12 Funny Hunting Memes That Every Redneck Will Love


Regardless of if you, yourself are a redneck or not, many of the hunting memes found online should certainly make you laugh. Not only are the images hilarious, but the quotes and sayings are extremely accurate. And fortunately for us, there are a lot of new hunting memes posted online everyday, so there were a lot of great images to choose from when making the list below!

1. “Kills The Biggest Buck Of His Life…Can’t Post A Pic On Facebook Cause His Wife Thinks He’s At Work.”

A serious dilemma that most men face while hunting!

“Kills The Biggest Buck Of His Life…Can’t Post A Pic On Facebook Cause His Wife Thinks He’s At Work.”

2. “Oh So You’re Trying To Hunt? Let Me Make It Sound Like A Deer Is Walking Behind You”

Another very serious dilemma that most people in the hunting world can relate to!

“Oh So You’re Trying To Hunt? Let Me Make It Sound Like A Deer Is Walking Behind You”

3. “I Stopped By Your Stand Last Night, But You Were Sleeping”

Perhaps the most important thing about hunting, is being able to stay awake long enough to find a deer!

“I Stopped By Your Stand Last Night, But You Were Sleeping”

4. “Hey You Hear Those Cars? Yeah We Should Deff Run Across And Go See”

Well this has certainly never been a good idea for deers…

“Hey You Hear Those Cars? Yeah We Should Deff Run Across And Go See”

5. “What I Look Like When A Coyote Comes Into Range”

One of the most exciting times in a hunter’s life – when a coyote comes into range!

“What I Look Like When A Coyote Comes Into Range”

6. “Grows Beard For Hunting Season – Still Can’t Kill Sh**!!”

Believe it or not, beards alone will not enable you to hunt well…

“Grows Beard For Hunting Season – Still Can’t Kill Sh**!!”

7. “Bringing Home The Bacon – You’re Doing It Right.”

Perhaps even a week or month’s worth of bacon with a boar this size…

“Bringing Home The Bacon. You’re Doing It Right.”

8. “Old Ted Nugget Had A Farm, E-I-E-I-Bam! Pow! Ratatatatatat! Boom! Pew! Pew! Pew”

A funny meme, and a great song parody too!

“Old Ted Nugget Had A Farm, E-I-E-I-Bam! Pow! Ratatatatatat! Boom! Pew! Pew! Pew”

9. “I Got 99 Problems, But A Deer Ain’t One”

And this is what happens when hunters forget to bring their car to the woods with them…

“I Got 99 Problems, But A Deer Ain’t One”

10. “Late Season Hunters Be Like – Any Second Now”

If you can’t handle the cold, then you should probably never consider late season hunting…

“Late Season Hunters Be Like – Any Second Now”

11. “Counting Down The Days Until Bow Season Like”

The most difficult part of the year (for some people), is counting down the days until bow season!

“Counting Down The Days Until Bow Season Like”

12. “During Elk Hunting Season, My Wake Up Alarm Is A Bugle!”

Just as any hunter will tell you, waking up to bugle alarms is all a part of the hunting game!

“During Elk Hunting Season, My Wake Up Alarm Is A Bugle!”



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