20 Astounding Redneck Tattoos


A tattoo is a matter of pleasure and pride. There are so many designs and themes to choose from that the variety can be confusing. So if you want to get a tattoo, just follow your emotions. There will be a tattoo for every mood, every emotion, every character, every personality and every preference just waiting for you to decide. Tattoos have evolved tremendously over centuries and have become a fine art. If you still can‘t decide, just go for the redneck tattoos and you will still have a fashion statement.

One can‘t go wrong with tattoos. They are your accessories without having to change ornaments over and over again. They are your messengers that send out messages of love, power, humor, menace, or anything else you want. Tattoos with romantic themes also have a variety where identical images are available for a couple. Funky and jazzy tattoos help the youth to blend in with the hip hop crowd. Skulls and horrifying images again are a show of strength. There is no dearth of ideas in tattoo art. Then there are the redneck tattoos too.

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New Geometry

It doesn‘t take much imagination to get a tattoo…seems to be the message here. Use of geometric shapes like concentric circles and ellipses arranged in a group is sufficient to create a great tattoo worth showing.

New Geometry

New Geometry

The Delicate Touch

This is a lovely example of a tattoo that is simple and artistic at the same time. The smooth proportionate lines of the delicate bird are a show of tattoo at its best, making it worth copying.

The Delicate Touch

The Delicate Touch

Ripped Apart

This is a very unusual tattoo giving an impression of the Union Jack that‘s been ripped into pieces. As an art form, its brilliant colors and the ripped effect are class apart because it looks so real.

Ripped Apart

Ripped Apart

The Strong and the Comic

This tattoo is like a comic version of an intimidating theme. The funny human figure carrying a flag looks more amusing than menacing. It seems more of a style statement than a message.

The Strong and the Comic

The Strong and the Comic

Double Trouble

A tattoo on each bicep is a matter of pride and worth posing for. The Union Jack on one and the red-eyed creature‘s face on the other seem to contradict each other as far as concepts go. No wonder they are not tattooed alongside each other!

Double Trouble

Double Trouble


A multitude of colors in an arm tattoo is a surefire attention grabber and this girl‘s tattoo does it with style. Even the messages are multi-mood with the pirate on the arm and the words “baby doll“ tattooed on her neck. The combination is very jazzy.



Pride of Place

Is there any place left for one more? This man‘s tattoo is filled with excellent examples of tattoo art without using too many colors. The black and gray shades have been used with precision for a perfect blend in shapes.

Pride of Place

Pride of Place

Pity the Tattooless!

Poor people! Is that what this man is thinking when he sees others who don‘t have a superbly designed tattoo like his? The simple letters “redneck“ across the shoulders in the colors of the Union Jack makes it a brilliant piece of tattoo art.

Pity the Tattooless!

Pity the Tattooless!

Simple and Strong

This is an example of experimentation in simplicity, which sounds like a contradiction. Each letter of the word “redneck“ is in a different font to relieve the monotony, which is a creative idea.

Simple and Strong

Simple and Strong

Showing the Power

Funky hairstyle and beard, chains and wrist bands need a fantastic hip hop tattoo as well. When there are two, one on each arm, nothing can be better. The brilliant colors of the star, fire and sun go very well with the rock-star type of ensemble.

Showing the Power

Showing the Power

The Symbol of Death

Is this a rebel speaking against the system? Or does the wearer just want to make a splash? Either way, the tattoo does draw attention and makes one curious about the theme. The Union Jack tied around the forehead of the skull is a unique touch.

The Symbol of Death

The Symbol of Death

Charging Bull

This is a show of strength otherwise why would anyone sport a tattoo of a charging bull on a well-developed bicep? Don‘t mess with me…is the message that comes out loud and clear.

Charging Bull

Charging Bull

The Buzzard

The buzzard is a very patient bird where finding the best food is concerned. As tattoo art this has superb lines. The bird almost seems alive because of the gleam in its eye.


The Buzzard


This tattoo seems to tell everyone not to cross boundaries where the wearer is concerned. The barbed wire along with the letters has a menacing effect that shows the power of the wearer.



Letter Tattoo

These letters with the name of the wearer is not unique but a superb way to sport a tattoo. Tattoos are for fun too. They have no age limit or limitations in style, so just go ahead and get one!

Letter Tattoo

Letter Tattoo

Boys will be Boys

The tattoo on this guy‘s arm is a colorful display of gray, deep blue and bright red shades. Tattoos are for grabbing attention of those around and this one does it with perfection.

Boys will be Boys

Boys will be Boys

A Mixed Bag

The theme of this tattoo is an enigma. The skull and cross-bones are definitely showing off strength. And then there is that funny little bumblebee in a superhero costume that changes the whole concept. But as an art form its fine lines and superb blend of colors are brilliant.

A Mixed Bag

A Mixed Bag

Strength in Patriotism

This is a tattoo with the themes of strength but with a meaning. The trooper holding the Union Jack is a message of patriotism and love of the country. It shows victory of good over evil.

Strength in Patriotism

Strength in Patriotism

Modern Art!

As tattoos go this is the most innovative idea and does draw attention due to its weirdness. These designs are printed on garments giving advice on how to take care of apparel!

Modern Art!

Modern Art!

Worker‘s Break Time

Who says a strong and hard-working man doesn‘t have a wonderful lady-love? This tattoo has given away his secret for the world to see. Even the little dog hangs about wondering when she will be joining them for their coffee break.

Worker‘s Break Time

Worker‘s Break Time


  1. New Geometry is the most astounding redneck designed tattoo in this collection. Some of the designs are simple and some are dirty looking. ^^


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