One of the most frightening things ever, whether it is Halloween or not, is the figure of the Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper is the specter of death, and like the old saying goes, death is the one certain aspect of life that everyone can count on. However, some people like to get a tattoo of the grim reaper to show that they do not fear death. Don’t believe us, well take a look for yourselves!
We have searched the world over, and have found, 13 Ghastly Grim Reaper Tattoos. We know that once you get done looking at these tattoos, you’ll have a new appreciation for just how brave some people are, and just how creative Grim Reaper tattoos can really be! Okay, we have said enough because death can only speak for itself! Enough of our rambling though. Are you ready to check out the list of tattoos all about the Grim Reaper? If so, you can go ahead and scroll down now.
Grim Reaper Hovering Over Woman with Hourglass Tattoo
The Grim Reaper can come for any of us any time, and this tattoo shows the angel of death hovering over some poor defenseless sleeping angel!
Grim Reaper Hovering Over Woman with Hourglass Tattoo
Grim Reaper with Graveyard Tattoo
What better place for the Grim Reaper to hang around in then a graveyard? This tattoo shows the Grim Reaper hanging around a cemetery, which does seem like the perfect place for it to be!
Grim Reaper with Graveyard Tattoo
Grim Reaper Carrying Child Back Tattoo
Death can come for anyone, and in this back tattoo, it looks like the Grim Reaper is carrying a child away in its arms.
Grim Reaper Carrying Child Back Tattoo
Black Ink Grim Reaper Beckoning Tattoo
This scary tattoo shows the Grim Reaper holding its hand out for whomever sees the tattoo!
Black Ink Grim Reaper Beckoning Tattoo
Grim Reaper Carrying Skull Tattoo
The Grim Reaper seems to be smiling in this tattoo, and its carrying the skull of its latest victim.
Grim Reaper Carrying Skull Tattoo
Celtic Grim Reaper with Scythe Back of Shoulder Tattoo
The figure of death is prevalent in every culture, and this tattoo shows the Celtic version of it complete with his Scythe.
Celtic Grim Reaper with Scythe Back of Shoulder Tattoo
Grim Reaper Pointing Tattoo
Who will the Grim Reaper come for next? This spooky tattoo shows the figure of death pointing at everyone!
Hooded Grim Reaper Back of Neck Tattoo
This tattoo is on the back of the neck, and it depicts a hooded Grim Reaper.
Hooded Grim Reaper Back of Neck Tattoo
Death Is Certain Life Is Not Grim Reaper Arm Tattoo
There is a saying that there are two things certain in life, death and taxes, and this tattoo agrees with that statement!
Death Is Certain Life Is Not Grim Reaper Arm Tattoo
Grim Reaper Tattoo On Front of Shoulder Tattoo with Phrase
Some Grim Reaper tattoos can be very frightening, and this is a perfect example of a scary tattoo with the phrase about death being certain for us all!
Grim Reaper Tattoo On Front of Shoulder Tattoo with Phrase
Grim Reaper Under Tree Tattoo
Whoever did this Grim Reaper tattoo really wanted to be creative because it has the Grim Reaper standing under a tree waiting for someone.
Grim Reaper Tattoo with Smile and Creatures
Sometimes the Grim Reaper has creatures that help him, and this tattoo shows the famous figure of death with two creatures.
Grim Reaper Tattoo with Smile and Creatures
Grinning Grim Reaper with Hourglass and Scythe Tattoo
The Grim Reaper is the most frightening thing ever, and with a smile, this figure is even more frightening!
Grinning Grim Reaper with Hourglass and Scythe Tattoo
So, were we right about how creative Grim Reaper tattoos can be? Did these scary tattoos surprise or impress you? If you have anything to say, be sure to leave us a comment below. However, if you didn’t like this list, we have links to even more lists below of different things that are sure to please you. All you have to do is click one and you’ll be on a new page. Now, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
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