Halloween is a lot of fun, and one thing that can make it so much fun is the fact that people love to get scared. One of the scariest things about Halloween is ghosts, and some people love them so much that they decide to get a tattoo of one! Don’t think ghosts can make a fun tattoo? Keep reading to see more!
We have searched far and wide for 12 Groovy Ghost Tattoo Designs, and we found some ghost tattoos that are really fun and scary! We know that once you get done looking at this list, you may be interested in getting a ghost tattoo of your own, or you may even want to watch something nice and scary! Okay, we have said enough about ghost tattoos. Are you ready to check out the list of ghost tattoos? If so, you can go ahead and scroll down now for some spooky fun!
Ghost In Crimson Robe Tattoo
People are usually used to seeing ghost depicted in white sheets, or as things like vapor, but this ghost is different because it has on a crimson robe!
Ghost In White Sheet Arm Tattoo
This tattoo shows how ghosts are normally seen by people, which is in a white sheet.
Ghost In White Sheet Arm Tattoo
Child Dressed As Ghost Tattoo
Being a ghost is the simplest costume ever because its just a white sheet, and kids love to throw a sheet over themselves for some spooky fun!
Cartoon Ghost On Thumb Tattoo
Who says a ghost tattoo can’t be cute and tiny? Here is a tattoo on the thumb, and it looks so great!
Cartoon Ghost Wearing Sunglasses Tattoo
Who says ghosts can’t be so cool in their shades? Here is a teeny tiny ghost with a pair of dark shades over its eyes!
Cartoon Ghost Wearing Sunglasses Tattoo
Squiggly Ghost with Orange Eyes and Mouth Tattoo
Sometimes ghosts can look misshapen, and here is a tattoo of a squiggly ghost with orange features!
Squiggly Ghost with Orange Eyes and Mouth Tattoo
Puffy Ghost Shoulder Tattoo
Ghosts can come in all different shapes and sizes including puffy! Here is a great tattoo of a puffy ghost tattoo on the back of the shoulder!
Ghost Tattoo with Witch Hat and Carrying Pumpkin Tattoo
This ghost tattoo really is celebrating Halloween by wearing a pointy witch hat and carrying a carved pumpkin! What a spirited little ghost tattoo!
Ghost Tattoo with Witch Hat and Carrying Pumpkin Tattoo
Blue Ghost Top of Hand Tattoo
Ghosts can be any color of the rainbow, but this one is blue, which is very unusual, but still a really cool tattoo!
Ghost Rising From the Grave Tattoo
People do wonder where ghosts come from, and sometimes they do actually rise out of their graves, just like this tattoo!
Ghost Rising From the Grave Tattoo
Ghost Busters Logo Tattoo
Back in the 1980s, a movie called Ghost Busters came out, and who could forget their really cool logo? This tattoo shows that awesome logo once again, but this time its in black ink!
Floating Ghost with Orange Background Tattoo
Ghosts are always floating around, and this tattoo shows one floating, but behind it is a cool Halloween orange background that makes the tattoo stand out!
Floating Ghost with Orange Background Tattoo
So, were we right about these fun ghost tattoos? Did these works of ink art surprise or impress you? If you have anything at all to tell us, be sure to leave us a comment below. However, if you didn’t like this list, we have links to even more lists below that include a variety of things. All you have to do is click one and you’ll be on a new page, and exciting new list, in a flash! Now, what are you waiting for? Let’s check some other lists out!
If you liked this list of 12 Groovy Ghost Tattoo Designs, then check out 25 Remarkable Little Tattoos, 30 Groovy Mario Pictures, and 25 Attractive Halo Tattoo Designs.