Hebrew is the symbol language for the original holy bible. It is considered very sacred and stylish too. Hebrew is very close to the Jews and has spread vastly to all the parts of the heavily networked world. The symbols and letters tattoos have become very popular amongst the new generation which has definitely passed on from the previous ones. Hebrew Tattoos are the recent in thing now.
Hebrew Tattoos get the beholder closer to the meaning of the holy book and makes him feel the presence of the almighty through smooth and tough times. The writing letters are also used by many to make up new words of their own choice as this looks more stylish if written in this language. Hebrew tattoos have become a style statement for many who love to experiment with new symbols and yet keep the main purpose up close to themselves. These tattoos fit in very elegantly and boldly in any part of the body and makes one appear more stylish and smart.
If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Tattoos With Meaning, Christian Tattoos, Buddhist Tattoos, and Armband Tattoos.
One In Many Hebrew Tattoo
One In A Million Hebrew Tattoo
My Hebrew Tattoo
A Hebrew Tattoo Very Close To Self
Amazing Hebrew Tattoo
Stylish Hebrew Tattoo
Hebrew On The Neck Tattoo
Hebrew Letters On the Back Neck
Strength Hebrew Tattoo
Light Hebrew Tattoo
Mirror Hebrew Tattoo
Lettering Tattoo
Cross And Hebrew Letters Tattoo
Cross With The Hebrew Letters
Take The World Give Me Jesus
Hebrew Meaning Take The World And Give Me Jesus
Many Hebrew Writings Tattoo
A Tattoo With Many Hebrew Writings
Deep Meaning Hebrew Tattoo
A Hebrew Tattoo With Deep Meaning
God Hebrew Tattoo
Be Still And Know I’m God Tattoo
Protected By God Hebrew Tattoo
Hebrew Tattoo Meaning Protected By God
Neck tattoo With Lotus
A Tattoo On The Neck With Lotus
Umm… It’s a sin to get a tattoo according to the Torah and the Bible.
No its not
yes it is! :]
So is lying, smoking, drinking, having impure thoughts. But i’m sure you do none of those things right! Scriptural tattoos are a good way to share your faith with certain people. Do you think God is going to look down on you for that?
God knew amongst all of us we could only amount to filthy rags. This is why Jesus had to die on the cross.
No it isn’t. According to old testament/law it was because people were marking their bodies as a religious ceremony in honor of other (false) gods (Leviticus 19:29). We are no longer under the law. We are under grace. I have a tattoo with scripture, and I use it to honor God. Blessings!
GAL 5;4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye
are fallen from grace
Coming from an observant Jew – it’s only “against the law” if it is a marking for the dead. Specifically marking ones body for the LORD was actually fairly common in biblical times. However marking ones body for the DEAD was forbidden to Jews.
there are many “laws” in judaism, many made for ethical reasions, but some were made for jews to distinquish themselves from surrounding tribes of people; possible examples? kosher laws (i’ll use the no pork thing because thats usually the only one that gentiles know of) back in the day villages were much closer togther than now, and for jews living in a place with many religious beliefs they would want to gain something that would give them a sense of community, so they might make different laws, customs, or rituals to define themselves as a separate people, and pork was very prominant to many other tribes living in that area,so stray from pork and boom! people know where your loyalties lie. tattoos may also be the same. many pagan religions marked themselves with tatoos for whatever reasons, and judaism, the first monotheistic religion naturally would have some biases toward that part of the pagan culture, seeing it as an affront to the “one true god” who says make no graven image, christians know this too. but until the state of israel was formed jews just lived amongst everyone else. judaism is foremost a tribe of people (well 12 tribes- but whatever), not an ethnicity or even necesarally a religion. anyway there has been jews living all over the world, imursed (spell check?) in all the cultures of the world, so there is limited rules you have to live by-( except for what is commonly referred to as the ten comandments- that is a solid no…well the murder thing especially i think…) with that in mind, the jewish culture varies from place to place AND with the times! rules that applied then may not apply now! um hello! do i go and sacrifice cattle or sheep?! no! the temple no longer exsists, so again a no-no to jews . tattoos may now be in that obsolete law book. but i guess it all boils down to this if you dont want a tattoo or you want that #8 on the mcdonalds menu get it for g-d sakes! if you are still against them dont get them! we jews do not believe in heaven and hell as the christians and muslims do anyway, so it essentially dosnt matter to much, complete your mitzvah and die- thats the way of it- do good for the world while you can. tattoos dont make you a bad person, thats up to you!
well im forgetting what my argument was about now after rambling, so im going to try and wrap it up…. leave what people do to their own bodies up to them, it has nothing to do with you. if you are scared that you friend or family member is going to hell, thats your thought. not theirs. like i said not everybody percieves things the same way. heaven and hell is something you may believe in but not everybody else does- leave it up to them to decide. shalom
p.s. i dont have tattoos but that dosnt mean somene else shouldnt either.
Thank you. I’m prob old enough to be your Bubbe, but want you to know (r u still online somewhere? G-d willing) that your contribution here was helpful to me. btw…May you and yours’ be inscribed (it’s erev Yom Kippur)
hi i want a tattoo but i need some help with the translation to hebrew. can you help me pleasee???? the words i want are ” father , son , holy ghost” thank you!
Hey, I’m Israelian, I’d gladly help you with the translation.
Father, son, holy ghost = ×ב×, בן, רוח קדושה
Your’e welcome ^^
Hey thea could some one please translate the “The Sandals of the Gospel of peace for me please as I want this for my Tattoo..Appreciate the help:)
Hi Segev !
