Bees are an important insect because without them, flowers would not grow, trees would not bear fruit, and crops would not grow any food for all of us to eat. However, some people can be very allergic to bees, but others really find them to be cute insects that deserve to be put on their skin permanently. Imagine how much fun it would be to find a great bee tattoo design that would look absolutely adorable? We have the answer for those of you that want a bee tattoo!
We went on the hunt for the perfect bee tattoos that some of you may might really like. Once you get done looking at this list, you’ll have a new appreciation for these very important little buzzing insects that keep flowers blooming, and all of us eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Okay, we have said enough about these cool bee tattoos. Are you ready to check out the list? If so, you can go ahead and scroll down now.
Back of the Shoulder Bee Tattoo
Who says that bee tattoos are just for women? This man clearly likes bees too, and he has a sweet little bee tattoo on the back of his shoulder.
Back of the Shoulder Bee Tattoo
Red Faced Dancing Bee Tattoo
Bee tattoos can be in any design, and this bee has a red face, and even shoes because this is a dancing bee!
Big Bee and Pink Flower Tattoo
This big bee tattoo is pretty realistic looking, and even the flower added in too looks just like the bee is going in for a snack.
Big Bee and Pink Flower Tattoo
Three Bees Circling Purple Flower Tattoo
Typically, bees are in groups, and this tattoo shows three cute little bees that are circling a purple flower that they are going to drink from.
Three Bees Circling Purple Flower Tattoo
Bee Buzzing Around Giant Sunflower Tattoo
Bees drink the nectar from flowers, and this is a tattoo that shows a giant sunflower with a tiny little bee flying right to it.
Bee Buzzing Around Giant Sunflower Tattoo
Small Bee Tattoo
The great thing about bees is the fact that they are very bright with the yellow and black combination, and the two colors also make for a great and bright tattoo too.
Behind the Ear Small Bee Tattoo
A great place for a small bee tattoo is right behind the ear, andd it is small, and subtle enough, for it to be a hidden tattoo if a woman wishes for it to be.
Behind the Ear Small Bee Tattoo
Fuzzy Bee Arm Tattoo
Some people want a bee that is more cartoonish and cute, but others prefer a real bee tattoo, and this tattoo shows what a real bee looks like.
Lady Bee Holding Purple Flower and Surrounded By Purple and Blue Flowers Tattoo
Cartoon bees are so cute, and this is a lady bee holding a flower, but she is surrounded by both purple and blue flowers too.
Lady Bee Holding Purple Flower and Surrounded By Purple and Blue Flowers Tattoo
Bee Happy Bee Tattoo with Pink Flower
Everyone should be happy in their lives, and this tattoo combines both a feeling, and a real bee, and that makes it a very cheerful tattoo to get!
Bee Happy Bee Tattoo with Pink Flower
So, what did you think about these buzzing bee tattoos? Did these tattoos leave any kind of impression on you? If you have anything you want to say, be sure to leave us a comment below. However, if you didn’t like this list of bee tattoos, we have links to even more lists below. All you have to do is click one and you’ll be on a new page to check out. Now, what are you waiting for? Let’s let the fun continue!
If you liked this list of 10 Buzzing Bee Tattoos, then check out 25 Lively Country Kitchen Ideas, 25 Sweet Teddy Bear Tattoos, and 25 Splendid Magnolia Tattoo Collection.