13 Terrific Turkey Tattoo Designs


Thanksgiving is coming up quicker than some are prepared for, and very soon, people will be preparing to cook a giant turkey with all the fixings. However, there are some people who prefer not to buy their turkey from a store, but rather will go out and go hunting for a turkey of their very own. Believe it or not, some people are turkey hunters, and they even decide to get a tattoo that shows their pride in turkey hunting. Don’t believe us? Read on!

We have looked for all kind of turkey tattoos, and we have found 13 Terrific Turkey Tattoos that show turkeys themselves, tracks, and feathers too!

Once you get done looking at this list, you may have a craving for turkey before Thanksgiving comes! Okay, we have said enough because we really want you all to check these turkey tattoos out! Are you all ready to check out the list of turkey tattoos? If so, you can go ahead and scroll down now!

Turkey Arm Tattoo

Wow look at this big tom turkey in bright living color! This big turkey is really detailed showing every feather it has, and the fact that tattoo is on the arm is really cool!

Turkey Arm TattooTurkey Arm Tattoo

Colored Turkey Head Tattoo with Bullets and Pine Cones

This colored turkey tattoo is a little unusual with its bright blue head, and the fact it has bullets and pine cones all around it!

Colored Turkey Head Tattoo with Bullets and Pine ConesColored Turkey Head Tattoo with Bullets and Pine Cones

Brown Ink Turkey Tattoo on Leg

Brown ink can make any tattoo look vintage, and this leg tattoo of a turkey is quite amazing even with brown ink!

Brown Ink Turkey Tattoo on LegBrown Ink Turkey Tattoo on Leg

Turkey Track Shoulder Tattoo

Check out these turkey tracks tattooed on the back of the shoulder, are they not really cool?

Turkey Track Shoulder TattooTurkey Track Shoulder Tattoo

Colored Turkey Leg Tattoo

This colored tattoo of a big turkey is quite impressive because of how amazing the color is. This tattoo is very life-like, and it looks like it can step right off of the leg and walk around!

Colored Turkey Leg TattooColored Turkey Leg Tattoo

Turkey Feather Arm Tattoo

This is a very simple turkey feather tattoo, but it is still an amazing tattoo because it is bright, colorful, and shows that the person who owns it loves turkeys!

Turkey Feather Arm TattooTurkey Feather Arm Tattoo

Black Ink Turkey Feather Leg Tattoo

This black tattoo of a turkey feather is very plain and simple, but that’s just fine because who wouldn’t want such a cool tattoo on their own leg?

Black Ink Turkey Feather Leg TattooBlack Ink Turkey Feather Leg Tattoo

Turkey Track Foot Tattoo

This turkey tattoo on the foot is not of the bird itself, or even the feathers, but the tracks that go along the foot and it’s pretty cool!

Turkey Track Foot TattooTurkey Track Foot Tattoo

Colored 3-D Turkey Tattoo

This 3-D turkey tattoo looks very real, and the turkey itself seems to have quite a regal expression on its face like it is the king of the woods!

Colored 3-D Turkey TattooColored 3-D Turkey Tattoo

Turkey Track Arm Tattoo with Words

Check out this single turkey track arm tattoo with a few words on it!

Turkey Track Arm Tattoo with WordsTurkey Track Arm Tattoo with Words

Turkey Tattoo with Tracks and Bird

Why not have a turkey tattoo that has both the bird and its tracks? This tattoo is doubly cool because it has both the turkey, and its tracks too going up the long arm!

Turkey Tattoo with Tracks and BirdTurkey Tattoo with Tracks and Bird

Turkey Shoulder Tattoo

Why get the whole turkey tattoo when you can get just the head itself tattooed on the shoulder? Even though half the turkey is missing, check out how much detail the tattoo has!

Turkey Shoulder TattooTurkey Shoulder Tattoo

Colored Walking Turkey Tattoo with Tree and Leaves

Wow this full colored turkey tattoo has yellow and green feathers, and it is also walking around amongst the trees and leaves!

Colored Walking Turkey Tattoo with Tree and LeavesColored Walking Turkey Tattoo with Tree and Leaves

So, were we right about the turkey tattoos coming in all shapes and sizes? Did these turkey tattoos surprise or impress you? If they have made you want to talk to us, be sure to leave us a comment below. However, if you didn’t like this tattoo list, we have links to even more lists below. All you have to do is click one and you’ll be on a new exciting list in no time. Now, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

If you liked this list of 13 Terrific Turkey Tattoos, then check out 20 Breathtaking Funny Roller Coaster Pictures, 25 Striking Funky Hairstyles, and 25 Sensational Girl Shoulder Tattoos.


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