25 Attractive Black People Tattoos


Dark is the center from which light spreads. Dark is the womb from which birth begins. Dark is Africa where human civilization began and then spread all over the world. Such is the magic of black people, and when that dark skin is celebrated with tattoos, the result is astoundingly beautiful. The deep ink designs inked on dusky chocolate shaded skin has its own sex appeal.

Black people are imaginative. This creativity comes out in the tattoos they love inking on the different parts of their bodies. The richly creative world of black people comes to life in designs like ancient tribal motifs, faces, pretty butterflies, flowers, and objects of nature, and much more. Black People Tattoos also include tattoo designs with only words. These words could come from Biblical text, or favorite books, or proverbs that have deep meaning.

Black people also get many fun tattoos which show off their love for music, such as musical notes styled in a wave. Those of the ancient tribes also get their face inked with tattoos in traditional rituals at different stages of their life. Black skin looks great with tattoos done in all shades of black so that the design shows up clearly. Many black tattoos are also designed as a name tattoo, or an angel tattoo, or other designs with personal meaning for the one getting the tattoo. The colorful clothes worn to go with the intricate tattoo designs give a wonderful look to the black man or woman. Funky metal accessories look cool too. Many black tattoos go for simple outlined designs to keep the look elegant, while some go all out with full back or full chest tattoo designs using artistic shading to get rich and gorgeous effects.

If You Love

‘If you love something let it go’ is the theme of this curvy word tattoo inked along this woman’s collar bones. See how the red heart replaces the word ‘love’ in this tattoo.

If You Love

If You Love

Kiss From A Rose

A cluster of red roses blooms on the warm shoulder of this lovely black woman in an awesome sexy shoulder tattoo idea. You can never go wrong with a classic flower tattoo.

Kiss From A Rose

Kiss From A Rose

Angel Tattoo

Intricate feathered wings spread out along both the collar bones in this upper chest praying figure black tattoo design. This complex tattoo is truly a stunning piece of art to have on your body.

Angel Back

Angel Back

Star Sign Tattoo

Inked in fresh rich black this is a pretty word tattoo for the star sign, Virgo. Check out the tiny dots that decorate the design. You can get a personalized tattoo depending on your star sign to give importance to your birth date.

    Star Sign Tattoo

Star Sign Tattoo

Black Personal Tattoo

A pretty little butterfly sits just beside the ‘Amira’ name tattoo in this unique and personal tattoo for a black woman, above her chest. Most Black people have unique names that they are proud of. Having it tattooed on their bodies is just one way of honoring their God-given names.

Black Personal Tattoo

Black Personal Tattoo

Black Face Design Tattoo

Take a look at this artistic black tattoo showing a delicately shaded female face in curvy patterns and straight lines.

Black Face Design Tattoo

Black Face Design Tattoo

Upper Body Black Tattoo

This dark body is the canvas for an amazing variety of religious tattoo designs such as a Jesus face, a frame, and a cross symbol.

Upper Body Black Tattoo

Upper Body Black Tattoo

Text Tattoo

These lines of religious text are inked to keep it close to the heart forever in this chest tattoo idea for black men.

Text Tattoo

Text Tattoo

Black People Awesome Art

As black people enjoy partying, get a look at the stylish flower and name theme ink designs on the numerous black hands. Just how cool would your friends think you are when you come up to them showcasing freshly tattooed hands.

Black People Awesome Art

Black People Awesome Art

My Baby Tattoo

The gorgeous lifelike shading along with the name and dates keep the memory of this dear departed boy always alive in this beautiful black memorial tattoo idea. One of the biggest pains of parenthood is almost being one. Pay homage to your baby by having them tattooed on your body as a way of remembering them.

My Baby Tattoo

My Baby Tattoo

Hey Beautiful

This is a beautiful arm tattoo with text about passion with traditional flower motifs in simple outlines on both sides of the text. You can have your life motto tattoed on a body part to remind yourself whenever you feel down.

Hey Beautiful

Hey Beautiful

Black People Musical Tattoo

Black people love their music. Take a look at the musical notes flowing like a wave in this lower back tattoo design.

Black People Musical Tattoo

Black People Musical Tattoo

Black Tribal Art Tattoo

Permanent body art is done here just like accessories for the black woman’s arms. Check out the pretty bracelet style designs above the wrist area. Best way to say that you are proud of your heritage.

Black Tribal Art Tattoo

Black Tribal Art Tattoo

Faith Tattoo

This is a beautiful and quiet religious tattoo for a black man. See the word ‘Faith’ with a bank of clouds in the design.

Faith Tattoo

Faith Tattoo

Boy From Africa

This fantastic black tattoo combines the African continent shape with the face of a black boy in a stunning design celebrating Black pride. Nothing but pride for their heritage!

Boy From Africa

Boy From Africa

Black Funky Back Tattoo

This black tattoo keeps it fun and simple with a cute martial cartoon character with ‘Nothing in my way’ inked on top.

Black Funky Back Tattoo

Black Funky Back Tattoo

Gorgeous Black Rose Tattoo

The combination of a delicate huge rose blooming on a strong male arm is really attractive. Inked with a name curving below the rose this is a great black male tattoo design idea.

Gorgeous Black Rose Tattoo

Gorgeous Black Rose Tattoo

Dark Crystals Tattoo

This pretty black tattoo design with crystals of many different shapes starts at the base of the neck, then climbs up to the ear.

Dark Crystals Tattoo

Dark Crystals Tattoo

Chinese Black Dragon

The world of Chinese art with its fantastic symbols like dragons along with lines of Chinese script comes alive on a powerful black back.

Chinese Black Dragon

Chinese Black Dragon

Black Mask Tattoo

Get a look at the delicate shades and powerful outline that make up the mask face design tattoo on the black skin.

Black Mask Tattoo

Black Mask Tattoo

Face Art

The forehead is tattooed with intricate old text and comes down in a dip to the nose in this black tribal community tattoo art design.

Face Art

Face Art

Black Cross Tattoo

The pair of wings on the chest, the large cross on the arm, and the cross with a chain on the hand are all beautiful black tattoo designs showcasing the man’s strong Christian faith.

Black Cross Tattoo

Black Cross Tattoo

My Face My World

The faded word tattoo designs look beautiful and ancient on the dark skinned face of this traditional tribal girl.

My Face My World

My Face My World

Pretty Black Hand Tattoo

Inked from the finger in pretty wavy and floral designs right up the hand this is a pretty mehendi tattoo idea for a black girl.

Pretty Black Hand Tattoo

Pretty Black Hand Tattoo

Hand Black Motifs

Check out the gorgeous abstract motifs inked on this muscular male black arm. The curves of the design go well with the powerful arm bulges.

Hand Black Motifs

Hand Black Motifs


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  1. I would suggest they have a fully black inked tattoo design because if it colored then it wouldn’t look great in their skin specially the concentrated colors.

    • Are you referring to Lupita? Who happens to be Kenyan (African), and raised in Mexico, and won an Oscar for her portrayal of a “Black American Slave Woman,” in that horrible arse film 12 years a Slave that everyone loved? However, no one considers the American Black woman that has to be re-triggered over, and over by these foolish and insensitive films.

      If you were referring to her, then yes we know she is. Thanks :-)


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