16 Spectacularly Bad Face Tattoos


Face tattoos are a bit of a hot button topic with most people. Hard core body art fanatics are all for them, but most people—even fans of body art—are dead set against them. While some face tattoos can be beautiful and tastefully done, it’s the bad face tattoos that stick out in most people’s minds!

Bad face tattoos are just that—bad. They’re often poorly thought out, poorly placed, and poorly executed. Nothing screams “Don’t hire me!” or “I’m creepy and weird!” like an awful face tattoo.

Wanna see what I mean? Take a look at these gems…

1. Square Hairline Tattoo

I’m not entirely sure what this guy was trying to accomplish with this interesting work of art. But, if he was trying to subtly disguise a receding hairline, I think he missed the mark…by a country mile!

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2. “Ladies Love It” Mustache Tattoo

Ah, the “Ladies Love It” mustache tattoo—classy, sir! But, I can pretty much guarantee you that no, the ladies will, in fact, not love it, as most are not fans of bad face tattoos.

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3. Eastside Lip Tattoo

Up next, we have Mr. Ladies Love It’s brother—Mr. Eastside. An Eastside mustache tattoo is all fine and dandy, but…what happens if he decides to move to the Westside?

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4. Ice Cream Cone Face Tattoo

Because nothing says “classy” quite like a giant ice cream cone tattooed on the side of your face! The little red lightning bolts are a nice touch, though.

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5. Weird Clown Face Tattoo

Clown faces have to be some of the worst of the bad face tattoos, especially if you run into someone who’s afraid of clowns. That’s just plain mean

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6. Goofy Mustache Tattoo

Why do mustache tattoos seem to be some of the most popular choices for bad face tattoos? Let’s ask this gentleman here. He looks like he’s in the know!

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7. Collection of Bad Face Tattoos

I’m not really quite sure which of this young man’s bad face tattoos to zero in on here. Maybe the “Stop Staring” tattoo on his upper lip? No… I’m going to go with the “I Smell Bitchs” tattoo across his nose. That’s a pretty descriptive saying there, but the fact that it’s misspelled makes it that much more of a shiny gem in our little collection.

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8. Teddy Boy Face Tattoos

Where do I start with these bad face tattoos on ol’ Teddy Boy here? The naked ladies are definitely a nice touch, but my attention is more drawn to the barber pole on his nose.

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9. Horror Face Tattoo

Those tattooed eyebrows are something else, and the bats are just…cute? Horror you say? yes ma’am, it certainly is.

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10. Cat Eyebrow Tattoos

At first glance, I thought these bad face tattoos were shrimp. As it turns out, though, this young lady decided to get kitty cats tattoos where her eyebrows should be. And, doesn’t she look thrilled about it?

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11. Eat Arse Face Tattoo

Why would you even advertise something like this? The S’s in the second word there are even little dollar signs— Ohhhh…

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12. Hannibal Lecter Face Mask Tattoo

Don’t get me wrong—I am a huge fan of Dr. Lecter and his silly shenanigans. I’m just not this much of a fan.

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13. Dictionary Face Tattoos

This Canadian model got a smattering of random words tattooed on his face in hopes of becoming famous. Interesting plan.

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14. Racist Face Tattoo

Oh, now here’s a nice boy to bring home to mom! If he ever gets out of prison, that is.

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15. Hello Kitty Face Tattoo

In my travels putting this list together, I figured out that Hello Kitty tattoos were popular choices for bad face tattoos. Here’s just one gentleman that went the Hello Kitty route.

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16. Hello Kitty Bow Face Tattoo

But, at least he didn’t want to be Hello Kitty. I didn’t realize that Hello Kitty was all that anti-social either. Hmmm! Learn something new every day, I guess.

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And, that wraps up our list of bad face tattoos! Always remember, kids—think before you ink! That means think long and hard about any tattoo you get, especially in highly visible areas. What seems like a good idea during a week long drinking binge when you’re 17 may not seem like the best idea down the road.

If you want to see more gems like these bad face tattoos, you won’t want to miss these 35 Crazily Bad Tattoos, 25 Horrible Tattoos You Don’t Want To Have, and 13 Regrettably Bad Tattoo Designs!


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