Teardrop tattoos are small tear shaped tattoo design placed under the eyes or anywhere on body, and it creates an impression that the tattoo bearer is crying. A teardrop tattoo has many stories related to its origin and its symbolism. What is the meaning of a teardrop tattoo is still a debatable topic, but according to some of the stories it means that someone from family, a close friend or member of the gang has passed away.
It is said that the teardrop tattoo originated in the Chicano gangs of California.
According to some beliefs, a teardrop tattoo was inked on the individual when he had killed a person, particularly while in prison. A solid teardrop tattoo means that there was a murder committed, and if the tattoo has a clear middle, it was trying to murder and an empty teardrop symbolizes that a loved one has been murdered. These days, teardrop tattoos are getting popular and some famous celebs have it. If you too are planning to get one, check out the amazing picture gallery of 25 teardrop tattoos below.
Tear Drop Tattoo
Blue teardrop with black outline, tattooed on the index finger.
My Teardrop
Treasured the teardrop forever on the finger, to remind of the time, which made you cry.
Teardrops Tattoo
Two black tear drops flowing down his cheeks.
Teardrops Tattoo
Nick Eyetear
Loves to listen to blues, so has a teardrop tattooed below his eye.
Guy Teardrop
Who says, guys are bad at showing out their emotions, they too can cry and express the hurt inside.
Jupiter And Teardrop
Black tear drop flowing down his eye, and that stoned expression on his face is saying it all.
Girl Teardrop
Teardrop on her finger, which actually could help wipe off her tears.
Finger Teardrop
Teardrops on two fingers tattooed to last forever.
Long Tear Tattoo
Crying eye with flowing teardrops in blue, tattooed on the back.
Tear Drops Tattoo
Loving her teardrop that dropped on her finger, now it only brings her a smile.
Flower With Teardrop
Fiery vibrant flower with tribal pattern below it in black with a teardrop.
Back Tear Drop
Artistic teardrop with peacock pattern inside it, tattooed on back.
Inner Arm Tattoo
Teardrop tattooed on the inner arm with an intricate design on it, which are actually initials, “S.A.B”.
Accessory Teardrop Tattoo
Tiny teardrop tattoo outline sported as a psychedelic accessory.
Tear Drops
Teardrop tattoo below his eye, to express his inability to express his hurt.
Smiling Guy Tear
Smiling despite tears in his eyes, the guy shows his optimistic attitude towards life.
Smiling Guy Tear
Cry Baby
Teardrops in blue color on the fingers, when you do not want to waste the real ones.
Crying Guy Teardrop
Shedding real tears with these black tattoo teardrops.
Cool Teardrop
Fat teardrop tattoo with initials inscribed inside it.
Pikachu Tattoo
Little drop of a tear on that angry-looking face.
Eye Tear
Crying eye tattoo with teardrops flowing down the back.
Unusual Teardrop
Heart shape teardrop on her glowing smiling face, showing an unusual contrast in her personality.
Unusual Teardrop
Tattoos By Casey Sass
Teardrop tattoo on fingers, placed close to eyes.
Police Teardrop
Teardrop tattoo flowing down the eye with an first piece below the hair lock.
Finger Tattoos
Smiling while showing the teardrop that fell from his eye and dropped on the finger.
Always makes me smile when I see people with horrendous facial tattoos
Never knew about tear drop tattoos. After seeing this post I came to know that people at so crazy about tattoos.
The coolest looking teardrop on the face in with Joker’s. It suit him very much ..^^
Innovative tattoo design. Nice share again on slodive.