35 Astonishing Elephant Tattoo Designs


What is it about elephants that make them such great candidates for tattoo themes? Perhaps it is the appeal of their graceful long trunks, curved slender teeth jutting out, or huge flapping ears, that makes them perfect tattoo material. Elephants are held in great importance in many cultures, especially the Eastern ones. In India the elephant-headed god, Ganesha is worshipped as the god of good fortune. Many cultures have stories woven around these amazing animals that are the world’s largest land mammals and one of the heaviest species around.

The huge bulky shape of elephants also makes them cool as cartoon characters. You find elephants in many tales ranging from Rudyard Kipling’s classic The Jungle Book to the more recent Bambi, the cute flying elephant of Disney adventures.

Elephant Tattoo designs range from complex patterns of curves and lines representing the animal shape to many-colored cartoon pictures showing plump baby elephants, to designs with wild elephant faces, to themes that show a small herd of elephants, with the leader in front and the smaller ones of the herd following behind.

You can also find tattoo themes that show elephants doing many fun activities, like playing with soapy bubbles, or singing a cute tune on a piano. Many elephant tattoos also show the large animal with its back dressed up in colorful cloth coverings looking like creatures from an exotic fairy tale.

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Elephant Graphic Design

Solid shades of black are styled with neat graphic design style lines in this powerful elephant tattoo design.

Elephant Graphic Design

Elephant Graphic Design

Elephant Intricate Tattoo

Styled in many intricate patterns this detailed tattoo on the forearm brings out the beauty of an elephant.

Elephant Intricate Tattoo

Elephant Intricate Tattoo

Elephant Color Fun

A beautiful little purple elephant plays happily with red and blue balloons and stars in this cute elephant tattoo design.

Elephant Color Fun

Elephant Color Fun

Follow The Leader

One big elephant is followed by two smaller ones in this elephants tattoo design shaded in brown with black outlines.

Follow The Leader

Follow The Leader

Nature Tattoo

Done in a single color this grand tattoo shows an elephant with a graceful curvy pattern of vines completing the design.

Nature Tattoo

Nature Tattoo

Powerful Elephant Tattoo

Powerful folds of the elephant skin are reflected in this richly detailed yellow elephant tattoo. Check out the spiral patterns in the background.

Powerful Elephant Tattoo

Powerful Elephant Tattoo

Baby Bubbles

It’s bubble bath time for this soft-bodied baby elephant shaded in gray and pink in the tattoo design.

Baby Bubbles

Baby Bubbles

My Elephant

Styled in uneven lines with brown shades this is a very unusual custom elephant tattoo with an ‘M’ written on its body.

My Elephant

My Elephant

Wrist Elephant

Soft rounded lines are the key point of this simple and cute elephant wrist tattoo inked in black outlines.

Wrist Elephant

Wrist Elephant

Elephant Balloon Ride

Look at this elephant holding up a huge blue and white balloon as it soars upwards in this quirky tattoo.

Elephant Balloon Ride

Elephant Balloon Ride

Elephant Realistic Face

Done in realistic shades of brown with fine black outlines this powerful elephant head looks like it’ll pop out of the tattoo at any moment.

Elephant Realistic Face

Elephant Realistic Face

Elephant Pair

Two dark blue elephants styled in realistic shades stand touching each other in this cute and offbeat couple tattoo.

Elephant Pair

Elephant Pair

Shaded Elephant

Soft shades of gray cover this realistic elephant head tattoo design, making it look like it’s been sketched in with a soft pencil.

Shaded Elephant

Shaded Elephant

Royal Elephant Tattoo

This is a beautifully shaded upper back tattoo showing a small elephant decked up with a traditional Indian cloth covering.

Royal Elephant Tattoo

Royal Elephant Tattoo

African Elephant Pride

Realistically shaded with powerful ink strokes this elephant head against the map of the continent breathes the spirit of Africa.

African Elephant Pride

African Elephant Pride

Savannah Elephant Tattoo

Delicate savannah lands surround the shaded elephant in this African elephant theme tattoo design.

Savannah Elephant Tattoo

Savannah Elephant Tattoo

Elephant Colors

Done in a rough ink sketch style in black this elephant tattoo gets a touch of color from the reds and blues on either side.

Elephant Colors

Elephant Colors

Mosaic Elephant Tattoo

A rainbow pattern of colors makes up this adorable cartoon style mosaic elephant tattoo.

Mosaic Elephant Tattoo

Mosaic Elephant Tattoo

Iron Elephant

Complex geometrical patterns shade this beautiful elephant tattoo done in shades of brown.

Iron Elephant

Iron Elephant

Cute Elephant

The pink tongue on this baby elephant tattoo shaded in gray looks especially cute. Check out the tents in the background of the design.

Cute Elephant

Cute Elephant

Music Time Elephant

Look at the baby elephant with an oversized round head sitting and making music on the red piano in this cute tattoo design.

Music Time Elephant

Music Time Elephant

Elephant Ornamental Tattoo

Ornamental patterns in fine black ink make up this stylish elephant theme tattoo on the back of the neck.

Elephant Ornamental Tattoo

Elephant Ornamental Tattoo

3D Elephant Mosaic

Triangular shapes in a 3D style make up this geometric red and black elephant theme tattoo with other symbols adding rich meaning.

3D Elephant Mosaic

3D Elephant Mosaic

Jungle Elephant

This gorgeous shaded elephant tattoo near a design of a tree sits on the inner arm of the man.

Jungle Elephant

Jungle Elephant

Colorful Show Elephant Tattoo

It’s show time, says this elephant tattoo on the leg, with its colorful flowers and ornamental patterns.

Colorful Show Elephant Tattoo

Colorful Show Elephant Tattoo

Elephant Tattoo Details

Styled in sensitive ink strokes of brown in many shades this elephant design comes alive on the upper shoulder.

Elephant Tattoo Details

Elephant Tattoo Details

Elephant Text Tattoo

Check out the cute little elephant riding a uni-cycle like in a circus in this positive inspiration tattoo design.

Elephant Text Tattoo

Elephant Text Tattoo

Mama Elephant

Delicate shades of gray mark this beautiful tattoo showing a mama elephant with her baby.

Mama Elephant

Mama Elephant

Cute Elephant Art

This awesome little tattoo showing a baby elephant with huge ears sits pretty on the side of the body.

Cute Elephant Art

Cute Elephant Art

Indian Elephant

Ornaments in pretty shades of red, blue, green, and gold add color to the gray shaded Indian elephant theme tattoo design.

Indian Elephant

Indian Elephant

Private Elephant Tattoo

With its trunk upraised this small gray elephant tattoo sits a little above the woman’s waistline.

Private Elephant Tattoo

Private Elephant Tattoo

Odd Couple Story

An elephant and a green turtle wear their red hearts openly in this quirky and colorful tattoo for a couple in love.

Odd Couple Story

Odd Couple Story

New Mother Tattoo

Baby elephant follows Mama elephant in this beautiful elephant theme tattoo design that seems just right for the back of a new mother.

New Mother Tattoo

New Mother Tattoo

Ocean Elephant

Patterns of flowers with ocean blue shades in some bits make up this imaginative elephant theme tattoo.

Ocean Elephant

Ocean Elephant

Blue Elephant

This blue elephant head tattoo design comes complete with long yellow teeth. Note the delicate pink shades adding depth to the design.

Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant


  1. Nice collection, but in the introduction, the Disney movie featuring the flying elephant is Dumbo, not Bambi. Bambi was a whitetail deer faun. Other than that, this is an awesome collection and I look forward to seeing more quality compilations!


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