35 Great Polynesian Tattoos


Polynesian tattoos have very bold dark shapes and dark patches. But the finesse comes in the filling of thin lines within those large shapes. Every line is perfectly parallel making Polynesian tattoos a masterpiece among tattoo art. The geometric shapes like circles, semi circles, triangles, hexagons, etc are freely used to make a complete and cohesive pattern. These tattoos have strong lines and are meant for a splash without needing any other color except black and gray.

As tattoo art goes, Polynesian tattoos are unusual because they do not follow the modern trend of putting in a lot of colors.

Just black, gray and a little shading with perfectly designed geometric shapes and you will have a tattoo to be proud of. The symmetry of these tattoo is amazing and worth showing off. There is a perfect balance of bold lines and thin lines so that the tattoo looks very artistic and each piece looks different. These tattoos draw attention by their simplistic art that is a class apart.

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Curves and Triangles

The focus of this tattoo seems to be on triangles and curves. The concentric circles are just a part of the bold vase-shaped tattoo that highlights the strong bicep and shoulder.

Curves and Triangles

Curves and Triangles

The Best Combo

Having a tattoo spread out over the bicep and chest is a definite attention grabber. The circular design on the chest and the strong vertical design of the biceps highlight the strength of both the assets.

The Best Combo

The Best Combo

The Unforgiving!

The face in this tattoo seems to portray doom for anyone who challenges its power. The geometric shapes around the face sort of enhance the overall effect of intimidation.

The Unforgiving!

The Unforgiving!

The Bigger the Stronger

A tattoo of this size would definitely give limelight to the massive bicep that is carrying it. The symmetry in the bold lines as well as the smaller formations in this geometric design is an art worth imitating.

The Bigger the Stronger

The Bigger the Stronger

Power of the Unknown

This is a superbly designed tattoo covering an equally superb bicep. The circular designs that form a parallel pattern along the arm give it an effect of greater bulk. The cross-like design with the red shading looks brilliant.

Power of the Unknown

Power of the Unknown

Solar Power

The more the better seems to be theme here. The Sun-like face has a heavenly appeal just as the geometric shapes of the tattoos around the neck and on the biceps brings things down to earth. As an art form, this tattoo goes beyond praise.

Solar Power

Solar Power

Asian Tattoo

This Asian style tattoo has a bridal look. It has maintained the usual theme of a combo of geometric shapes and nature to get a beautiful collage of superb symmetry.

Asian Tattoo

Asian Tattoo


You have fantastic biceps then why not show them off. A tattoo like this one will enhance the strength and power that is obviously there in the bicep. The bold thick lines of the tattoo ensure that the basic purpose of the tattoo is not lost.



Cannot Ignore

This tattoo stands out like nothing else does. The very bold and strong forms and geometric shapes in a circular formation look superb to cover such a well-developed bicep. Kudos!

Cannot Ignore

Cannot Ignore

God and Devil

The God like face at the top has won a battle against the devil at the bottom. As tattoo art this is a superb piece that is created with geometric shapes having a perfect symmetry.

God and Devil

God and Devil

A Spot of Difference

This tattoo with its traditional geometric shapes suddenly appears different when you notice the face like design in the center. The slanting eyes of the face combined with the broad grin make a strange combination that is very noticeable.

A Spot of Difference

A Spot of Difference

A Bold Stroke

As a tattoo this may seem small but the bold and strong lines of the design make it stand out as a piece of art. The gray shading and the symmetrical lines are a class apart.

A Bold Stroke

A Bold Stroke

Shapes and Sizes

The variety of different sizes of the geometric shapes in this tattoo is incredible. Concentric circles, triangles and curves have been used to make a perfect art piece in black with gray shading.

Shapes and Sizes

Shapes and Sizes

Superb Geometry

The brilliant use of geometrical shapes has made this simple tattoo look extraordinary. The dark and bold lines counter balances some of the symmetrical thinner lines to make a great combination.

Superb Geometry

Superb Geometry

Bold and Powerful

There is nothing delicate about this tattoo. It spells power, strength and size in it’s every line and shape. This is a classic and bold design with the geometric shapes forming an attractive and cohesive whole.

Bold and Powerful

Bold and Powerful

Swirls and Flowers

This tattoo has made the simple and traditional theme of flowers and swirls look like a masterpiece. The symmetry is unmatched and the bold likes make it a classic worth copying.

