Every year, the world looks forward to something on the Discovery Channel called Shark Week. With this amazing time, there is nothing on that channel but really cool documentaries and specials all about the deadliest predator to swim in the ocean. Not only is Shark Week popular, but the movies called Jaws are too, and even to this day, people will watch the classic movie with the giant man-eating shark. Do you all like the Jaws movies? Do you like sharks?
Some people love shark so much that they decide to get a tattoo of one, and we have the proof right here! We have found 12 Scary Shark Tattoos for 2015, because this year is the one of the shark! Okay, the time for words is over now because it is time to check out these absolutely amazing shark tattoos. Are you ready to check out the list of scary shark tattoos? If so, you can go ahead and scroll down now.
Many Sharks Swimming Back Tattoo
This person loves sharks so much that they decided to have many different kinds of sharks pull all over their back! How do you all feel about this many sharks in one area?
Many Sharks Swimming Back Tattoo
Great White Shark with Open Mouth Tattoo
Whenever Great White sharks are shown on television, the big fish has its mouth open, and this tattoo shows a Great White with its mouth nice and wide and look at those sharp pointed teeth!
Great White Shark with Open Mouth Tattoo
Great White Shark Face Tattoo
Shark tattoos are cool, but would you have one put on your face? Well, this young man decided to buck the norm, and had a tattoo put right on the side of his face! What do you think of it?
School of Hammerhead Sharks Arm Tattoo
This is an amazing tattoo on the arm of a whole school of hammerhead sharks swimming around some ancient ruins, and it doesn’t even look like a tattoo because of the blue coloring and also the amazing ink work.
School of Hammerhead Sharks Arm Tattoo
Whole Shark Arm Tattoo
Here is a beautiful shark that goes down the whole arm, and you can see its fins, and the curves of its powerful body.
Colored Great White Shark Arm Tattoo
Oh my! This is one scary tattoo because of its brilliant color, and its going right down the arm, which is a great place to put it!
Colored Great White Shark Arm Tattoo
Mad Shark Bursting out of the Water Tattoo
Now this is a cool tattoo because it looks like the shark is bursting out of the water, and it has a mad insane expression on its face.
Mad Shark Bursting out of the Water Tattoo
3-D Grey Ink Shark Tattoo
This tattoo is an exact replica of the Jaws shark from the third movie, which is in 3-D, and it does look like the shark is ready to come through the skin!
Grey Ink Swimming Shark Back Tattoo
Here is a tattoo in grey ink of a shark just swimming along in the ocean, and its pretty cool because it does look pretty realistic.
Grey Ink Swimming Shark Back Tattoo
Blue Shark Tattoo
This is one mellow shark, and its pretty impressive seeing just how detailed this shark is especially with the shape of its body.
Wide Open Mouth Shark Colored Neck Tattoo
Okay, how many of you would love to have this shark with the wide open mouth tattooed on the back of your neck? Is this now a frightening tattoo that would freak you out if you saw a shark like this?
Wide Open Mouth Shark Colored Neck Tattoo
Swimming Shark with Open Mouth
Now this shark is ready for battle! The swimming shark has stopped and turned now bearing its sharp teeth, which makes it look mega scary!
Swimming Shark with Open Mouth
So, were we right about the fact that people love sharks so much? Did these man-eating shark tattoos surprise or impress you? If you have anything to say about these tattoos, be sure to leave us a comment below. However, if you didn’t like these tattoos, we have links to even more lists below. All you have to do is click on a link, and you’ll be on a new page in no time. Now, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
If you liked this list of 12 Scary Shark Tattoos For 2015, then check out 10 Punk Rock Tattoo Ideas, 26 Lively African American Braids, and 6 Top Sources For Animated Wallpapers.