23 Tremendous Money Rose Tattoo Ideas


Money is purely paper while a rose is a delicate and beautiful creation of Nature. When these two completely different objects come together in a design what results is a Money Rose Tattoo.

The fine edges of the dollar bill let tattoo artists play with many sorts of creative ideas in making money rose tattoo designs.

Whether it is shaped in folds, or spread out to resemble the shape of petals a money rose can be an interesting design to sport.

Using the forms of many 100 dollar bills to create the shape of a rose is the challenge of a tattoo shaped like a money rose. The spiral of the rose can be created by using the pattern a dollar bill makes when it is tightly folded. A rose tattoo made with money bills shows the new romance of this age, in which money is what seems to be everything that is important in the world. Yet, the shape of a money rose unraveling can also point to the way the money system is so fragile in reality. A tattoo design that combines the shapes of a rose with dollar bills can be inked on different parts of the anatomy. The naturally circular shape that the rose has means that the design is great for a fist, the wrist, the foot, or the rounded fleshy part of the forearm. Many people also get designs of money roses inked in vertical patterns along their arms. In these designs the money rose can come together with vine shapes weaving through the dollar bills to create great patterns. Many money rose tattoos keep the look intricate and artistic with shadings added in ink. Usually a single color is used for the design and then deepened effects can create a rich three-dimensional look. Sometimes a money rose pattern may also play with colors with the heart of the design in the shape of a pink rosebud. Rich gray shadings used in the design can give the money rose the feel of heavy metal. The patterns of money bills shaped into a rose sometimes have rose leaves added to the borders of the money petals to make it look even more like a real rose.

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Old Money Rose

A dull gray metallic shade used in the ink gives a hard and heavy feel to the money rose that curves down to touch the wrist in this fist tattoo design.

Old Money Rose

Old Money Rose

Money Tattoo Colors

The pink tight bud shaped heart of the rose is surrounded by dollar bills in this vividly colored money rose tattoo design.

Money Tattoo Colors

Money Tattoo Colors

3D Rose Money Design

See how the edges of the dollar bills have been styled with broken lines to resemble the edges of rose petals in this tattoo design.

3D Rose Money Design

3D Rose Money Design

Dollar Bills Rose Design

In this money rose tattoo one side of the rose is tightly shaped like a flower while on the other side you can see the loose edges of the notes flying.

Dollar Bills Rose Design

Dollar Bills Rose Design

Money Rose Curves

Ink effects have been used to deepen the lines and give a 3D look to the money petals in this money rose tattoo design.

Money Rose Curves

Money Rose Curves

Money Rose Patterns Tattoo

The money rose opens out in a vertical design with vines weaving through in this single colored arm tattoo.

Money Rose Patterns Tattoo

Money Rose Patterns Tattoo

Rose Money Honey

100 dollar bills, some of them rolled up, the others remaining loose and spread out, make up the design of this forearm tattoo.

Rose Money Honey

Rose Money Honey

Stylized Money Rose Death Tattoo

This tattoo plays with the themes of money, love and mortality through its blend of money rose, woman and skull shapes.

Stylized Money Rose Death Tattoo

Stylized Money Rose Death Tattoo

Spiraling Money Tattoo

You can see the rose money design spiraling outward with delicate shading used to deepen the artistic feel of the tattoo.

Spiraling Money Tattoo

Spiraling Money Tattoo

Money Rose Borders

The uneven edges of a rose petal are mimicked by the sharp fine broken lines of the dollar bills in this money rose arm tattoo.

Money Rose Borders

Money Rose Borders

Twisted Money Tattoo

This artistically sketched money rose design plays with spiraling shapes to create a richly patterned look.

Twisted Money Tattoo

Twisted Money Tattoo

Hypnotic Tattoo Patterns

The spiral roll made by a dollar bill is the focal point of this spread out money rose tattoo inked on the arm.

Hypnotic Tattoo Patterns

Hypnotic Tattoo Patterns

Money On My Rose

The compact form of a rose money tattoo complete with leaves on the sides sits inked on the arm in this design.

Money On My Rose

Money On My Rose

Paper Rose

This money rose tattoo is on the verge of coming undone, perhaps showing how fragile the money system really is. A line of text saying ‘Love is Pain’ is inked as a part of the tattoo design.

Paper Rose

Paper Rose

Banker’s Fave Tattoo

The delicate low-key shading gives a soft look to the shape of the money rose in this arm tattoo. Note the light shaded flames along the edge of the design.

Banker's Fave Tattoo

Banker’s Fave Tattoo

Rose Bill Edge

This tattoo done with finely inked outlines brings out the form of a basic 100 dollar rose on the forearm. Rose leaves surround the sides of the money rose shape.

Rose Bill Edge

Rose Bill Edge

Money Destruction

The form of this money rose tattoo on the fist shows the notes all spread out in a loose fashion creating a sense of chaos.

Money Destruction

Money Destruction

Thug’s Angel Tattoo

The paper notes are spread out like rose petals with the folded notes at the center resembling the heart of a rose in this creative leg tattoo.

Thug's Angel Tattoo

Thug’s Angel Tattoo

Shades Of A Money Rose Tattoo

This is an artistically shaded tattoo combining the shape of a rose, dollar bills and patterned rose leaves into a single complex design.

Shades Of A Money Rose Tattoo

Shades Of A Money Rose Tattoo

Dollar Rose Curves

A 100 dollar bill is shaped like the heart of a rose with similar value bills making up the rest of the flower in this tattoo design.

Dollar Rose Curves

Dollar Rose Curves

Old Age Of Money Tattoo

The delicate curves of rose petals are the folds of the dollar bills in this imaginative tattoo.

Old Age Of Money Tattoo

Old Age Of Money Tattoo

Arty Tattoo 100 Dollar

The twists and curves bring to live the serpentine path of the one who lives by the dollar in this 3D style money rose tattoo.

Arty Tattoo 100 Dollar

Arty Tattoo 100 Dollar

Money Rolls Can’t Keep You Warm

The dollar bills have been folded up to make huge rolls shaped like roses with leaves completing the money rose tattoo design.

Money Rolls Can't Keep You Warm

Money Rolls Can’t Keep You Warm


  1. It’s just now that I had read about money rose. Never heard about it before. Just now. Heheheh! By the way the styles of the tattoos in this collection is very nice. Thanks!

  2. I was told by my parents that there is no tree for money but look what i m seeing here a money rose where that came from when money did not grow on trees(just joking). The tattoo designs and the ideas both are beautiful.


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