30 Beautiful Smiley Face Pictures


Technology impersonal like the computers and mobile has a way to communicate emotions through smiley face pictures. The smiley variations are visible in hotels, restaurants, on clothing lines, accessories plastic items and so on; Its stands for a culture where the graphic conveys thoughts in a discreet manner based on policy of the business house. In short it says we spread happiness. Our discord with the client is amicably told with no heart burns to both sides. Emotions are communicated through Smiley Face Pictures in the best way. On internet texting, chatting and social network sites make use of the smiley to convey a lot in less.

Smiley Face Pictures are an emoticon language of the present generation. There is a huge collection of graphics with smiley face pictures symbolically telling all. Smiley is actually a humanoid contour with different lip and eye modifications to send across emotions. The yellow base circle has dots for eyes and line for lips. Now variations of all colors are available. Think of a situation and appropriate smiley icon is available. Smiley made a beginning with a full smile happy face to keep morale high and give approval. No artistic ability is required to draw a smiley. Positivity in expressions of smiley makes one optimistic.

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Water Droplet

A smile reflected in a droplet of water…cool, happy, bouncy, mischievous, is what you will be thinking.

Water Droplet

Water Droplet

Comic Relief

The belly button adds madness to the already crazy tummy smiley. Chubby bellies are a trend too!

Comic Relief

Comic Relief

Light Beam Imperfection

An approachable amiable midget smiley face pictures on look out for long distance friends. The expressions can be judged even by a myopic.

Light Beam Imperfection

Light Beam Imperfection

Spread The Smile

A smiley within a smiley will definitely induce the sternest and grumpiest heart to melt into a pleasant smile!

Spread The Smile

Spread The Smile

Fun And Frolic Near Water Body

The smiley face pictures are balanced with decorative balloons. Smile will be your friend all along; the joy of living during leisure hours.

Fun And Frolic Near Water Body

Fun And Frolic Near Water Body

Grinning Sailboat

A happy smile says a lot. The grinning smiley sail adds to the sense of adventure and sport to the sailing holiday.

Grinning Sailboat

Grinning Sailboat

Sailing On Cool Waters

Sailing is the coolest way to make a vacation an adventure! A smiley in bright colors on the parachutes makes it greatly enjoyable.

Sailing On Cool Waters

Sailing On Cool Waters

Distasteful Gulp

Aim the ball towards the open mouth of the smiley face pictures and see its eyes expression getting distorted; a fun game to keep busy.

Distasteful Gulp

Distasteful Gulp

The City Smiles

Anyone looking at this water tank with a smiley on it would know that the people in this city are cheerful and people-friendly.

The City Smiles

The City Smiles

Dark Humor

The smiley face that is unsmiling shows the dark side of humor. The white non-smiley with a black background gives it a sinister look.

Dark Humor

Dark Humor

Share The Joke Please

Laughter is truly the best medicine. Sharing a joke with friends and family can be more enjoyable with a laughing smiley.

Share The Joke Please

Share The Joke Please

Grinning Sailboat

A happy smile says a lot. The grinning smiley sail adds to the sense of adventure and sport to the sailing holiday.

Grinning Sailboat

Grinning Sailboat

Oldies Are Welcome

Crooked style smiley face pictures in table setting welcomes senior citizens of the society to welcome meals. The hospitality is warm and cordial.

Oldies Are Welcome

Oldies Are Welcome

Pleasant Smile Wins Hearts

The simplicity of a traditional smiley can win hearts and spread a smile like nothing else can. It is a mood-changing God-given natural mechanism!

Pleasant Smile Wins Hearts

Pleasant Smile Wins Hearts

Humble Smiley

Be happy smile and say no more; we all are in the comfort zone with each other. Words are uncalled here because of smiley face pictures.

Humble Smiley

Humble Smiley

Laser Smiley

The dark night sky is lit up my laser beams to wish all audiences happy time at the event in and around the place. Smiley face pictures tell that!

Laser Smiley

Laser Smiley

Electric Smiley

The garden and the lawn look very inviting with glowing smiley face pictures at night. In the horizon the city lights add magic to the surroundings.

Electric Smiley

Electric Smiley

Games Are Fun

Ball games are a great source of quality time with family and friends. A smiley ball will enliven things even more and add to the sense of fun.

Games Are Fun

Games Are Fun

Smiley On Attire

The glowing smiley face pictures on the attire makes the user feels elevated in spirit for making use of the clothing line.

Smiley On Attire

Smiley On Attire

A Pill A Day Smiley

Illnesses makes all of us miserable but take medical treatment relaxing with a smile and you recover faster. Be an optimistic in life smiley face pictures make you relax.

A Pill A Day Smiley

A Pill A Day Smiley


Two identical men opening the mouth of the smiley are funky. The jazzy mural in the background in vivid colors adds to the effect.



Mock The World

A smiley with the tongue sticking out mocks the world as if saying “chubby bellies are cute too!“

Mock The World

Mock The World

Smiley Topping

A cylindrical smiley face pictures with a dangling tooth pick connection when placed on culinary items or desk brings positivity to the situation.

Smiley Topping

Smiley Topping

Engraved Hued Textured Smiley

Wish to enjoy like me says smiley face pictures! It is possible here and smile they say is contagious. Come with family and enjoy the fun.

Engraved Hued Textured Smiley

Engraved Hued Textured Smiley

Destruction Intolerable Area

All damages will be billed to the offender on the premises. Come and enjoy the place with delicate interiors at its best is said through smiley face pictures.

Destruction Intolerable Area

Destruction Intolerable Area

Oh! My God

An expression that speaks volumes of thoughts passing through the brain. Is something like this is possible; I just can‘t believe it says the smiley face pictures.

Oh! My God

Oh! My God

Conventional Smiley

A smiley face picture in a traditional style has pleased millions of hearts on SMS and instant messages. It has never lost its charm.

Conventional Smiley

Conventional Smiley

Odd Man Out

One sulk among many is this smiley face pictures. Someone who partied all night and needs a good sleep but day has begun. Unwelcome morning!

Odd Man Out

Odd Man Out

Its Disco Time

Strobes and a smiley at a disco are unusual friends but they seem to complement each other to add a dash of style to the decor.

Its Disco Time

Its Disco Time

Real Downer

A smiley face picture is an emotion between sadness and tears on disapproval or reprimanding. A beautiful well-rounded face with negative emotions.

Real Downer

Real Downer



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