The Top 10 Bad Teeth Memes

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Unfortunately for those who don’t use their toothbrush enough, bad teeth are frowned upon by people all over the world. Additionally, bad teeth also harm your smile and ruin any pictures that you are in, causing you to often hide from any camera in sight. So, in order to scare you away from getting bad teeth yourself, while also showcasing some of the best bad teeth memes the internet has to offer, we create the list below. Here are the top 10 bad teeth memes!

1. “How People With Bad Teeth See Themselves”

This might be a slight exaggeration, however, it certainly helps to get the point across…

“How People With Bad Teeth See Themselves”

2. “I Should Probably Replace My Teeth, Ain’t Nobody Got Time Fo’ That”

Well she is right, replacing all of your teeth does tend to be rather time consuming…

“I Should Probably Replace My Teeth, Ain’t Nobody Got Time Fo’ That”

3. “Dental Insurance?? We Got Mountain Dew For Mouthwash, And A Pair Of Pliers – We Don’t Need No Insurance!”

Perhaps the grossest meme on the entire list, and certainly the one that should inspire you to take better care of your teeth!

“Dental Insurance?? We Got Mountain Dew For Mouthwash, And A Pair Of Pliers – We Don’t Need No Insurance!”

4. “I’m Sorry Mom. When I Was 7, I Wasn’t Really Brushing My Teeth. I Was Just Turning The Water On.”

To all of those who “fake” brushing their teeth by just turning the water on and letting it run, the image below is an accurate indication of what might happen to you!

“I’m Sorry Mom. When I Was 7, I Wasn’t Really Brushing My Teeth. I Was Just Turning The Water On.”

5. “I Was Gonna Have My Teeth Whitened, But Then I Said, I’ll Just Get A Tan Instead”

A very unorthodox, yet somewhat intelligent strategy for those with yellow teeth.

“I Was Gonna Have My Teeth Whitened, But Then I Said, I’ll Just Get A Tan Instead”

6. “Go For The Gold, Baby, Yeah!”

Perhaps the only time that “going for the gold” is not a good idea, is when it is with the color of your teeth!

“Go For The Gold, Baby, Yeah!”

7. “When People Brag About Their Dentist With Messed Up Teeth”

Well to be honest, those with bad teeth bragging about their dentist is kind of ironic…

“When People Brag About Their Dentist With Messed Up Teeth”

8. “Keep Waking Up Smoking Cigarettes And Don’t Brush Your Teeth, I’ll Wait”

If this picture doesn’t get you to want to brush your teeth at least once or twice a day, than I don’t know what will!

“Keep Waking Up Smoking Cigarettes And Don’t Brush Your Teeth, I’ll Wait”

9. “Why Do Your Teeth Need Sealants? Because They’re Groovy, Baby!!!”

Austin Powers and his rather crooked teeth!

“Why Do Your Teeth Need Sealants? Because They’re Groovy, Baby!!!”

10. “Wearing White Reminds Me What Color My Teeth Aren’t”

To successfully match his teeth, he may need to pick out some yellowish-brown attire…

“Wearing White Reminds Me What Color My Teeth Aren’t”


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