30 Amazing Prison Tattoos


The dark side of human beings has always been an intriguing subject for humanity. The criminal tendencies and acts also fall in this category which ultimately leads to punishment as prisoners. This punishment is quite a pain. The life of prisoners is very hard and full of sordid details that have the potential to unnerve us. Still, prisoners attract us. We want to know more about them, about their lifestyles and what goes inside their minds while they are serving the sentence inside the prison walls.

The prison tattoos can serve as a good point of knowledge in these matters.

Prison tattoos refer to the tattoos worn by these criminals on their body parts. Some of them have it on their person before they enter the prison while some get it tattooed inside the jail. Though the practice is prohibited, prisoners find out ways and many of them get tattoos carved while being inside the jails. The process is very tough and inflicts harsh pain on the wearer but the hardened men bear it with pride. Here we have a collection of 30 prison tattoos, giving more and deeper details about these tattoos. Take a look.

If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Russian Prison Tattoos, Gang Tattoos, Outlaw Tattoos and Hispanic Tattoos.

Swastika Tattoo

This burly prisoner wearing the swastika symbol on his chest and wires on arms has a dashing personality.

Swastika Tattoo

Swastika Tattoo

Full Front Tattoo

Black and grey tattoo pattern with floral design looks attractive and has an aesthetic beauty.

Full Front Tattoo

Full Front Tattoo

Prisoner Gang Tattoo

This chest tattoo bearing a star and an H letter represents the gang association of the criminal.

Prisoner Gang Tattoo

Prisoner Gang Tattoo

Forearm Tattoo

The howling wolf signifies the anxiety and depression of the prisoner that has brought a neurotic disorder in him.

Forearm Tattoo

Forearm Tattoo

Funny Evil Tattoo

Laughing skeleton wearing a cap with the number plate presents both the cool and the evil side of the criminal.

Funny Evil Tattoo

Funny Evil Tattoo

Getting Tattooed

A prisoner getting tattoos on his arms from an expert tattoo artist.

Getting Tattooed

Getting Tattooed

Evil Prison Clown

Laughing wide and showing his teeth, the clown has a comic and cruel look on his face.

Evil Prison Clown

Evil Prison Clown

Prisoner’s Tattoo

This prisoner has a portrait of a woman on his upper back as a memory of his girlfriend.

Prisoner's Tattoo

Prisoner’s Tattoo

Calf Tattoo

A black grim reaper portrait sits on the leg of the prisoner to remind him of the death sentence and prepare him for it.

Calf Tattoo

Calf Tattoo

Spider Web Tattoo

The web tattoo, etched on the neck, signifies the length of the sentence the prisoner has to serve.

Spider Web Tattoo

Spider Web Tattoo

What Lies Ahead

This black and white tattoo with the liner “only time will tell” stands for the uncertain future prisoners face.

What Lies Ahead

What Lies Ahead

Most Bullied Prisoner

The prisoner with a large number of tattoos on his body is the one who might be bullied by his jail inmates or could be the strongest among all. What is your take on this?

Most Bullied Prisoner

Most Bullied Prisoner

Offensive Tattoo

The folded hands showing the middle finger have been created to deride the jail authorities.

Offensive Tattoo

Offensive Tattoo

Pretty Prison Break Tattoo

Two fighting men, carved as tattoo design, stand for the secret desire of breaking free from the jail that prisoners nurse.

Pretty Prison Break Tattoo

Pretty Prison Break Tattoo

Head Tattoo

A skull with the raiders word over it conveys the aggression of the prisoner.

Head Tattoo

Head Tattoo

Colored Tattoo

A shield with an axe and rose perched over the prisoner word looks fascinating.

Colored Tattoo

Colored Tattoo

Death Approaching

This tattoo stands for looming death that is soon to come as the prisoner is serving a death sentence.

Death Approaching

Death Approaching

Thigh Tattoo

A roaring skull, carved on the knee, looks as if it will come out of the knee.

Thigh Tattoo

Thigh Tattoo

Carefree Attitude

The skull smoking a cigar and wearing a crown over his head makes for a cool tattoo piece.

Carefree Attitude

Carefree Attitude

Stomach Tattoo

The twin pistols placed side by side indicate that the prisoner is a hardened criminal.

Stomach Tattoo

Stomach Tattoo

Gang Identity

This arm tattoo is a mark of identity and shows the allegiance of the criminal to a particular gang.

Gang Identity

Gang Identity

Prison Man Tattoo

An angry man with red eyes symbolizes the angst and fury of the prisoners.

Prison Man Tattoo

Prison Man Tattoo

Forever Blasting

This man with a cool arm tattoo is enjoying his first day after getting released from the prison.

Forever Blasting

Forever Blasting

Prison Break Tattoo

Portrait tattoo inspired from the famous television series, carved on the thigh, looks brilliant.

Prison Break Tattoo

Prison Break Tattoo

Ferocious Skull

A fearsome image, carved on the thigh, signifies the intense anger and aggression of the prisoner.

Ferocious Skull

Ferocious Skull

Mysterious Prisoner

This prisoner having a teardrop, cross and broken heart symbol as tattoo designs looks intriguing.

Mysterious Prisoner

Mysterious Prisoner

Chest Tattoo

Numbers, crown and a money amount hold some hidden meaning, known only to the prisoner.

Chest Tattoo

Chest Tattoo

Touch Up Tattoo

The prisoner has a touch up tattoo design on his arm as the previous work was fading away.

Touch Up Tattoo

Touch Up Tattoo

Aesthetic Tattoo

The beautiful female Aztec warrior, created on the leg, makes for a pretty prisoner tattoo.

Aesthetic Tattoo

Aesthetic Tattoo

Face Tattoo

This tattoo bearing several motifs has a badass touch and looks quite catchy.

Face Tattoo

Face Tattoo


  1. After seeing full front tattoo, I remember the Bollywood movie Ghajini where the hero make permanent tattoos all over his body. The spider tattoo on the neck is also good.

  2. Bullshit on the forearm tattoo. That is a homage to the band Neurosis, and that’s part of the cover art for their album “Times of Grace”


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