26 Ornamental Arm Tribal Tattoos


Looking for a stunning tattoo design for your arm? The world of tribal designs is a rich and never-ending source of inspiration for men’s tattoos. The muscular feel of a man’s arm goes very well with the powerful lines of tribal designs. You can get yourself tattooed along the upper arm and continue the design right down to your wrist.

The beauty of tribal designs is that they express so much with minimal strokes. Usually, the color palette is a restricted one, featuring black, a combination of black and red, or a deep navy blue. The limited color palette brings a strong relief to the graceful lines used in tribal designs. The rounded upper arm offers a great surface to ink a perfect circle and fill it with tribal motifs. Cosmic waves and the flow of life can be expressed in bold lines along the periphery of this circle. Spirals, symbolizing the primitive view that life flows in spirals, often feature in tribal tattoo art. Arm Tribal Tattoos do not have to be huge to be meaningful. A simple interlocking tiny pattern can show as much of the flow of life and creativity, as a large design inked all along the arm.

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Women’s Tribal Tattoo

Styled with graceful ink strokes, this tattoo seems to show a pair of interesting creatures, which could be a tortoise and a hedgehog.

Women's Tribal Tattoo

Women’s Tribal Tattoo

Tribal Design Supply

The dense black lines are styled in an artistic manner resembling paintbrush art.

Tribal Design Supply

Tribal Design Supply

Tribal Bold Design

This arm tattoo design flows downward to taper in gracefully inked lines.

Tribal Bold Design

Tribal Bold Design

Arm Design Idea

An angry red lightning flash zigzags through the thick curvy black patterns.

Arm Design Idea

Arm Design Idea

Arm Tribe

Spirals, arrowheads and dotted patterns come together in this forearm tattoo. The red and black design celebrates the power of primitive tribal art.

Arm Tribe

Arm Tribe

Arm Tribal Design

Artistically shaded horn like shapes interlock, making a sensuous pattern in this arm tattoo.

Arm Tribal Design

Arm Tribal Design

Tattoo For Men

The bulging muscular arm is inked with a tight and intricate tribal border design. Just above the border, walks the little figure of Popeye the Sailor Man.

Tattoo For Men

Tattoo For Men

Tribe Heritage

Drawn with generous curves and ample spaces, this tribal tattoo has a natural flow.

Tribe Heritage

Tribe Heritage

Half Sleeve Tribal

Rich black lines overlap and wind around in patterned designs, in this powerful sleeve arm tattoo.

Half Sleeve Tribal

Half Sleeve Tribal

Displaying A Tribal Tattoo

The spirals get tighter and tighter towards the center, in this intricately patterned tribal tattoo.

Displaying A Tribal Tattoo

Displaying A Tribal Tattoo

Expressive Tribal Tattoo

Drawn with powerful bold lines, this form seems to represent a graceful long-necked bird.

Expressive Tribal Tattoo

Expressive Tribal Tattoo

Tribe Power

A big circle is inked with smaller triangles and flowy lines, to create this powerful red and black tribal tattoo.

Tribe Power

Tribe Power

Arm Ink Pattern

The bold black outlines contrast dramatically with the finer parallel strokes within these strange shapes.

Arm Ink Pattern

Arm Ink Pattern

New Tribal Style

Check out the pattern of interlocking blue lines holding in the deep red cross pendant.

New Tribal Style

New Tribal Style

Celebrating Tribal

Negative space, intricate lines and solid shaded areas play in this stylized tattoo.

Celebrating Tribal

Celebrating Tribal

Earth Tat

This tribal tattoo seems to replicate the look of small bones placed at a distance from each other.

Earth Tat

Earth Tat

Organic Art Tattoo

The curves, styled with a three-dimensional feel, are colored vividly, in this forearm tattoo.

Organic Art Tattoo

Organic Art Tattoo

Naturally Tattooed

The graceful wavy patterns seem to be inspired by the flowy lined bodies of the big cats. A design that brings out one’s inner animal.

Naturally Tattooed

Naturally Tattooed

Tribal Inspiration

The big circle with four stylized petals, is surrounded by block shaped tribal patterns.

Tribal Inspiration

Tribal Inspiration

Two Color Arm Tattoo

Blues, in deep and light shades, intertwine and create transparent effects, in this dancing tribal art tattoo.

Two Color Arm Tattoo

Two Color Arm Tattoo

Tattoo Tribal Cover

Intricate spirals form a major theme of this arm tattoo, with faded sun rays forming the design backdrop.

Tattoo Tribal Cover

Tattoo Tribal Cover

Stunning Tattoo

Broadly inked black areas pack a lot of power in this full arm tattoo design. The exposed elbow, surrounded by black curves, stands out.

Stunning Tattoo

Stunning Tattoo

Vibrant Tribal Tattoo

A gorgeous flower sits on top of this geometrically patterned tribal tattoo in navy blue.

Vibrant Tribal Tattoo

Vibrant Tribal Tattoo

Glimpse Tribal

Every curve loops to become a gracefully flowy stroke, in this sensuous tribal design.

Glimpse Tribal

Glimpse Tribal

Ink Occasion

The broad curves end in graceful spikes, in this tribal cosmic waves tattoo.

Ink Occasion

Ink Occasion

Tribal View

Bold black patterns interlock and snake down the arm in this powerful tattoo.

Tribal View

Tribal View


  1. The Two Color Arm Tattoo is one very elegant tribal tattoo design in this collection. And rest are stunning right, I agree with Prasad. ^^

  2. Organic Art Tattoo indeed very good design,all tattoo’s are giving sexy look,thanks a lot Daniel Josh for this great Collection.


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