35 Sensational Dandelion Tattoo Collection


Tale after tale, whenever there is a mention of time flying you, will usually get to hear about dandelions. A flower associated with flying time, dandelions have a lot of meaning as a tattoo design. They express a love of freedom and the wish to rise above the odds of life in a shining, positive manner. When you look at the petals flying away from a dandelion on the breeze your mind would also want to soar, much like birds. Dandelion petals are the nearest one can get to flying without wings. This is why the dandelion tattoo collection is a powerful and popular tattoo symbol.

The circular shape of the flower with the long stem makes it a bold design for a tattoo. A single color dandelion looks great with delicate shades that bring out its beauty. You can also go for a touch of color like pink, or a white highlight to make the flower design stand out. You can get the petals to make a fine horizontal design on your back, or have the design inked vertically on your leg or arm.

Combine the Dandelion Tattoo design with your favorite quote on flying, adventure, or freedom, and you have got yourself a really cool piece of body art.

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Blue Dreams

Done in delicate blue with a strong contrast in black ink, this is a colorful dandelion foot tattoo.

Blue Dreams

Blue Dreams


Full And Half

Not one but two beautiful dandelions make up this tattoo. The full flower and the one with petals flying contrast each other in the single color design.

Full And Half

Full And Half


My Dandelion

The petals in this dandelion tattoo are done with brief straight lines, adding to the geometric look of the design.

My Dandelion

My Dandelion


Back Dandelion Tattoo

With the petals flying off in one direction a dandelion makes for a great tattoo across the back.

Back Dandelion Tattoo

Back Dandelion Tattoo


Time Flies

Dandelion petals flying off are a sign of time flying, like you see in this delicately shaded arm tattoo.

Time Flies

Time Flies


Purple Dandelion Tattoo

Done in purple ink this dandelion tattoo comes with a pair of leaves. The flying petals complete the picture while a touch of pink adds color.

Purple Dandelion Tattoo

Purple Dandelion Tattoo


Fly Away

Flying and dandelion tattoos simply go hand in hand. Check out this amazing tattoo where the flying petals are joined by birds in flight.

Fly Away

Fly Away


Graceful Dandelion Tattoo

With a delicate stem and a dandelion flower on top this a beautiful tattoo. Note the green leaves at the base of the stem.

Graceful Dandelion Tattoo

Graceful Dandelion Tattoo


Fresh Dandelion Tattoo

The long dandelion stem makes this a great tattoo for the side of the body. Look at the intricately designed dandelion and the green leaves.

Fresh Dandelion Tattoo

Fresh Dandelion Tattoo


Wish Flower

Wishing on a dandelion is a common theme when you want to fly away, much like those tiny petals. This dandelion tattoo with a quote inked in pink expresses the wish.

Wish Flower

Wish Flower


Dandelion Petals

Black ink expresses the finer details of this dandelion tattoo very beautifully. Note the gap from where the petals are flying away.

Dandelion Petals

Dandelion Petals


Pretty Tattoo

Every tiny dandelion petal inked in detail with the small tufts showing, this is a pretty woman’s perfect tattoo.

Pretty Tattoo

Pretty Tattoo


Dandelion Fairy

Dandelions are the stuff of many fairytale and fantasies. In this tattoo you see a beautiful butterfly fairy holding a dandelion stem.

Dandelion Fairy

Dandelion Fairy


Swallow Dandelion Tattoo

Pretty pink and blue swallows arise from this dandelion tattoo, expressing their love of freedom.

Swallow Dandelion Tattoo

Swallow Dandelion Tattoo


Wild Dandelion Tattoo

With a dandelion showing its head above a mass of green leaves, this is a perfect leg tattoo for the wild at heart.

Wild Dandelion Tattoo

Wild Dandelion Tattoo


Gorgeous Dandelion Tattoo

Dandelion petals can make fascinating patterns. Check out this intricate patterned dandelion done in a delicate single shade.

Gorgeous Dandelion Tattoo

Gorgeous Dandelion Tattoo


Free Flower

This tattoo expresses the joy of freedom in every line.Note the perfect soaring motion of the petals and the flying birds that complete the dandelion tattoo.

Free Flower

Free Flower


Dandelion Shades

A touch of pink color is all that’s needed to bring out the rich details of this dandelion tattoo.

Dandelion Shades

Dandelion Shades


Touch My Neck

Passionate red colors this dandelion while its petals fly gracefully right up to the neck in this brilliant back tattoo.

Touch My Neck

Touch My Neck


Anime Dandelion Tattoo

A beautifully outlined anime character and a dandelion come together to make this distinctive single color tattoo.

Anime Dandelion Tattoo

Anime Dandelion Tattoo


Dandelion Colors

Inked in bright orange, green, and blue, this dandelion tattoo brings a splash of color to the back.

Dandelion Colors

Dandelion Colors


Stylish Dandelion Tattoo

Inked a little below the armpit and rising all the way round the back this is a stylish dandelion tattoo in black ink.

Stylish Dandelion Tattoo

Stylish Dandelion Tattoo


Dandelion Pair

In this intricate back tattoo made of two dandelions, the petals fly off to the other side, balancing the flower forms on one side of the design.

Dandelion Pair

Dandelion Pair


Petal Bird

This is an intricately shaded dandelion back tattoo where the birds with wings outstretched fly among the petals.

Petal Bird

Petal Bird


Born To Fly

With dandelion petals winging across the back in this design, a quote expresses the perfect desire to fly without wings.

Born To Fly

Born To Fly


Arty Dandelion Tattoo

The strong black shades make way for delicate mauve and blue bursts of color in this arty dandelion tattoo.

Arty Dandelion Tattoo

Arty Dandelion Tattoo


Smiling Dandelion

The bold circular form of a dandelion looks beautiful and unique when it is inked in white, thus highlighting a pretty back.

Smiling Dandelion

Smiling Dandelion


Dandelion Adventure

A bold adventure quote inked in an arty font arches beside the dandelion in this arm tattoo.

Dandelion Adventure

Dandelion Adventure


Dandelion On My Shoulder

With its round form a dandelion makes for a perfect shoulder tattoo. Note the petals that extend a little across the front of the body.

Dandelion On My Shoulder

Dandelion On My Shoulder


Dandelion Pattern

The pattern of petals in a dandelion makes for a unique tattoo design. This is a bold geometric dandelion design expressed in clean straight lines.

Dandelion Pattern

Dandelion Pattern


Dandelion Highlights

The powerful petal patterns inked in black come to life with intricate white highlights in this gorgeous foot tattoo.

Dandelion Highlights

Dandelion Highlights


Dandelion Base

In a horizontal design a dandelion makes for a perfect focal point. Check out the flower placed at the base while the petals fly up to make a pretty pattern.

Dandelion Base

Dandelion Base


Dandelion Charm

Inked in black with a pinkish hue, this small dandelion tattoo works like a charm above the waistline.

Dandelion Charm

Dandelion Charm


Wings For Me

Pink and blue split-tailed birds go well with the shaded single color dandelion in this back tattoo.

Wings For Me

Wings For Me


  1. Hey! I just wanted to say that the “Graceful Dandelion”, “Purple Dandelion” and The “Fresh Dandelion” are mine – the purple is the outline prior to the ink being done and the Graceful and Fresh are the afters – you may want to pull down some of the duplicates. They’re the same tattoo. :)


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