as a cub.

Very Simple Simba

Very Simple Simba

Zodiac Sign Simba

Simba, the Lion King wearing a crown is tattooed very artistically representing the zodiac sign Leo.

Zodiac Sign Simba

Zodiac Sign Simba


Simba, the Lion King is tattooed very artistically with his twin Samba. They look great together.



Garlanded Simba

A garlanded Simba, the Lion King, looks very adorable as a cub in this realistic tattoo.

Garlanded Simba

Garlanded Simba

Bright Little Simba

The cute Simba, the Lion King as a cub has been designed in bright yellow and orange making a lovely tattoo.

Bright Little Simba

Bright Little Simba

Simba in Repose

Simba watches over his kingdom even in repose in this lovely Lion King tattoo.

Simba in Repose

Simba in Repose

Grey And Red Simba

Simba as a cub looks adorable in this Lion King tattoo in a lovely combination of grey and red.

Grey And Red Simba

Grey And Red Simba

Mischievous Simba

Simba the mischievous cub is playing with a butterfly in this colorful and artistic Lion King tattoo.

Mischievous Simba

Mischievous Simba

Typical Simba

This design is the typically artistic one of Simba as a cub making it a lovely Lion King tattoo.

Typical Simba

Typical Simba

Just Grey

Black outline and just grey shading may sound simple yet this tattoo of Simba the Lion King looks adorable.

Just Grey

Just Grey


  1. has whoever made this post ever seen a single Lion King movie? Firstly the ‘artistic’ ‘silhouette’ ‘typical’ ‘simple’ design of the young simba cub is in the movie. When simba is born Rafiki draws this exact image in the movie inside of a tree, when the king mufasa and cub simba are presumed dead he smears through this drawing on the tree bark. Secondly the “Lion King as a cub with a furry mane makes a very unusual and imaginative tattoo” Uhm… also in the movie. This is when after running away to the jungle simba is questioning his destiny and falls onto a hill stirring leaves and flowers to become airborne, which somehow make it to the baboon Rafiki who smells the flowers and says “simba?!” then in a crazy joyous out burst runs back to the tree where the original simba cub drawing had been, and using the content of the fruit he had been eating rubs a red smear mane around the young cub image, knowing by now simba was grown. Lastly who the heck is Samba? if there is a foreign version of this film in which simba has a brother then ok, but as far as I am aware simba had no siblings. His only competition to rule pride rock was his uncle Scar who killed Mufasa (Scars brother and simbas father) and presumed simba dead this is who simba has the battle with at the end of the movie to reclaim pride rock. Even if there is an existing foreign version in which simba has some brother named samba the tattoo shown is clearly of Kiara and Kovu. Kiara is Simba’s daughter from the second movie, and Kovu is a decendant of Scar. This sounded like some presentation i would prepare 5 minutes before class about a subject id done no research on.

  2. It isn’t Simba’s brother in the image the brother consists of:
    Kovu: On the left looking unsure about wether or not he likes Kiara and
    Kiara: On the right looking at Kovu in an adoring way.

    Both of these characters are from the second film and Simba’s brother is called Kopa.


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