A flower with a bumblebee is the age-old classic representation of flirtation and love. Bumblebee tattoos are very attractive and can be depicted in various sizes. The little ones look cute with their innocent-baby like designs and wondering eyes looking out at the world. The larger examples of tattoos show off the classic combination of yellow and black that epitomizes the bee. As an art form, this tattoo design can be varied as far as ones imagination takes one, but the basic theme of love never changes.
Bumblebees are classic examples of flirtatious behavior, where variety is the nectar of life! The search for the best and sweetest flowers is a never-ending quest in the bee‘s life. Some tattoo artists use the classic design of black and yellow bees without other embellishments to make a simplistic style statement. Some use flowers, big or small, to add a splash of color to the dark tones of the bee.
Bumblebee tattoos are usually preferred by women rather than men, maybe because of the romantic theme of the flower-bee relationship.
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Brilliant Flash
Flashing bright, this bumblebee tattoos has deep and bright colors in a perfect combination. The huge pink flower and the little bumblebee hovering over it make a style statement that induces the wearer to show off the art work.
The Power of Love
This is cute….is what you are thinking! This tattoo with the bumblebee hovering over some leaves looking for the perfect flower has a flavor of delicacy in its artistic expression.
Music in My Ears
The girl in this picture must love music. A tiny bumble bee tattoo just behind an ear keeps her company all the time, humming sounds of sweet music to carry her through the day‘s routine.
Comic Effect
This is a funny little bumblebee tattoo. The bulbous eyes and comic expression makes it an amusing piece of art. Its smile says…I know I am comic, so what! As long as I can put a smile on your face, all is fine with me.
Flying Beauty
This bumblebee tattoo gets top marks. The flawless design with black and yellow shows the furry effect that the artist has intended. The translucent wings make the bee come alive as if it is about to fly off in search of nectar.
The Cark Scent
This bumblebee seems to be waiting in the dark shadows for the scent of the best flower. Its black, gray and dull yellow colors create an effect of dangerous adventures yet untold.
The Cark Scent
Summer Rhapsody
Is this bumblebee doing a mating dance to lure some attractive mate? The flirtatious look is obvious and the flower offering is definitely a message of love. As tattoos go, this is perfect art form.
Secret Hideout
This bumblebee is quite secure and happy partially hidden by the girl‘s hair on the nape of the neck. But the artistic strokes and colors cannot be missed as the bee seems to emerge from its hive!
Sunflower Bee
The Baby Superman
This bumblebee has just auditioned for the next superman flick. Its natural coloring of black and yellow is bound to be a hit with the audience. As a tattoo, he looks absolutely adorable with his huge half-scared curious eyes.
The Baby Superman
The Bandit
This bandit-like masked bumblebee is up to no good. It has come to steal the best nectar from the sweetest flowers before anyone else does. This tattoo is an artistic marvel. The vivid colors of the flower and the bee are superb!
Exploring the Flowers
This bumblebee seems to be taking his time in deciding which flower would have the sweetest nectar. There is too much choice and life can be hard! The tattoo with is circling bee and bright pink flowers is an unusual piece of art.
Baby‘s Day Out
This bumblebee is a chubby baby that has yet to explore the world and see the beauty of nature. A vast bed of colorful sweet-smelling flowers awaits him so that he can collect the best nectar, but this pink one will do for a start.
Baby‘s Day Out
Family Brunch
A huge flower in bright colors is definitely going to attract a lot of admirers. This bumblebee tattoo with one flower and three bees shows togetherness and sharing. Shared meals are the tastiest.
Family Brunch
The bumblebee in this tattoo is looking out at the world with questioning eyes. Do they find me beautiful? Do people notice my bright yellow and pitch black colors? Do they like the lacy blue effect of my wings?
Traditional Style
The classic colors of yellow and black of a bumblebee has been tattooed with clear precision in this tattoo. The arched back and the poised legs make one feel as if the bumblebee is alive and moving.
Fur Ball Bumblebee
The furry effect of the bumblebee has made this tattoo look more natural and attractive. The translucent yellow and black shaded wings add a touch of the class to the art form.
Love Game
The shadowy flower on which this bumble bee rests sends a message of flirtatious intentions. The wearer is obviously inviting a suitable response from someone. As an artistic display the translucent wings are brilliant.
The Classic Pose
A bumblebee ready to perch on a flower to taste its nectar is a classic form of bumblebee tattoo. It gives out a message of love, flirtation and intimacy. The pink flower, black and yellow bee with its gray shaded wings is a beautiful tattoo indeed!
King B
The royal crown and wings spread out like a cloak define the regal status of this bumblebee. This tattoo expresses love with its little blue hearts and the lips of the bee pouting in a kiss.
Buzzing Around
This bumblebee tattoo is a classic example of tattoo art. The vivid colors of black and yellow body are superbly balanced by the subdued blue shading of the delicate wings.
Flashing Past
You want a bumblebee tattoo as a style statement? This is the perfect one for you. It is large, bright with superb strokes and can‘t be missed. The wearer is obviously proud of the tattoo and finds no need to cover it up.
Cleo and Bumble
This bumblebee tattoo has a fantastic theme. Cleopatra riding on a bumblebee is a very imaginative art form and has a strange appeal. The colors used for Cleo and the bee go well together making the tattoo very unique.
Cleo and Bumble
Queen Bee
This queen bee with her crown and large inviting eyes is the epitome of flirtation. The bee in the tattoo seems to be smiling at some secret power that she wields over the flowers in a garden that cannot deny her their sweet nectar.
The Girly Look
This bumble bee with rosy cheeks, ornate wings is extending a flower of love. Its hopeful look has been portrayed very beautifully by the tattoo artist.
These bumble bee tattoos look great, both the more realistic ones, and cartoon ones.