35 Fat People Pictures Who Look Lovely


Obesity is a medical condition in which there is too much fat in the body. This leads to the extra fat getting deposited around the waist line, hips, shoulders and chest. In case of obese people, the hands and legs also have a lot of fat. Obesity is not a desired condition and in many cases it is hereditary. In such cases, these people eat less but have a slow metabolism rate sue to which the calories do not get burnt and hence, are stored in the body. Some people have a temporary phase in life when they put on weight because they eat a lot. This could be due to change in lifestyle or change of location.

There are many diets available to reduce weight. Regular visits to the gym can help reduce a lot of weight. Following strict diet programs and adequate exercise can make wonders. There are also diet programs launched by many health institutes which focus on eating proper nutritious food and following yoga. This ensures that the body gets proper nutrition while losing the unwanted fat.

So, here are some fat people pictures which will help put things in perspective

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Fat Couple

Here is a fat couple sitting together on the bench. They look like they are made for each other.

Fat Couple

Fat Couple

Two Fat Ladies

This picture has two fat ladies one is sitting at a café and one is staring at her. She probably wants to say something to her.

Two Fat Ladies

Two Fat Ladies

Fat Woman in Bikini

Here is fat woman in a golden bikini. She is standing in the rain and looking to hitch hike.

Fat Woman in Bikini

Fat Woman in Bikini

Funky Fat Girls

Here are two funky looking fat girls. Both have pierced their noses and lips. One of them is wearing strawberry earrings.

Funky Fat Girls

Funky Fat Girls

Fat Guy in Goggles

Here is a fat guy wearing a blue t-shirt and black sunglasses. He is posing in the middle of the road.

Fat Guy in Goggles

Fat Guy in Goggles

Fat guy on the Bike

This fat guy is sitting on the bike without a t-shirt. He has his mobile hanging around his neck.

Fat guy on the Bike

Fat guy on the Bike

Man with a Paunch

This picture has a man wearing a grey t-shirt walking on the street. He has a paunch which is very visible.

Man with a Paunch

Man with a Paunch

Three Fat Guys

There are three fat guys standing on the beach. They are proudly flaunting their fat bodies.

Three Fat Guys

Three Fat Guys

Guy in Jacket

Here is a fat guy wearing a jacket and sitting on the bench in the park. The jacket makes him look fatter.

Guy in Jacket

Guy in Jacket

Enjoying Life

These two fat girls are enjoying themselves. They are dancing together and seem very happy.

Enjoying Life

Enjoying Life

Drag Racing Fans

Here are three drag racing fans walking together. The person in the center is really huge and tall.

Drag Racing Fans

Drag Racing Fans

Tattooed Guy

This is a guy with spiked hair and is showing off the tattoo on his chest. He looks cute.

Tattooed Guy

Tattooed Guy

Guy in Green pants

This guy wears green pants and a dark pink t-shirt. He looks the intellectual kind with those glasses.

Guy in Green pants

Guy in Green pants

Smiling Ladies

Here are two ladies smiling from ear to ear. They are here to see some kind of race. They are enjoying their chillers.

Smiling Ladies

Smiling Ladies

Fat Mom

In this picture, the fat mother parks the pram on the side and she is checking out some painting that is kept outside.

Fat Mom

Fat Mom

Sitting Down

Here is a fat lady wearing a grey t-shirt with a thin guy. She is just relaxing before starting her walk again.

Sitting Down

Sitting Down

Fat Guy Singing

This is a picture of the fat guy singing and playing a guitar. He looks so engrossed in singing that song.

Fat Guy Singing

Fat Guy Singing

Hungry Girl

Here is a fat lady dressed in pink and is anxiously looking forward to having that meal.

Hungry Girl

Hungry Girl

Fat Backs

Two fat girls walks towards a store to pick something. In denim, their back profile looks fat.

Fat Backs

Fat Backs

Fat Man

This fat man shows his huge belly in the picture. It looks like he has been guzzling down a lot of beer.

Fat Man

Fat Man

Hands up Belly Out

When this man raises his hands to use his binoculars, his t-shirt pulls up to show his fat belly.

Hands up Belly Out

Hands up Belly Out

Fat Guy Shopping

There is fat guy shopping in this picture. He is sitting on the cart wondering where to head.

Fat Guy Shopping

Fat Guy Shopping

Fat Visitors

This zoo has three fat visitors. They are discussing their plan to action whilst they wait to enter the zoo.

Fat Visitors

Fat Visitors

Fat Candy Lady

This fat lady is preparing candies and filling them in plastic bags. She is an ideal friend for the kids.

Fat Candy Lady

Fat Candy Lady

Cute baby

Here is a cute baby drinking milk from a bottle. Her fat mommy is feeding her the milk.

Cute baby

Cute baby

Fat Lady in Black

Here is a fat lady wearing a black outfit with grey pullover. The black dress isn‘t of much help in hiding her fat.

Fat Lady in Black

Fat Lady in Black

Fattening up the Kids

Here are two fat mothers feeding their kids some drink. Fizzy drinks give unhealthy calories to the children.

Fattening up the Kids

Fattening up the Kids

Fat Belly

This guy has pulled up his t-shirt and is showing his hanging belly. The shorts are neat and tidy.

Fat Belly

Fat Belly

Man in Mask

This man wears a mask and proudly shows off his fat belly. He is wearing specks on top of the mask.

Man in Mask

Man in Mask

Fat People on Barrel

Here are two fat ladies sitting on the barrel. Looks like they have a meal break.

Fat People on Barrel

Fat People on Barrel

Sleeping Fat Guy

Here is fat guy sitting on stool which is placed on the steps. He has fallen asleep sitting on the stool.

Sleeping Fat Guy

Sleeping Fat Guy

Fat Woman in Red

In this picture that fat woman shows off her huge leg. She is wearing a red party dress.

Fat Woman in Red

Fat Woman in Red

Quick Painting

The person is making a quick painting of the fat lady. There is another fat man who is looking while the painting is being made.

Quick Painting

Quick Painting

Comic Con Fattyy

This fat person wears a jacket on a black t-shirt with yellow goggles. He is holding a toy gun in his hand.

Comic Con fatty

Comic Con Fattyy

Fat Woman in Black

Here is an old fat woman teaching her grand-daughter to play a music instrument.

Fat Woman in Black

Fat Woman in Black


  1. What a ridiculous post. Whoever thought this was enlightening or whatever must be very bored. I’m sure the lady in pink really appreciated that particularly unflattering picture of herself about to eat, and the embarrassing caption that accompanied it.

  2. Horrible! If you saw yourself in one of these pictures..embarrassing! You don’t even make nice comments about them. I’ve almost always been skinny, but the last 6-7 yrs meds have caused me to be nearly 200 lbs. I can’t lose it. My drs have no clue why. My body is broken in so many ways. I hate being heavy. But your pictures help prove my theory about how nasty you people can act & judge so harshly. Gym, right foods, etc WILL NOT help all people.


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