25 Impressive CV Designs


An creative CV does not promise your dream job, but it certainly assures attention to your profile. HR professionals scan through hundred of CVs everyday and Creative CVs break the monotony of the old same A4 size paper Resumes.

Creative Resume is itself a proof of the qualitative work this person is capable of doing. Check out the coolest Creative CVs I have seen. We would be happy to see any additions you want to make in this post through comments section.

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My Resume – and a Sample of an Infographic Resume

My Resume - and a Sample of an Infographic Resume

More Information on My Resume – and a Sample of an Infographic Resume

Resume/Promotional Materials

Resume/Promotional Materials

More Information on Resume/Promotional Materials

Typographic Resume

Typographic Resume

More Information on Typographic Resume

Visual Resume

Visual Resume

More Information on Visual Resume

Resume 2011

Resume 2011

More Information on Resume 2011

Adam Balazy CV

Adam Balazy CV

More Information on Adam Balazy CV



More Information on Resume

Gaming Cover Page for Resume

Gaming Cover Page for Resume

More Information on Gaming Cover Page for Resume

Corrado Grilli’s Portfolio

Corrado Grilli's Portfolio

More Information on Corrado Grilli’s Portfolio

Full Designer Resume

Full Designer Resume

More Information on Full Designer Resume



More Information on RESUME 2011



More Information on CV



More Information on Resume

My CV Pages

My CV Pages

More Information on My CV Pages

RM Brand Identity

RM Brand Identity

More Information on RM Brand Identity

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

More Information on Curriculum Vitae



More Information on Resume

Joshua J. Moorhead: Print Resume

Joshua J. Moorhead: Print Resume

More Information on Joshua J. Moorhead: Print Resume



More Information on Resume

Mateusz Sitko – CV 2011

Mateusz Sitko - CV 2011

More Information on Mateusz Sitko – CV 2011

My resume

My resume

More Information on My resume

Creative CV

Creative CV

More Information on Creative CV

CV curriculum vitae

CV curriculum vitae

More Information on CV curriculum vitae



More Information on Resume

My Resume

My Resume

More Information on My Resume


  1. Great picks! From outlandish to pragmatic, you’ve got the gamut covered here.

    I’d like to distinguish Curriculum Vitae (CV) versus Résumés, however. The majority of what’s presented here are light-detail, one-page, bullet-point résumés. Perhaps in the design world CV’s are synonymous with résumés, but in the professional, business, science, and academic fields, a CV is a multi-page rendering of EVERYTHING, not a condensed résumé.

    • It may be a country thing :-)

      The one or two page bullet point overview that you describe would be called a CV in England, a resume in the US.

  2. A lot of great of creative CV’s here. My fav would be the first one and RM Brand Identity. Shouldn’t a CV have a more detailed work history? What do others think is less more by keeping to a page or is two pager with more detail better..


    Merlin, I believe more is more unfortanetly, although highly attractive and would definitely appeal to creative agencies! I feel more information might help, no need for a second page there are a large amount of online examples which demonstrate info graphics which fit upon one page.

  4. The resumes are really nice. What a great timing now that many designers are wrapping up school and getting ready to implement their creativity into the graphic world. I am damn sure that this resumes will boost up their creativity.

  5. I have never seen CV’s with layouts and styles like these, but they look brilliant. And, if the person with a CV looking like this happens to be applying for an artistic style job, what a great showcase for their work!

  6. Well all the resume designs shown here are very beautiful but i think a simple designed resume will have a great impact.


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