Swirls and Flowers

Swirls and Flowers

Shading Splendor

This shoulder tattoo has brilliant shading that offsets the bold and dark patches of the thicker lines. The rope-like shaded lines balance the curved geometric shapes to perfection.

Shading Splendor

Shading Splendor

Circles and Semis

Just using circles and semi circles the tattoo artist has created a collage that looks superb as a back tattoo. The thin fine lines and the big bold patches merge together to create an artistic display worth showing.

Circles and Semis

Circles and Semis

Simple Art

You want a simple yet artistic tattoo then this one is the best. It does not have too many emphatic lines but instead have a spread out kind of design in fine lines making it classy yet subdued.

Simple Art

Simple Art

The Necklace

A tattoo that also serves as a necklace is a brilliant art form. This tattoo has the appearance of being a neck piece with gems and designs that is irresistibly attractive. The larger shapes have tiny thin lines that are so perfectly parallel that one has to appreciate the talent.

The Necklace

The Necklace

Faces and Art

As an art form this tattoo is a quite unusual with a blend of shapes and faces all combined together to form a whole. The faces seem to be in peaceful repose with the symmetrical shapes around them forming halos.

Faces and Art

Faces and Art

Mixture of Sorts

This tattoo is a freehand drawing kind of idea. It has no specific theme but just a collection of different shapes in a long line. One gets the feeling that the artist just went on addition one shape after another as without any particular design in mind. And yet it is a superb tattoo.

Mixture of Sorts

Mixture of Sorts

Curved Shading

This tattoo is a lovely piece of art. The curved shapes and the gray shading make it a something worth showing off. This tattoo reminds one of inner roofs of ancient monuments where murals and designs adorn the architecture.

Curved Shading

Curved Shading

Radical Art

The strong breasts of this man are brought into greater prominence by the concentric circles around them. As an art form it has strong dark color and superbly symmetrical shapes that define Polynesian tattoo art.

Radical Art

Radical Art

A Flash of Dark Color

This is a great tattoo to wear on the torso. The little symmetrical bottle-like shapes and the geometric shapes combine to form a bold and strongly etched tattoo that is an attention seeker.

A Flash of Dark Color

A Flash of Dark Color

Getting it Right

When you are in a habit of frequently wearing shorts you are the best person to sport such a superb tattoo. The myriad symmetrical shapes make the calf muscle look even more powerful.

Getting it Right

Getting it Right

Stylish Shark

This tattoo has obviously been inspired by the sea and its natural bounty. The shark-like shape has a great detail of design inside it to make it a classic among tattoos.

Stylish Shark

Stylish Shark

Art For Art‘s Sake

There is nothing unique about this tattoo and yet it has an appeal that goes beyond explanation. The simple geometric shapes, with their shading and filling, themselves create a piece of art.

Art For Art‘s Sake

Art For Art‘s Sake

Face at the Window

The overall effect of this tattoo is that it‘s a face looking out of the window. The bulbous eyes complement the concentric circles that form the main part of the tattoo. The letter “K“ is an enigma of course!

Face at the Window

Face at the Window

Portrait of a Man

The face in repose in this unusual tattoo has been created with different geometric shapes to form a whole. The concept is new and is a trend setter of its kind. The symmetry is superb and projects a feeling of peace.

Portrait of a Man

Portrait of a Man

Simplicity with a Difference

This is a Polynesian tattoo with a difference. The standard geometrical shapes that are usually designed only in black and gray have a dash of yellow to make it an unusual piece.

Simplicity with a Difference

Simplicity with a Difference

Flash it with Color

If you are proud of your assets and have no hesitation in showing them off, this is a brilliant idea. A tattoo across the chest will bring the boobs into limelight like nothing else can. As tattoo art goes, this is a lovely design that is maintained a superb symmetry.

Flash it with Color

Flash it with Color

Flower Vase

This flower vase-shaped tattoo has an ornate look that reminds one of antiques and pottery. The design has an amazing sense of symmetry that cannot be ignored. The overall effect is of opulence and style.

Flower Vase

Flower Vase

Designs from Nature

This tattoo has been inspired by nature. Although the overall look is geometrical and has the usual symmetric characteristic to Polynesian tattoos, there are tiny representations of mountains and marine life.

Designs from Nature

Designs from Nature

Ray of Light

This tattoo is a class act. The central curved design seems to be projecting a ray of light! The design has come out as something that is ethereal and heavenly in its depiction.

Ray of Light

Ray of Light



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