The Internet’s 11 Best Truck Driver Memes


Quite frankly, truck drivers get a pretty bad rap. Not only are they made fun of on a regular basis by people (in the real world) who know nothing about them, but they are insulted online as well. And though this is rather unfortunate for those who drive trucks for a living, it can be extremely enjoyable for those who don’t…

1. “Fitness? Try Fitness Trailer In The Dock In One Try”

A very funny play on words, showing how difficult truckers’ jobs really are!

“Fitness? Try Fitness Trailer In The Dock In One Try”

2. “Oh You Wanna Merge On The Interstate Going 40mph? Allow Me To Sing You The Song Of My People”

Very funny, and perhaps one of the biggest pet peeves that most truckers have…

“Oh You Wanna Merge On The Interstate Going 40mph? Allow Me To Sing You The Song Of My People”

3. “No, I’m Not Letting You Over. I’m Making Sure I Have Enough Space To Break Without Destroying The Prius In Front Of Me.”

Another very common pet peeve amongst most truckers…

“No, I’m Not Letting You Over. I’m Making Sure I Have Enough Space To Break Without Destroying The Prius In Front Of Me.”

4. “Dispatch Be Like…You’re Still Gonna Deliver Right?”

Not only is this meme funny and relatable for truckers in bad weather areas, but it also shows just how dangerous some of their really routes are!

“Dispatch Be Like…You’re Still Gonna Deliver Right?”

5. “What My Friends Think I Do, What My Mom Thinks I Do, What Society Thinks I Do, What My Boss Thinks I Do, What I Think I Do, What I Actually Do”

A very accurate meme, comparing the different views that people have of truckers.

“What My Friends Think I Do, What My Mom Thinks I Do, What Society Thinks I Do, What My Boss Thinks I Do, What I Think I Do, What I Actually Do”

6. “You Work A Long 8 Hour Day? That’s Cute. I Call That Break Time”

To be honest, truckers do usually work extremely long shifts…

“You Work A Long 8 Hour Day? That’s Cute. I Call That Break Time”

7. “When You Are In Charge Of Delivering Willie Nelson’s Backstage Request”

One of the best perks of being a trucker is getting to deliver to celebrities. And who knows, maybe this is actually for Willie Nelson’s concert…

“When You Are In Charge Of Delivering Willie Nelson’s Backstage Request”

8. “So I Heard You Were A Super Trucker? Then Tell Me, Where Is Your Mullet And Your Lone Wolf T-Shirt?”

Two things that are commonly seen on those who consider themselves “super truckers”.

“So I Heard You Were A Super Trucker? Then Tell Me, Where Is Your Mullet And Your Lone Wolf T-Shirt?”

9. “Cuts You Off In The Left Lane When You’re Speeding Because There Is A Cop Hiding Up Ahead Shooting Radar”

Though it often goes unnoticed, truckers can be very helpful!

“Cuts You Off In The Left Lane When You’re Speeding Because There Is A Cop Hiding Up Ahead Shooting Radar”

10. “Notices A Line Of Cars Behind Him On A 2-Lane, Curvy Highway. Pulls Over The First Chance He Gets To Let Them Pass By.”

A meme that many truckers will appreciate, and another great example of just how nice most of them can be on the road!

“Notices A Line Of Cars Behind Him On A 2-Lane, Curvy Highway. Pulls Over The First Chance He Gets To Let Them Pass By.”

11. “You Said That You Were A Super Trucker – The Lie Detector Determined That Was A Lie”

Apparently, some people claim they are “super truckers” when they really aren’t…

“You Said That You Were A Super Trucker – The Lie Detector Determined That Was A Lie”


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