30 Perfect Mayan Tattoos


Mayan Tattoos designs are symbolic of birth dates. In all there are 19 symbols synonymous with various personality types, life attitudes and wishes inherent in the person. In short it represents in short what the stars foretell based on birth chart. They are also called Zodiac tattoos. In present times many parlors specialize in this field and carry out work with cleanliness and extreme sterility. The word tattoo means to strike some surface and leave a mark on it. The tattoo grace the arms torso neck face legs and skull of both the sexes. The tattoo service centers are contacted through call and internet to fix appointment.

Tattoos are made by putting colors underneath the skin. Mayans outlook was that tattooing body with graphics of God and nature imbibed inner peace and brought prosperity to the owner. The enemies were released after a permanent mark of tattoo was left on their body. The thieves were treated similarly with a tattoo on the face. Mayans believed that west stood for dying God because it is here light fuses with darkness. Mayan tattoos are not the gift of present times. They have existed for 5000 years now. History bears its testimony. Its meanings derivatives and design significance got adapted with changing times.

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Posterior Art Work

The nape of the neck onwards the skin is soft and supple intricate and scattered design is possible. The designs are traditional but appealing.

Posterior Art Work

Posterior Art Work

Tri-Color Chakra

The chakra is a popular Mayan design in their art forms. This tri colored chakra is the circle of life with its good and bad moments. The pink-red hues in the tattoo depict joy and happiness.

Tri-Color Chakra

Tri-Color Chakra

Notable Family Design

In olden days the families of status flaunted symbols that stood for proper birth order. They were the leaders of the community a place of honor.

Notable Family Design

Notable Family Design

Adornment Is Part Of Beauty

The women of ancient civilizations used ornaments and make up just like they do today. Mayans being a wealthy race, the art for adornment was high developed.

Adornment Is Part Of Beauty

Adornment Is Part Of Beauty

Prehispanic Emperor

The emperor in appearance is in the attire of a warrior. It is mostly created on the inside of the arm.

Prehispanic Emperor

Prehispanic Emperor

The Power Of Evil

The demon breathing fire is a symbol of evil, cruelty, imbalance of power, and intimidation. As a tattoo art form it has a dark appeal.

The Power Of Evil

The Power Of Evil

The Comfort In Deep Love

Hieroglyphics resting on flowers show how deep love makes for a contented life and everlasting happiness.

The Comfort In Deep Love

The Comfort In Deep Love

Symbolic Art

Symbols are a way of expression that shares a powerful message while adorning the arm. They add to the youthful look as well.

Symbolic Art

Symbolic Art

Akbal The Design Of Darkness

Akbal is indicated through chakra present in solar plexus. It‘s a symbol of strong sun indicative of firm decisions and skills.

Akbal The Design Of Darkness

Akbal The Design Of Darkness

Awesome Aztec

A well supported design for a hunk sleeve. The authentic body beautification for all age groups uses color to highlight the concept.

Awesome Aztec

Awesome Aztec

The Unity Of Life Forms

Humanoids, flora and fauna living together in harmony are portrayed well in this multi-hued tattoo. The ancient races had a respect for every life form and even worshipped some.

The Unity Of Life Forms

The Unity Of Life Forms

Little Calendar

The nape of the neck is delicate but shows off small designs very clearly. A small version of the Mayan calendar is an example of intricate art with its rich detail.

Little Calendar

Little Calendar

The Appeal Of Black Ink

The tattoo designs have existed since 1839. It was at that time a kind of language that conveyed the feelings of the person to society members. Each symbol has a meaning.

The Appeal Of Black Ink

The Appeal Of Black Ink

Biomechanical Skull Decoration

These types of designs were popular in the 80s. The popularity has again gained momentum and has revived. They are created through trick of the eye art.

Biomechanical Skull Decoration

Biomechanical Skull Decoration

Mayan Calendar

The Mayan calendar has attractive symbols to depict the stars and planets that are part of the design. The intricacy of the patterns makes this a fine form of tattoo art.

Mayan Calendar

Mayan Calendar

Intricate Bicep Lines

The woven design structure is not just for beautification but also for protection from evil spirit and health well-being.

Intricate Bicep Lines

Intricate Bicep Lines

The Power Of The Zodiac

Ancient astrology was a sophisticated art of the Mayans with the Sun at the center of all life forms. The power of the Sun is unquestionable.

The Power Of The Zodiac

The Power Of The Zodiac

Man And Serpent

The humanoid serpent exemplifies stealth and a cunning power. A combination tattoo with humans and animals projects multiple messages through art.

Man And Serpent

Man And Serpent

Multiple Facets

Human nature has many facets. Mayans were an intelligent civilization with a profound knowledge of human nature. Multiple characteristics come together to form one face.

Multiple Facets

Multiple Facets

Reposing Emperor

Mayans had a great respect for their dead. The reposing Emperor in his full regalia is a symbol of high position, honor, and control even after life.

Reposing Emperor

Reposing Emperor

Judgment Day

The humanoid with one eye closed defines judgment day. The open eye seems to punish and the closed eye seems to say you are no more. This style depicts unrelenting and exacting behavioral standards.

Judgment Day

Judgment Day

Mayan Hieroglyph

Hieroglyphics have a special attraction with their unique depictions. Birds and animals bring life to a tattoo. This picture seems to imply the freedom of a bird and the steady pace of a tortoise.

Mayan Hieroglyph

Mayan Hieroglyph

Tattooer Art-Man-Ship

Tattooer as a profession requires firm hands and focused eye and fingers coordination to create the art work. It‘s a creative passion.

Tattooer Art-Man-Ship

Tattooer Art-Man-Ship

High Resolution Tattoo

It can be made both through digital technology and hand work. After scanning the design it can be created.

High Resolution Tattoo

High Resolution Tattoo

Sun Temple

The Sun Temple of Machu Picchu was considered the most sacred section by the ancient race. Solemnizing births, marriage ceremonies, last rites, and every other part of life was carried out with holy blessings.

Sun Temple

Sun Temple

The Mayan Jaguar

Body painting can be truly beautiful. This Mayan jaguar is a symbol of strength and aggression, offset by delicate designs and flowers in a contrasting color.

The Mayan Jaguar

The Mayan Jaguar

Sacred Circle

This sacred tattoo has explicit lines and curves with the focus in the centre at facial expressions of a humanoid.

Sacred Circle

Sacred Circle

Contemplative Eagle

Even in ancient period men adorned eagle design with pride and respect. The Mayans as well Aztecs used this design exclusively.

Contemplative Eagle

Contemplative Eagle

Beautiful Princess

Both the Mayans and Aztecs had a special regard for beauty of the nature and humans alike. The people had sharply sculptures features and clear lines that was part of their ethos.

Beautiful Princess

Beautiful Princess

Power Of The Sun God

The Sun is all-powerful. Mayans worshipped the Sun as the all mighty life-giver. This tattoo personifies the Sun as the relentless, invincible controller of humans and the Earth.

Power Of The Sun God

Power Of The Sun God


  1. Most of this collection are indeed perfect but there are some that doesn’t look nice at all. I don’t get the idea including those in this collection. ^^ Just an opinion!


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