30 Cool Tattoo Ideas You Don’t Want To Miss


Cool Tattoo Ideas can brighten up anybody’s mood. These are just amazing visuals of people inking themselves with their favorite designs and themes. Maybe it’s an orange octopus, maybe it’s an angel dog, or a pure musical feeling. The cool here goes deep effortlessly and makes us wonder at the amazing ways people connect with their self-expression.

People are cool. Self expression through tattoos is cool. If you are looking for bright ideas to keep you enlightened all along your life journey, you can consider tattooing whatever you think is cool for you. If the design makes you feel special to yourself, then it is the one for you. Feeling special is the most beautiful lesson one can learn from life, and it is an incredibly cool way to live. Unless you feel special yourself, how will you get the charm that so makes you, you? The world that we see is so full of uncool thoughts and actions, that tattooing cool designs is in a light way, a personal agency that goes a long way in making others feel special too. It is a permanent action, to decide on tattooing, and anything permanent is definitely a huge decision. So, as this huge decision beckons you, there is no point turning back. Responding to what your mind says to you as tattoos is the best action that you can take to reverse the uncool things that happen. Inking a feather, the emblem of lightness, can remind you of light and lightness all the time. A bright orange slice with eyelashes as a tattoo idea, or pretty butterflies inked on the back, or a Supermario character on the leg, are all fun tattoo ideas full of colors.

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Amazing Tree And Birds Tattoo

The amazing tree and bird tattoo on the back tells a story. The words written by the tree reads of longing and separation.

Amazing Tree And Birds Tattoo

Amazing Tree And Birds Tattoo

Making A Statement Tattoo

This full sleeve tattoo has been done in extraordinary detail and the visible text reads Love me or Hate me. A face with closed eyes can be seen at the wrist.

Making A Statement Tattoo

Making A Statement Tattoo

Cool Feather Tattoo

The feather tattoo done on the wrist shows a single feather plume. The tattoo shares a sense of being light like a feather.

Cool Feather Tattoo

Cool Feather Tattoo

Angel Pug Tattoo

This tattoo shows a cute pug dog flying over the clouds. The angel pug tattoo shows the bonding between the pet and the person.

Angel Pug Tattoo

Angel Pug Tattoo

Water Flow And Floating Flowers Tattoo

This tattoo shows a beautiful flowy personality where the mind wanders to a stream and flowers floating on the stream.

Water Flow And Floating Flowers Tattoo

Water Flow And Floating Flowers Tattoo

Opaque And Transparent Butterfly Tattoo

Here we see the butterflies. The left pair of wings are opaque and the right pair are transparent. This is a beautiful tattoo.

Opaque And Transparent Butterfly Tattoo

Opaque And Transparent Butterfly Tattoo

Nightingale Sitting On A Branch Tattoo

This full waist tattoo shows a nightingale perching on a branch filled with blossoming flowers. It shows the love of melody and nature.

Nightingale Sitting On A Branch Tattoo

Nightingale Sitting On A Branch Tattoo

Jedi Mario Tattoo

The martial arts Jedi Mario tattoo brings alive the iconic Mario, in his red cap and costume. As we all remember Mario is the rescuer of the princess.

Martial Arts Mario Tattoo

Martial Arts Mario Tattoo

Half Orange Slice Tattoo

The half orange tattoo with eyelashes is fresh and creative. You look at the world with the coolness of an orange slice, perhaps that’s what this tattoo wants to say.

Half Orange Slice Tattoo

Half Orange Slice Tattoo

Black Logo Of Apple Tattoo

The black apple logo tattoo shows the love for the iconic brand. It just shows how the brand has changed the lives of so many people around the world.

Black Logo Of Apple Tattoo

Black Logo Of Apple Tattoo

Cool Tribal Art Hand Tattoo

The sharp-edged tribal art hand tattoo done in red shows an inner tribal nature. The sharp edges create a vivid impression.

Cool Tribal Art Hand Tattoo

Cool Tribal Art Hand Tattoo

Sparrow With Latin Text Tattoo

This tattoo shows a small bird, probably a sparrow, with some Latin text above and below it. Perhaps the Latin text praises the gentle freedom of the sparrow.

Sparrow With Latin Text Tattoo

Sparrow With Latin Text Tattoo

Detailed Giraffe Tattoo Behind The Ears

The giraffe tattoo has been done in amazing detail behind the ears. The giraffe lover here presents a real unique idea of tattooing. The long neck and the memory of the savannah comes alive through this tattoo.

