There are some people in the world that enjoy a product so much they cannot live without it. With such devotion to a certain brand comes the unique idea of having a tattoo of that product put on their body. How many of you love something so much you want to get a tattoo of it? Well, when it comes to products with a recognizable logo, Pepsi has the round circle with the red, white, and blue in it, which many people find very appealing? Ever seen a Pepsi tattoo? Well you will if you keep reading!
We have gathered up 10 Positively Awesome Pepsi Tattoo Designs, and we know you all are going to be amazed at what a Pepsi tattoo can be all about! Yes, there are some people who like to have a can design for their tattoo, but that is not everyone. Once you get done looking at this list, you’ll have a new appreciation for how devoted some people can really be to a product they love. Enough of our rambling though because there are not enough words for how neat these Pepsi tattoos are. Are you ready to check out the list? If so, you can go ahead and scroll down now.
Diet Pepsi Can Leg Tattoo
Oh my look at this gorgeous tattoo of the famous Diet Pepsi can with its bright blue color.
Pepsi Logo Arm Tattoo
Did you all know a famous wrestler loves the Pepsi logo? Check out this arm tattoo of the Pepsi logo, but you all have to guess what famous wrestler has it because our lips are sealed!
Pepsi Logo Leg Tattoo
Wow now this is a cool tattoo! Check out the Pepsi logo on this leg, and check out how perfect it is with its shape and color!
Vintage Pepsi Logo with Storm Trooper Helmet
Here is a tattoo of the old Pepsi logo, and to make this tattoo even cooler, check out the storm trooper helmet! What do you all think of this unique tattoo?
Vintage Pepsi Logo with Storm Trooper Helmet
Spilled Pepsi Can Tattoo
Oh no! Someone spilled their can of Pepsi, oh wait, this is a tattoo! Seriously though, check out this amazing tattoo because it is very life like!
Red and Blue Pepsi Circle Logo Tattoo
Now this is a plain looking Pepsi circle tattoo, but something about it is really cool even if it is rather simple.
Red and Blue Pepsi Circle Logo Tattoo
Pepsi Bottle Cap Wrist Tattoo
Pepsi is still available in glass bottles, and check out this cool bottle cap tattoo that looks rather vintage, but still a neat tattoo.
Pepsi Logo Under the Skin Tattoo
Oh wow this person loves Pepsi so much its actually under their skin, which really does make for an awesome tattoo!
Pepsi Logo Under the Skin Tattoo
Vintage Pepsi Can with True Love Banner Tattoo
The old Pepsi cans were white with the blue and red logo, and this tattoo is all about that old can that someone seriously loves!
Vintage Pepsi Can with True Love Banner Tattoo
Pepsi Logo Heart Shaped Tattoo
Turning the famous Pepsi round circle logo into a heart is a cool idea, and it really shows how much this person loves their Pepsi!
Pepsi Logo Heart Shaped Tattoo
So, were we right about the Pepsi tattoos? Did these tattoos surprise or impress you? If you have anything to say, be sure to leave us a comment below. However, if you didn’t like this list of Pepsi tattoos, we have links to even more lists below. All you have to do is click on a link, and you’ll be taken to a whole new page in no time. Now, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
If you liked this list of 10 Positively Awesome Pepsi Tattoo Designs, then check out 30 Dandy Knuckle Tattoos, 30 Drop-Dead Gorgeous Amy Winehouse Tattoos, and 20 Top Peace Sign Symbol Collection.