25 Awesome Dice Tattoos


Tattoo lovers always get their state of mind and heart inscribed on their body. Be it their favorite quote or a close-to-heart picture or a symbol which appeals to their senses. If you are a tattoo lover who is full of enthusiasm and have an inclination towards adventurous and risky activities, you are born to have a dice tattoo. A dice tattoo is an emblem for those who love thrill and a rolling pair of dice is a symbol of the upcoming fate.

A pair of rolling dice is also a symbol of luck and the uncertainty of luck. It also means risk taking. If you are a tattoo lover and you believe the uncertainty of life, luck and adventures, you must have a dice tattoo.

Now, if you have planned to get yourself inked with the dice tattoo design, have a look at the below image gallery of dice tattoos.

All the pictures used in the gallery are utterly attractive, amazing and I am sure it will help you in selecting the one you are looking for.

If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Anchor Tattoos, Gun Tattoos, Crazy Tattoos and Funny Tattoos.

Time to Toss the Dice

Gamble to explore the adventures of life and sport a dice tattoo to ascertain your spirit.

Time to Toss the Dice

Time to Toss the Dice

Forever Young Tattoo

Live fearless and keep rolling the dice to stay “forever young”.

Forever Young Tattoo

Forever Young Tattoo

Multiple Dice

Sparkling multiple dice set with beams emitting out of each die.

Multiple Dice

Multiple Dice

Dice tattoo

Dice-duo in dark shade work inked on forearm.

Dice tattoo

Dice tattoo

Cards And Dice

Playing game of luck walking on fire, tossing the dice.

Cards And Dice

Cards And Dice

Gaming Tattoo

A set of dice arranged on wonderful splash of green color.

Gaming Tattoo

Gaming Tattoo

Ken Patten joker dice tattoo

Pinup girl with playing cards and a big dice, on which she sits.

Ken Patten joker dice tattoo

Ken Patten joker dice tattoo

Make your Own Luck

Bold red dice with smoke of fire and lettering saying, “Make your own luck”.

Make your Own Luck

Make your Own Luck

Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

Cool scratchy design of a tribal dragon wrapped around a 20-sided dice.

Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

Dice done

Great looking shade work, nude color and red dots on a cool dice tattoo design.

Dice done

Dice done

Flaming Dice

Vivacious red dice burning into flames, tattooed on arm.

Flaming Dice

Flaming Dice

Viva Las Vegas Custom Design

Rock Route Roll with pinup woman, cards and dice representing the glamorous life in casinos.

Viva Las Vegas Custom Design

Viva Las Vegas Custom Design

Star and dice

Nautical star surrounded with dice and fuming flame.

Star and dice

Star and dice


Great colors and spectacular details making this dice piece look fabulous.



Gamble Tattoo

Heart, spade, club and diamond card with rolling dice.

Gamble Tattoo

Gamble Tattoo

Joker Rolling Dice

Letting a joker roll the dice to decide his fate and fortune prospects.

Joker Rolling Dice

Joker Rolling Dice


Spade burnt into ashes and dice rolling below it.



Dice Tattoo

Tribal Cross with dice and little black stars.

Dice Tattoo

Dice Tattoo

Dice tat

Red dice tossing, rolling and colliding, carrying initials as well.

Dice tat

Dice tat

Lucky 7

Great mark of luck having a horseshoe, lucky number 7 and dice.

Lucky 7

Lucky 7


Old, distorted dice on flames with lettering, saying, “Life’s A Gamble”,.



Memorial Dice Tattoo

Nautical star, flame and dice with memorial date, tattooed on upper back.

Memorial Dice Tattoo

Memorial Dice Tattoo

Dices Ace of Spades Tattoo

Forearm design having cards, nautical star with scroll and dice.

Dices Ace of Spades Tattoo

Dices Ace of Spades Tattoo

Dice of Life

Dice of life that says, “love”, “Peace” and “Respect”.

Dice of Life

Dice of Life

Dice, Heart and Wings

Bright red anatomical heart with vine and blue dice.

Dice, heart and wings

Dice, heart and wings



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