Useful Collection of Resources for After Effects Expressions


Expressions help you a long way, when you want to avoid creating tens or hundreds of keyframes by hand. You can create relationships between layer properties and use one property‘s key frames to dynamically animate other layers.

Expressions are based on the standard JavaScript language, but knowledge of JavaScript is not essential to use expressions. You can also create expressions by using the pick whip or by copying simple examples and modifying them as per your needs.

Check out this post on important articles and tutorials on Adobe After Effects Expressions and widen your knowledge.

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AE Expressions Lab

Here you will find 18 fantastic titles related to AE Expressions

AE Expressions Lab

More Information on AE Expressions Lab

15 Expressions Tutorials

This is a huge list of Expressions Tutorials.It has total 15 tutorials and you can also sought community help whenever required.

Expressions Tutorials

More Information on 15 Expressions Tutorials

Using Expressions to Create a Volume Meter

Author shows you a smart way of creating dynamic and sound reactive Volume Meter.

Using Expressions to Create a Volume Meter

More Information on Using Expressions to Create a Volume Meter

Animating Text Reflections with Expressions

Here you’ll see how to use Expressions to animate reflected light across text. You can get great results using only ingredients included free with AE, including track mattes and the AE Camera.

Animating Text Reflections with Expressions

More Information on Animating Text Reflections with Expressions

EQ Animation using AE Expressions

In this video tutorial author gives some great tips on how to create and animate a rack of Graphic Equalizer bars using solely expressions in Adobe After Effects.

EQ Animation using AE Expressions

More Information on EQ Animation using AE Expressions

5 Easy After Effects Expressions

5 Easy After Effects Expressions

More Information on 5 Easy After Effects Expressions

Making Pie Charts with Expressions

Pie charts are hard. Make them easier with expressions.

Making Pie Charts with Expressions

More Information on Making Pie Charts with Expressions

Expressions and External Documents – Revised for CS4

Some ideas on how to use external documents to drive content inside After Effects.

Expressions and External Documents – Revised for CS4

More Information on Expressions and External Documents – Revised for CS4


This script will convert the expressions in your projects so that they are compatible with After Effects running in any language.


More Information on ExpressionUniversalizer

Time(line) for Plexus

In this After Effects tutorial author will combine the ExpressionTimeline with the new plugin Plexus to create an impressive title animation. In addition author will show you a useful expression to loop the keyframes of a property.

Time(line) for Plexus

More Information on Time(line) for Plexus

Physical Simulations

Get more control over the bounce or elastic expressions.

Physical Simulations

More Information on Physical Simulations

My 5 Favorite Expressions

These are expressions author use in just about every project, and he considers them to be incredible workflow enhancements.

My 5 Favorite Expressions

More Information on My 5 Favorite Expressions


This After Effects tutorial shows how to use the ExpressionTimeline. Author consider three different ways create typo animations based on expressions. Transitioning from one expression to the next one smoothly is very easy with the ExpressionTimeline.

More Information on ExpressionTimeline

RGB to HSL Expressions

This After Effects tutorial uses Radio Waves to show the usefulness of these powerful expressions.

RGB to HSL Expressions

More Information on RGB to HSL Expressions

Swinging A Realistic Chain

Author shows you expression features that apply all the way from After Effects 5 to today. He combines his experience as “an average expressions user” with tips and shortcuts for many core features that every AE user will be able to start using today.

Swinging A Realistic Chain

More Information on Swinging A Realistic Chain


You will get every soft of help on

      * Working with expressions
      * The expression language
      * After Effects expression elements reference
      * Expression examples


More Information on Expressions

A better Grid using expressions

This tutorial will show you some basic principles when using expressions in After Effects. These include using the pick whip and some simple things you need to think of when referencing elements and converting numerical values.

A better Grid using expressions

More Information on A better Grid using expressions

Jack of All Trades, Master of Expressions

In this video tutorial, check how to create a jumpy and squishy animation using the power of expressions.

Jack of All Trades, Master of Expressions

More Information on Jack of All Trades, Master of Expressions

Creating Trails

Sometimes there is a need to have a series of layers follow a “lead” layer with a time delay. You’ve probably seen those web pages where the cursor leaves a “mouse trail” – a string of copies of the cursor image that follow behind, each with less opacity than the copy before.

Creating Trails

More Information on Creating Trails

After Effects Expressions Simplified

See through the confusion of After Effects Expressions with just a few simple steps.

After Effects Expressions Simplified

More Information on After Effects Expressions Simplified

Introduction to Expressions

Know all about expressions here.

Introduction to Expressions

More Information on Introduction to Expressions

After Effects tutorials and scripts

You can find few important expressions-based tutorials.

After Effects tutorials and scripts

More Information on After Effects tutorials and scripts

Expressions in After Effects

Some pages designed to teach a few topics in geometry relevant to expressions in After Effects. This section focuses more on math than on syntax, and assumes that you’re familiar with the basics of creating and using expressions.

Expressions in After Effects

More Information on Expressions in After Effects


    • Am curious as to how AE will make your site more attractive. I know this was posted sometime back but I would love it if Kev came back to just drop a hi with a thing AE enhanced his site’s looks. Am all saying this because I think flash in a site makes it suck*

  1. cryptic ,terse ,enigmatic and more.

    all these writers are not educators in the least ,

    applicators and users of the software yes.

    teachers no way.

    there is a total lack of anotation provided ,spelling out the reasoning for each line in use.

    is this due to arrogance or a nerd factor ?

    with out full explanations this is little more than a collection of junk.

    your not supposed to feel good about your self for making indecipherable piles of crap !


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