11 Amazing Filigree Tattoos

Filigree Red

Often done in either gold or silver ink, filigree tattoos feature beautifully drawn lines, and tend to be very appealing. According to many artists, these tattoos are not only easy for them to design, but also easy for people to customize, since the lines can be made into just about anything. For instance, though flowers and plants are the designs most commonly seen in the filigree style, lettering, dragons, and even portraits can be done as well. So, if you are someone looking for a beautiful tattoo that can be easily tweaked to show your personality, then the list below should certainly be of help. It will not only give you some great filigree ideas to work with, but it will show you just how versatile the style can be!

1. A Very Masculine Male Filigree Tattoo

Proving not only that filigree styled tattoos look great, but also that they can be worn by both females and males.

A Very Masculine Male Filigree Tattoo

2. A Filigree Head Tattoo

Not many people prefer or enjoy head tattoos, however, this specific design looks great!

A Filigree Head Tattoo

3. Filigree Side Tattoo For Women

Filigree tattoo lines done in this style not only look great when finished, but they are extremely fun to design, and easily customizable.

Filigree Side Tattoo For Women

4. Filigree Back Tattoo

Proven by the image below, the back is a great spot for a filigree tattoo. It serves as a great open canvas for the artist to draw out your lines, and can also easily be hidden (if needed).

Filigree Back Tattoo

5. A Rather Colorful Filigree Tree

Trees are just one of the many things that can be customized with filigree style tattooing, or enclosed by filigree style borders.

A Rather Colorful Filigree Tree

6. A Unique Filigree Heart Tattoo

Enclosed by a neat filigree style border, this heart and entire half sleeve looks great, even in just grey ink.

A Unique Filigree Heart Tattoo

7. An Upper Arm Filigree Style Tattoo With Roses

This specific design makes for a very appealing three-quarter sleeve, as well as a great way for men to get away with red roses!

An Upper Arm Filigree Style Tattoo With Roses

8. A Very Red Upper Arm Filigree Tattoo For Women

Not only is this an extremely colorful design, but since the shading was done so well, it appears to be almost three dimensional..

A Very Red Upper Arm Filigree Tattoo For Women

9. A Colorless Filigree Sleeve Tattoo

The colorless outline looks great as is, but (if you want) you can even add in some color later since there are so many spaces and openings throughout the sleeve.

A Colorless Filigree Sleeve Tattoo

10. Filigree Forearm Tattoo With A Black Background

Another great filigree design that, due to the incredible shading, appears to be almost three dimensional in some areas.

Filigree Forearm Tattoo With A Black Background

11. A Colorful Filigree Bracelet Tattoo

Complete with a few bright colors and some beautiful flowers, this design stands out well and is certainly very noticeable.

A Colorful Filigree Bracelet Tattoo


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