14 Makeup Memes That Every Girl Can Relate To

Makeup 9

Roughly 12,000 years ago, the Egyptians created something so great, that women everywhere would soon become addicted to it. Used to brighten and sometimes even cover parts of the face, this Egyptian invention known as “makeup” became a great way for some women to look presentable, and for others to highlight their best features.

Now in the 21st century, since the vast majority of women are constantly taking pictures of themselves, the amount of makeup they wear on a day to day basis has only increased. This is not only why there are so many makeup related jokes online, but also why there are so many makeup based memes, poking fun at those who wear too much of it.

In order to show you exactly how funny these memes can be, while also giving our female readers something they can relate to, we have created a list of 14 makeup memes.

1. “When People Complain About How Much Makeup I Buy”

Well she is right about one thing, buying a lot of makeup is certainly better than being a drug addict…

“When People Complain About How Much Makeup I Buy”

2. “Look At This Stuff, Isn’t It Neat? Wouldn’t You Think My Collections Complete?”

A rhyming meme, describing the amount of stuff that most girls have in their makeup collection.

“Look At This Stuff, Isn’t It Neat? Wouldn’t You Think My Collections Complete?”

3. “When A Random Girl Compliments Your Makeup To Start A Conversation And You Can Already Feel The Friendship Rising”

The true way to any woman’s heart is by complimenting her makeup…

“When A Random Girl Compliments Your Makeup To Start A Conversation And You Can Already Feel The Friendship Rising”

4. “I Don’t Always Sneeze, But When I Do, I’ve Just Applied A Fresh Coat Of Mascara”

According to the meme below, fresh coats of mascara can cause you to sneeze!

“I Don’t Always Sneeze, But When I Do, I’ve Just Applied A Fresh Coat Of Mascara”

5. “When You Forget To Take Your Eye Makeup Off Before A Shower…”

The meme that is perhaps the most relatable for those who wear a lot of eye makeup.

“When You Forget To Take Your Eye Makeup Off Before A Shower…”

6. “When You Rub Your Eye But You Forget You’re Wearing Eyeliner”

Certainly something that women everywhere try to avoid…

“When You Rub Your Eye But You Forget You’re Wearing Eyeliner”

7. “You Wear Too Much Makeup, Your Lashes Are Too Long, Contour Is Too Strong, Eyebrows Too Dark, Highlight Too Bright”

Just a few of the many insults makeup wearing women receive on a somewhat regular basis.

“You Wear Too Much Makeup, Your Lashes Are Too Long, Contour Is Too Strong, Eyebrows Too Dark, Highlight Too Bright”

8. “You Claimed You Wouldn’t Buy Any More Makeup Until Christmas, Your Sephora Account Determined That Was A Lie”

Thanks to Sephora, women everywhere have a tough time “not” buying makeup…

“You Claimed You Wouldn’t Buy Any More Makeup Until Christmas, Your Sephora Account Determined That Was A Lie”

9. “When You Wear A Full Face In This Heat”

Perhaps the biggest downfall of makeup, is that is tends to falter in severe heat, something that those who live in the south know all too well…

“When You Wear A Full Face In This Heat”

10. “A Girl Is Beautiful With Or Without Makeup”

This meme describes perfectly, why most girls tend to wear so much makeup.

“A Girl Is Beautiful With Or Without Makeup”

11. “When Someone With Bad Makeup Tries To Give You Advice”

Apparently before giving a girl advice on her makeup, you should make sure that yours is up to par…

“When Someone With Bad Makeup Tries To Give You Advice”

12. “When You’re At A Pool Party, And You Don’t Want Your Makeup To Get Wet”

In addition to severe heat, you should also avoid pool parties when wearing a lot of makeup.

“When You’re At A Pool Party And You Don’t Want Your Makeup To Get Wet”

13. “Eat Some Makeup! Maybe You Will Look Better From Inside”

This may not actually work, but it is certainly still funny!

“Eat Some Makeup! Maybe You Will Look Better From Inside”

14. “No Makeup. STILL A GODDESS”

As you can see from the meme below, some people can still look nice without any makeup at all!



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