Detailed Giraffe Tattoo Behind The Ears

Detailed Giraffe Tattoo Behind The Ears

Funny Black Cat Tattoo

The funny black cat with round staring eyes is sure to be a favorite of cat lovers, especially black cat lovers. Between the eyes, a small blot of a nose can also be seen.

Funny Black Cat Tattoo

Funny Black Cat Tattoo

Colorful And Cool Tattoo

The full sleeve tattoo done in colors on the girl shows her fantasy world. The fantastic tattoo full of colors perhaps shows her belief in fantasy.

Colorful And Cool Tattoo

Colorful And Cool Tattoo

Trail Of Stars Tattoo

The trail of star tattoos done on the back of the neck shows that this pretty lady definitely has her head in the stars.

Trail Of Stars Tattoo

Trail Of Stars Tattoo

Full Back Dragon Tattoo

The amazing full back dragon tattoo invites you to a world of imagination and fantasy. There is also something written in Chinese text by the side of the tattoo.

Full Back Dragon Tattoo

Full Back Dragon Tattoo

Hummingbird Tattoo

The yellow hummingbird tattoo done on the shoulder shows that she can identify herself with the tiny beautiful bird. One can almost feel the fast fluttering of the wings of the hummingbird.

Hummingbird Tattoo

Hummingbird Tattoo

Leaves Tattoo

The leaves tattoo at the waist of the girl and on her hand shows that she is a daughter of nature, making a statement with her tattoos.

Leaves Tattoo

Leaves Tattoo

Orchid Blossom Tattoo

The two blossoming orchids, blue and pink, make a wonderful statement about friendship and love.The tendrils coming out of the orchids make them even more alive.

Orchid Blossom Tattoo

Orchid Blossom Tattoo

Utopia Musical Notes Tattoo

This amazing tattoo takes us to the imaginary land of Utopia with a rainbow coming out of a treasure chest and musical notes making a path to the fantasy land.

Utopia Musical Notes Tattoo

Utopia Musical Notes Tattoo

Tree Deer Tattoo

This half sleeve tattoo shows a mythical deer with her horns as branches of trees. The branches have blossing flowers in them.

Tree Deer Tattoo

Tree Deer Tattoo

Two Dragons Tattoo

The two dragons done on either shoulders with a coat of arms brings out her strength of character. There are also crowns on the dragons.

Two Dragons Tattoo

Two Dragons Tattoo

Orange Octopus Tattoo

The orange octopus tattoo on the wrist is a cool tattoo to do. The tattoo shows the orange sea creature coming alive on the wrist.

Orange Octopus Tattoo

Orange Octopus Tattoo

Cool Camera Love Tattoo

The small antique camera with Love sign imprinted on the lens shows the love of clicks that she hold within her.

Cool Camera Love Tattoo

Cool Camera Love Tattoo

Jesus With Crown Of Thorns Tattoo

This small tattoo on the earlobe has been done in amazing detail. The body art reminds us of the pain the Savior went through.

Jesus With Crown Of Thorns Tattoo

Jesus With Crown Of Thorns Tattoo

Geometry Cube Sphere Tattoo

This geometrical tattoo showing three cubes surrounding a sphere looks bright and colorful and is Reason logo. The cubes have been done in orange and black, while the sphere is black.

Geometry Cube Sphere Tattoo

Geometry Cube Sphere Tattoo

Cool Song Tattoo

This full back tattoo shows the Sing sign with a mike, perhaps on a musician’s back. The tattoo inspires the audience to sing out their emotions.

Cool Song Tattoo

Cool Song Tattoo

Traditional Japanese Flowers Tattoo

The traditional Japanese flowers and the flying glowing lanterns shows the happiness of celebrations. It makes one feel light-headed and open to the beauties of nature.

Traditional Japanese Flowers Tattoo

Traditional Japanese Flowers Tattoo

Cool Dragon Tattoo

The dragon tattoo here has been made with simple flowy strokes to make a powerful impression. The fangs of the dragon can be seen prominently.

Cool Dragon Tattoo

Cool Dragon Tattoo


  1. I would say that the Two Dragons Tattoo is the nicest idea I can see in the collection. It’s like two logos facing each other with dragon designs. Really looking great.

    • the fantastic tree and birds tattoo, is just so beautiful, however I am unable to read the verse as so small, please let me know what the verse says, where in the country do you work from ?

      Many thanks



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