Home Creative Design Inspirations 20 Fascinating Hispanic Tattoos

20 Fascinating Hispanic Tattoos


Tattoos are an part of all cultures across the world. They were a tool of communication that carried forward their rich heritage and preserved knowledge for posterity. Now a days, the growing interest of people in the ancient cultural practices and art forms has affected the tattoo art to a great extent. Tribal and historical tattoos have again become a part of the popular culture and people can be seen sporting them. The Hispanic tattoos, representing an important cultural tradition, are gaining wide acceptance in America. Its darker side associated with criminals and gangs is on the wane and the artistic forms have taken over.

The Hispanic tattoos have a huge array of religious symbols and as stated above were an important part of the gang cultures. The designs and motifs revolve around occult symbols, birds, animals, geographical features, tribal men, women, emperors, etc. Since, the term Hispanic refers to Spain and the countries colonized by Spain, the Hispanic tattoos represent a large expanse of cultural heritage from diverse geographical regions. Hence, there is a lot to explore and research.

Here are 20 Hispanic tattoos with varied symbols and images that you will take you on a ride of the Hispanic region in a different way.

Come and soak yourself in the historical facts.

Majestic Tattoo

The Inca Emperor in his full-fledged warrior avatar, carved on inside of the arm, looks awesome.

Inca Emperor Tattoo

Inca Emperor Tattoo


Get daring and aggressive with this wolf face Hispanic tattoo that looks formidable.

Wolf Face Hispanic Tattoo

Wolf Face Hispanic Tattoo


This mythological character stands for hope and life as she is associated with summer and spring.



Hispanic Dog Tattoo

The bull-dog with rose on its head, carved in black and white over the thigh, appears as if it will spring out on you.

Hispanic Dog Tattoo

Hispanic Dog Tattoo

Family First

The image of mother Mary carved inside a flame with a scroll bearing a lettering symbolises love for one’s family.

Jesus Tattoo

Jesus Tattoo

Dynamic Piece

Skull tattoo with flowers and leaves shaped up as eyes and mouth creates a peppy look.

Sugar Skull Tattoo

Sugar Skull Tattoo

Armor Tattoo

The highly embellished and heavy armor placed on the arm is symbolic of the tough wars fought in the ancient times.

Hispanic Tattoo On Shoulder

Hispanic Tattoo On Shoulder

Kick ass

This large sugar skull tattoo with its colorful and bright shades, carved on the arm, looks extremely catchy.

Sugar Skull

Sugar Skull


A laughing skull with big eyes in colorful, bright shades looks creepy and mysterious.

Skull Tattoo

Skull Tattoo

Hispanic Eagle Man

This one is also a mythological character, carved as tattoo, on the bulging arm.

Hispanic Eagle Man

Hispanic Eagle Man

Dangerous Love

A black and white tattoo with roses carved resting on the forearm has two contrast symbols placed side by side.

Skull And Rose Tattoo

Skull And Rose Tattoo

Stone Face Hispanic Tattoo

The Hispanic tattoos have religious and mystic symbols associated with them and this tattoo is an example of it.

Stone Face Hispanic Tattoo

Stone Face Hispanic Tattoo

Narcotic Man

This funny skull with toothy smile and a sash resembles a drug dealer.

Mexican Skull Tattoo

Mexican Skull Tattoo

Hispanic Gang Tattoo

The Hispanic tattoos were a popular part of the gang culture as is clear on this forearm tattoo.

Hispanic Gang Tattoo

Hispanic Gang Tattoo

Man Eater

A mysterious wild creature devouring a man shown in this tattoo design looks fearsome.

Mask Tattoo

Mask Tattoo

Gang Member

This sleeve tattoo showing a girl wearing a hat and her eyes marked red points to her criminal associations.


Sleeve Tattoo

Senile Blues

An old man carved on chest has a solemn look on his face signifying sadness and loneliness.

Hispanic Chest Tattoo

Hispanic Chest Tattoo

Hispanic Style Woman

Women in the Hispanic culture were daring and attractive whip is clear from this tattoo piece.

Hispanic Style Woman

Hispanic Style Woman

Hispanic Painter

A colorful tribal man throwing paint from a pot symbolizes a drawing artiste.

Hispanic Thigh Tattoo

Hispanic Thigh Tattoo

Irresistible Urge

This face tattoo showing a man, roaring loud, symbolizes passion and aggression.

Face Tattoo

Face Tattoo


  1. The “Man Eater” tattoo is mis leading. It’s a depiction of an Aztec jaguar warrior. They were a special division of accomplished warriors whom wore Jaguar masks on their heads. Also “hispanic” refers to Spanish origins, many of these tattoos are purely Indigenous American in origin.


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