10 Scary and Silly Smiley Face Tattoo Designs


Tattoos can be anything people want, and some people want to have a tattoo of a smiley face. You may ask why, why would someone want a happy face tattoo, but the truth is that they can be quite fun and cheerful when you need a boost! Not convinced? Have a look!

We have gathered up 10 Scary and Silly Smiley Face Tattoos, and we promise that one look at these, and you will be happy too! Okay, enough of our rambling though. Are you ready to check out the list of smiley face tattoos? If so, you can go ahead and scroll down now.

Yellow Smiley Face Ankle Tattoo

The ankle is a good place for a tattoo, and this tattoo will always be a happy one that will make everyone that sees it feel great!

Yellow Smiley Face Ankle TattooYellow Smiley Face Ankle Tattoo

Smiley Face with Scary Smile Tattoo

Life can be many things, and yes, sometimes scary too, so why not have a tattoo that can show that even a smiley face can be terrifying under the right circumstances.

Smiley Face with Scary Smile TattooSmiley Face with Scary Smile Tattoo

Happy Yellow Face Inner Wrist Tattoo

The underside of the wrist is the perfect location for this smiley face, and every time this person turns their hand over, the tattoo will be visible and bring a smile to the face!

Happy Yellow Face Inner Wrist TattooHappy Yellow Face Inner Wrist Tattoo

Back of the Neck Smiley Face Outline Tattoo

The area between the shoulder blades can be a good place for a tattoo, and this happy face outline is located in a place where everyone can see and appreciate it.

Back of the Neck Smiley Face Outline TattooBack of the Neck Smiley Face Outline Tattoo

Thigh Smiley Face Tattoo with Tongue Sticking Out

This person lost their leg, but decided not to let it get them down, so they had a smiley face with a sticking out tongue tattooed on their thigh. What do you all think of it?

Thigh Smiley Face Tattoo with Tongue Sticking OutThigh Smiley Face Tattoo with Tongue Sticking Out

Girl Smiley Face Tattoo with Flower On Back of Shoulder

This young lady did not want just any smiley face, but a girl smiley face with a flower on her head. The tattoo is located on her shoulder blade, and it looks both fun and festive!

Girl Smiley Face Tattoo with Flower On Back of ShoulderGirl Smiley Face Tattoo with Flower On Back of Shoulder

Calf Tattoo of Smiley Face Angel Plus Wording

The calf is just one giant muscle, so why not use that muscle as the perfect place for a happy and smiley face tattoo? This little smiley face is an angel, and its smiling face can be very reassuring in those times when it is needed the most.

Calf Tattoo of Smiley Face Angel Plus WordingCalf Tattoo of Smiley Face Angel Plus Wording

Back of Hand Tattoo of Smiley Face

The back of the hand can look great with a small tattoo like this little yellow happy face, and it goes great with the tattoo on the other hand, a colorful peace sign.

Back of Hand Tattoo of Smiley FaceBack of Hand Tattoo of Smiley Face

Smiley Face in Yellow with Tongue Sticking Out

The colors of this smiley face are reversed, but that does not matter because the yellow face still looks great, and it is sticking its tongue out!

Smiley Face in Yellow with Tongue Sticking OutSmiley Face in Yellow with Tongue Sticking Out

Winking Smiley Face Outline Tattoo

Some smiley faces wink, and this tattoo sort of reminds us of a ninja. What do you all think? Well, whether it is an ninja or not, the smiley face is cute!

Winking Smiley Face Outline TattooWinking Smiley Face Outline Tattoo

So, what did you think about the smiley face tattoos? Did these tattoos make an impression on you? If they did, be sure to leave us a comment below. However, if you didn’t like this list, we have links to even more lists below. All you have to do is click one and you’ll be on a new page with a new list. Now, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

If you liked this list of 10 Scary and Silly Smiley Face Tattoos, then check out 15 Arresting Funny Animated Pictures, 25 Incredible Aztec Tribal Tattoos, and 40 Handy Fonts For Tattoos.


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