15 Amazing Good Vs. Evil Tattoos

Good Vs

Partially terrifying and partially beautiful, good vs. evil tattoo designs are beloved by many people, and act as a reminder that both positivity and negativity exist in the world.

Good vs. evil tattoos were made famous long ago by the happy and sad masked faces, and as you may have imaged, a lot of new designs and spin offs have been thought of since.

To showcase some of the best good vs. evil tattoos, while also giving readers some amazingly unique artwork to look at, we have put together the list below.

Comprised of only the best and most creative designs we could find, here are 15 amazing good vs. evil tattoos!

1. A Good Skull, An Evil Skull, And A Quote

Two very opposite skulls fighting against each other, and an old Shakespearian quote reading, “cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war.”

A Good Skull, An Evil Skull, And A Quote

2. A Nice Grey Ink Good Vs. Evil Chest And Shoulder Design

Featuring an angel and a demon, this chest piece tattoo is another great example of how neat good vs. evil tattoos are.

A Nice Grey Ink Good Vs. Evil Chest And Shoulder Design

3. Jesus Vs. Satan…In An Arm Wrestling Match

A very literal and very unique way to get their point across…

Jesus Vs. Satan…In An Arm Wrestling Match

4. An Evil Demon Screaming In The Face Of A Beautiful Angel

Perhaps euphimizing the way our fears and insecurities seem to approach and come at us..

An Evil Demon Screaming In The Face Of A Beautiful Angel

5. A Very Colorful Good Vs. Evil Heart Tattoo

A vibrantly metaphoric way of symbolizing Jesus and satan fighting for your heart.

A Very Colorful Good Vs. Evil Heart Tattoo

6. Jesus Being Approached By Evil..

Though no color is used in this tattoo, it is perhaps the most realistic design on the entire list!

Jesus Being Approached By Evil..

7. Expressing Good Vs. Evil With Two Small Birds

As if one bird having a halo and the other one having horns wasn’t enough, a banner reading “good vs. evil” is also included.

Expressing Good Vs. Evil With Two Small Birds

8. Another Neat Good Vs. Evil Chest Piece Tattoo

This one featuring not only a good vs. evil banner, but the two masked faces as well!

Another Neat Good Vs. Evil Chest Piece Tattoo

9. Good Vs. Evil Babies

For anyone who thinks the preceding tattoos are a bit much, this subtle design might be a good choice.

Good Vs. Evil Babies

10. A Scary Demon, Attacking An Angel From The Heavens

A very complex design, featuring an evil soul, wrestling with a beautiful angel from the skies above. There is also some additional symbolism below.

A Scary Demon, Attacking An Angel From The Heavens

11. A Good Vs. Evil Upper Arm Sleeve, Done In Black, Grey And Red

Starting off as a simple red cross, this design turned into a rather complex good vs. evil half sleeve.

A Good Vs. Evil Upper Arm Sleeve, Done In Black, Grey And Red

12. Another Great Good Vs. Evil Upper Arm Sleeve

This good vs. evil half sleeve design is not only unique, it is also realistic. Just look at how well the eye toward the top is shaded in!

Another Great Good Vs. Evil Upper Arm Sleeve

13. Jesus Flying Victoriously Over A Winged Demon

Spreading his angel wings and ready to drive a spear through this demons heart, Jesus appears to be the victor in this design!

Jesus Flying Victoriously Over A Winged Demon

14. Two Birds – One Good And One Evil

The evil bird seems rather distressed, however, the good bird appears to be carrying a brightly colored heart.

Two Birds – One Good And One Evil

15. A Darkly Colored Good Vs. Evil Back Piece

Much like many of the preceding designs, this colorless tattoo features a demon on one side and an angel on the other.

A Darkly Colored Good Vs. Evil Back Piece



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