14 Unique and Funky Hair Tattoos


Hair tattoos are a creative and funky new trend! To create a hair tattoo, a design is usually shaved into the hair, and the scalp underneath peeks out creating a contrasting design. These usually stand out best in darker hair, but blonde hair tattoos can look pretty amazing too! Sometimes, hair dye is also used to accentuate or accent a hair tattoo.

Both men and women can opt for hair tattoos. Women, however, usually opt for undercut hair tattoos, which are designs shaved into the bottom layers of the hair only, just above the neck. These undercut hair designs are easily hidden when the hair is down, but can be put on display by putting the hair up.

If you want to mix up your hair routine a bit, check out these awesome hair tattoo designs for a little inspiration!

1. Undercut Braided Hair Tattoo

Undercut hair tattoos add a fun little touch to casual updos like this braided messy bun.

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2. Blonde Hair Tattoo

Platinum blonde hair tattoos are a little more subte than hair tattoos in dark hair, but they’re just as awesome!

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3. Sun Undercut Hair Tattoo

The sun design in this undercut hair tattoo design stands out beautifully!

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4. Pink Hair Tattoo

If you’re going to try an undercut hair tattoo, pink hair is is the perfect canvas!

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5. Music Note Hair Tattoo

For the music lovers among us, music note hair tattoos are great options for both men and women!

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6. Lotus Flower Hair Tattoo

A beautiful lotus flower hair tattoo is a pretty zen way to decorate the side of the head!

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7. Decorative Hair Tattoo for Guys

Swirly geometric designs shaved into the sides of the head make interesting hair tattoo designs for men.

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8. 3D Star Hair Tattoo

Large 3D star designs shaved into the head make for some pretty eye catching hair tattoos!

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9. Mohawk With Decorative Hair Tattoo

Mohawks are pretty funky hairstyles, and decorative hair tattoos are a nice addition.

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10. Shooting Star Hair Tattoo

A shooting star across the back of the neck stands out with amazing clarity on this cute blonde bob haircut!

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11. Lizard Hair Tattoo

You can get really funky with your hair tattoos and create some awesome designs, like this fluffy lizard!

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12. Small Heart Hair Tattoo

This little pink heart hair tattoo is subtle but super cute, especially in pink hair!

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13. Playing Cards Hair Tattoo

This playing cards hair tattoo design is a fun and lighthearted design for guys with short hair.

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14. Optical Illusion Hair Tattoo

An amazing optical illusion hair tattoo is created with a clever combination of shaving and hair dye!

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If you’re looking for more fun and funky hair ideas like these hair tattoos, make sure you check out these 14 Radiant Rainbow Hairstyles and 14 Sweet and Spunky Ways to Do Purple Hair!



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