I am so happy i found this website! I need help translating : God give me strength
also you know of any reliable websites to find Hebrew prayers??
hi Candice im an israelian i can help you…
God ×לוהי×
give תן
me לי
strength כוח
you need to remember that we read from right to left
good luck, in a Biblical font it could be Beautiful :)
can you help me translate in hebrew ” to have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for??
××ž×•× ×” ×”×™× ×”×‘×™×˜×—×•×Ÿ ×‘×ª×§×•×•×ª×™× ×•
what i wrote above is “faith is our confidence (“sureness”) in our hopes” because it sounds a lot better in hebrew than the exact translation of what you wrote
Rona – Lives in israel :)
hi Segev…wondered if you could give me a hebrew or Aramaic writing translation for a tattoo?…the words are …”GOD IS GREAT AND THROUGH HIM I GO FORWARD ”…it would be a great help…thank you !!!
Can you help me with a translation please!!!! If God with me, who againt me
I would truly appreciate it.
Didn’t quite understand what you wrote there – you meant “If God is with me, then there is no one who can stand up against me”?
If yes, than – ×× ××œ×•×”×™× ×¢×™×ž×™, ××£ ××“× ×œ× ×™×›×•×œ לעמוד ×‘×¤× ×™×™
(or change “×‘×¤× ×™×™” with “×‘×¤× ×™× ×•” if you want to say “no one can stand up against us”)
(you can also change “עימי” with “×יתי”, the one I wrote is in a higher language level)
If you meant “If god is with me, who is against me?”
Than the translation is “×× ××œ×•×”×™× ×¢×™×ž×™, מי × ×’×“×™?”
Hey can u translate “Jason’s love forever” vertically please :)
I’m obviously assuming you are a female, than the exact translation will be:
“×הובתו של ×’’ייסון לעד”
the bible says alot of things. apparently different people take different scriptures and run with them while ignoring others.i dont think god would mind my tattoos when almost everyone fornicates once in awhile.
The Amazing Hebrew Tattoo is very awesome but not the hebrew text but the tree in the back ground that makes it very awesome looking.
Hi. I am a catholic and I just wanted to know if it would be okay to get a bible verse translated in hebrew as a tattoo.
what verse? from where?
It is very possible Luwain. You just have to find someone who knows hebrew and English at the same time so that he can make the translation make it your tattoo. Great idea?
Dec 17, 2011 I had a ruptured brain aneurysm. While I was in surgery (which the dr’s said I would’nt probably survive) God gave me the scripture Psalms 118:17. “For I will not die, but live and declare the good works of the Lord”
I want a tatoo of that scripture in Hebrew but don’t know the translation or a pretty design to go with it. Any suggestions?
For I will not die, but live and declare the good works of the Lord – “×œ× ×מות, ××œ× ××—×™×” ו×עבוד ×ת ×לוהיי”
Live in Israel and knows English really well.
Hi can someone translate “be still” to me?
Hi !
Does anyone Know how to translate “El Shaddai” or
“I Am Alive”
This would be so much help! Thanks A lot!
El Shaddai is another name to God, mostly when referred to as the God of furtility – Tranlsation is ×ל שדיי
Elohim Tzvaot is His name when referred to as God of/at war – ××œ×•×”×™× ×¦×‘×ות
I Am Alive – ×× ×™ ×—×™
is the ancient word ” El Shaddai”(God Almighty) too sacred to be tattooed?!!!
Hi !
I am fascinated by the Hebrew language,
I really need help translating these words ” El Shaddai Strength I Am Alive”
It would be very very helpful for me. Thanks!
Hope you all take the time to verify the translations offered here. I’m sure they’re right, but how would you really know?
can somebody translate :im jewish in hebrew ? thanks
i’m jewish – ×× ×™ יהודי
I am – ×× ×™
Jewish – יהודי
Rona (lives in israel)
Hi, ya’ll! I want to get a tattoo in Hebrew, something along the lines of “I am forgiven”, “Forgiven”, or “Redeemed”. Ideally a one word tattoo that can fit on my wrist. I’m scared to do it with just anyone, though, because I don’t want improper spelling or misinterpretation. Anyone know exactly how to spell any of the above?
Can someone please provide Hebrew writing for “Yahweh is my Warrior”? He tells us this in Exodus 15:3. Thank you!
Yahweh is my Warrior – ××œ×•×”×™× ×”×•× ×”×œ×•×—× ×©×œ×™
I live in israel :)
To be more precise – change ××œ×•×”×™× with יהוה
××œ×•×”×™× is god
יהוה is Yahweh
Hi, I’m looking for the word victory or deliverance in Hebrew. Thanks so much
I am pretty sure that the tattoo above saying protected by god, is written backwards, but correct me if I’m wrong. I say this because I want to get the phrase written on myself as well, but of course want to be sure.
nyan i know apeak hebrew :3 ×× ×™ משעוממת כל כך ~
Since you speak fluent hebrew, perhaps you could help me in my comment below, I want to make sure I am saying “Protected by God”, correctly. From what I’ve seen the tattoo that says it above, has it backwards, is that true?
Hi, can someone please translate “Life through Christ” in Hebrew? If you could translate it in classical Hebrew (Canaanite Semitic language) that would be awesome! But if not, I’d be happy with a modern Hebrew translation. Thanks :-)
Hey there,
Can someone help me out with the translation from English to Hebrew for “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made?”
I would truly appreciate it :)
Romans 2:25-29 New International Version (NIV)
25 Circumcision has value if you observe the law, but if you break the law, you have become as though you had not been circumcised. 26 So then, if those who are not circumcised keep the law’s requirements, will they not be regarded as though they were circumcised? 27 The one who is not circumcised physically and yet obeys the law will condemn you who, even though you have the[a] written code and circumcision, are a lawbreaker.
28 A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. 29 No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God.