What seems funny to some may seem significant to others. With this nice note let us begin this amusing article on funny tattoos. Creativity knows no norms and tattoo art follows this principle completely. Free-spirited tattoo enthusiasts love doing different things, so they think of concepts other than the popular stuff.
People may draw inspiration for tattoos from crazy things like mad Hello Kitty, murderous pinup girl or Pokemon’s spinach can. This atypical inspiration leads to amazing funny tattoo designs. We have collected similar freaky tattoo designs in this list, which are backed with some cute and some extraordinary conceptualizations.
Pac Man Tattoo
Pac man this time packed with a gun, will surely finish off its obstacles in single shot.
Pac Man Tattoo
Under Arm Funny Tattoo
Well, some people can’t just forget how humble onions used to save them from going to school.
Funny HotDog
Cool hotodog in full attitude making a killer pose.
Cortoon On Arm
Small bunny with big ears and funny expression.
Note Eater Funny Tattoo
Popular Note Eater have been on T-shirts, mugs and many cool accessories and now it has made into the tattoo world also.
Pet Zombie Tattoo
Little zombie girl walking her freaky zombie pet on streets for some fresh air.
Girl Chef
Deadly, rather killer pinup girl chef with hunger-for-blood knives in her hands.
Funny Oregon Duck
This is one hardcore Oregon fan huh? We love this tattoo!
Double Duck
Funny but adorable little ducks talking, “Hey You!… Who Me?” on thighs.
Funny Tattoo
Actually funny to have a zebra on your ribs with its nose pointing there.
Girl Style
Looks like a sarcastic expression to describe the wild cat fights.
Funny Bat Tattoo
Freaky bat running away with life blood bottle, may be it doesn’t get preys in the wild anymore.
First Tattoo
Funny frog teasing and irritating making those even funnier faces.
Html Tattoo
Only geeks can tell why are they so obsessed with HTML to get a permanent tattoo inspired by it.
My Kitty
She deserves accolades for thinking of this unseen and unthought-of version of frightening Kitty.
Cute Monkey Tattoo
Too adorable little cute monkey hiding a stolen banana behind its back.
Funny Arm Tattoo
This cute teddy bear full-sleeve piece got this girl an entry to the Tattoo Art Fest in Paris.
Leg Sleeve Update
Funny bird put on rocket to take off straight to the clouds.
Creepy Little Girl Tattoo
Creepy girl showing her teeth and ugly marks, and the guy honored her making it his permanent tattoo.
An artist who respects his pencil more than anything in the world.
Dead Nazi
Rebellious Gwar logo dead Nazi looking really miserable.
Tattoo Numero Tres
This can make you sick while trying to figure out this upside down world.
Bepanthen Tattoo
Bepanthen tattoo will never allow any other rash to be noticed on your body.
Camel And Missel Toe
Forcing you to think about the irony between mistle thrush bird that lives in open woods and a camel who survives only in deserts.
Funny Style Tattoo
So many frogs and toads on her legs making her look like a puddle of mud.
Hot Air Balloon
Outlines of hot air balloon tattoo drawn like a children’s drawing book piece.
Rat Angel Tattoo
Little Stewart with angel wings taking a sound sleep after rescuing the world from alien attack.
My World Is Different
Enthusiast who lives in his own world, which is absolutely different from yours.
Tattooed Corset
Such obsession with a corset is surely an amusing sight to look at.
Finger Stache
Funny little moustache on finger whenever you wish to make kingly expression.
The Eye
A funny little red octopus with a big creepy eye. It might just be the Eye Octopus after Paul making news.
My To Do List
Why waste papers everyday when your to-do list is always going to remain same. Get a to-do list tattoo.
White Ninja
White Ninja from White Ninja comic strips – just another funny tattoo.
New Cartoon Tattoos
Your favorite cartoon characters deserve a big fat back piece, just like this one.
Large Belly With Tattoo
“White Trash” on his fat belly, or should we say inside it?
Doug Funny
Doug Funnie is crazy, but what even crazier is this Doug tattoo, which is hardly looking like him.
Jack Skellington Tattoo
It’s real not just a “Nightmare before Christmas”. Jack Skellington does inspire many tattoo enthusiasts.
Popeye Tattoo
Popeye testing the quality of his spinach can with very serious brain-storming.
Right Up In There
Colorful octopuses on the inside of elbows, which are the most painful spots to tattoo. It’s more brave than being funny.
Guinness Bird Tattoo
Cute piece inspired from old-school Guinness ads.
If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Bad Tattoos, Crazy Tattoos, Owl Tattoos and Old School Tattoos.
The Funny Tattoo is so cool. The giraffe in the tattoo looks very cool.
I just loved the Popeye Tattoo he is mine favorite cartoon character.
#8 is the Oregon Ducks mascot. It is the likeness of Donald Duck (Walt Disney, a Webfoots fan, gave the university permission to use his artwork to represent “the Oregon Duck” sometime in the 1940’s), but it is the University of Oregon sports logo.
#15 is not a version of Hello Kitty, it’s the individual’s “fursona” (relating to the furry fandom subculture).
#17 is no teddy, it’s a take on Maneki-neko (Japanese for “beckoning cat”), a popular Japanese symbol for good fortune and prosperity.
#22 is the cover art from Shel Silverstein’s children’s poetry book entitled “Where the Sidewalk Ends” (a personal childhood favorite).
Thanks for the clarification! However, the old editor never said #15 was a version of Hello Kitty. Either way, we’ll be sure to make adjustments to the other images. Thanks for stopping by and we hope you’ll be back!
The fight like a girl tattoo is an anti breast cancer slogan, the strings holding the boxing gloves connect to make the pink Breast Cancer Ribbon