30 Sweet Whitney Houston Pictures


When you think of a producer, singer, actress and model all rolled into one, you immediately think of the name Whitney Houston. Being a celebrity, she is photographed very often. She is considered one of the world‘s highest selling music artists. Her albums are highly rated and certified. After numerous music awards she is a force to reckon with as far as the music world is concerned. These are some Whitney Houston pictures especially for her huge fan following. They show her in various moods, outfits and hairstyles that have cult value. She has proved to be a celebrity who is worth watching.

Whenever you hear the track “I Will Always Love You“ one thinks of the beautiful celebrity singer Whitney Houston. She has made her mark in singing, modeling, acting and production. With her superb figure and attractive face she is the darling of the masses. And her talent just doubles the impact on her fans from different parts of the world. Here are some pictures of Whitney Houston that you are surely going to want to preserve. They show her in different ensemble and varying moods but her sense of style and chic look is unmistakable. Being a celebrity she is always in the limelight and seems to thrive on it.

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Glory Of Curls

Whitney Houston is proud of the glorious curls and shows them off along with the smart sequined outfit.

Glory Of Curls

Glory Of Curls

Halo Of Curls

Golden brown curls forming a lovely halo around her head, Whitney Houston look superlative in this snap.

Halo Of Curls

Halo Of Curls

At The Grammys

Receiving her Grammys Award, Whitney Houston looks fantastic in a pink lacy gown and straight black haired short bob.

At The Grammys

At The Grammys

Awards Time

When it‘s time for award ceremony one can see Whitney look great in a formal gown, diamonds and a blonde bob.

Awards Time

Awards Time

Brown Beauty

A brown shoulder length haircut with blonde highlights suits the celebrity style of Whitney Houston.

Brown Beauty

Brown Beauty

Whitney With Afro Curls

Black Afro curls trimmed in a short circle around the head makes Whitney Houston look fabulous.

Whitney With Afro Curls

Whitney With Afro Curls

Smart Ensemble

The trendy grey outfit goes very well with Whitney Houston‘s smart golden brown bob of curly hair.

Smart Ensemble

Smart Ensemble

Streaks And Layers

Dark streaks, light highlights and a smart layered trim is just what makes the lovely Whitney Houston look the celebrity she is.

Streaks And Layers

Streaks And Layers

Live Show Style

Even during a live television show Whitney Houston has the ability to look chic in her superb ensemble.

Live Show Style

Live Show Style

Superlative Style

A white party gown is just what it takes to look superb with this brown layered haircut with blonde highlights.

Superlative Style

Superlative Style

Every The Celebrity

A fur stone and diamond jewelry are well matched by Whitney Houston‘s superb golden curled bob.

Every The Celebrity

Every The Celebrity

Posing With Style

Black party-wear and a layered bob with bangs have Whitney Houston smiling broadly for the cameras.

Posing With Style

Posing With Style

Lively Comeback

During her comeback show Whitney Houston looks fabulous in brown curled bob and trendy sleeveless beige dress.

Lively Comeback

Lively Comeback

Stupendous Whitney

Whitney Houston looks stupendous in a Lycra dress, diamond jewelry and a bob of lovely brown wavy hair.

Stupendous Whitney

Stupendous Whitney

Very Modern Whitney

This snap shows Whitney Houston looking very mod in a fashionable white top and layered black straight haired bob.

Very Modern Whitney

Very Modern Whitney

It‘s Show Time Folks

Whitney Houston looks superlative in this black sequined dress and brown straight haired layered bob.

It‘s Show Time Folks

It‘s Show Time Folks

Little Girl Look

This black-haired curly bob gives Whitney Houston a cute little girl kind of look that suits her beautiful features.

Little Girl Look

Little Girl Look

Darling Of The Cameras

Whitney Houston looks the true celebrity in her brown-haired bob and sexy black sequined party wear.

Darling Of The Cameras

Darling Of The Cameras

Trendy Combine

White party gown, white hoops and a layered wavy trim with blonde highlights are a superbly trendy combination.

Trendy Combine

Trendy Combine

Red Riding Hood

A red halter dress is a great complement for Whitney Houston‘s stylish bob of brown layered hair.

Red Riding Hood

Red Riding Hood

Trend Setter

With her short bob, stiletto boots, sleeveless top and tight denims Whitney Houston looks a real trend setter.

Trend Setter

Trend Setter

Deliberately Casual

The white tees and double colored jacket go well with Whitney Houston‘s trendy layered bob.

Deliberately Casual

Deliberately Casual

Black Beauty

Whitney Houston looks really beautiful in her formal ensemble and curly brown bob.

Black Beauty

Black Beauty

Hip Hop Houston

On stage, Whitney Houston looks hip hop and mod in her curly bob, chunky gold jewelry and modern outfit.

Hip Hop Houston

Hip Hop Houston

Ready For The Shot

Here you see Whitney Houston getting ready for a photoshoot in her curly bob and smart black outfit.

Ready For The Shot

Ready For The Shot

Charming Little Girl

A charming little girl is what you will say when you see this snap of Whitney Houston with her short bob and cute smile.

Charming Little Girl

Charming Little Girl

The Diva

Whitney Houston looks the quintessential diva in her black sequined dress and brown bob with gold highlights.

The Diva

The Diva

Party Time Whitney

Seeing Whitney Houston in a blue strapless gown, diamond jewelry and curled haired bob is a real pleasure.

Party Time Whitney

Party Time Whitney

A Ready Smile

Whitney Houston‘s smiling countenance is what makes her blonde bob and celebrity style look even more attractive.

A Ready Smile

A Ready Smile

Celebrity Friend

A smart two piece outfit and Afro curls bob gives Whitney Houston a trendy look that matches Jackson‘s own.

Celebrity Friend

Celebrity Friend


  1. Nice bio of whitney i really not knowing anything about whitney i will surely listen to the songs of whitney thanks for sharing……..;P

  2. Thanks for these images on one of my favioute singers. From your writing I wasn’t sure if you were aware that Whitney died a little while back. A great loss then as a persern and indeed the incrediable singer she was. Great selection of photos and its nice you selected some when she was older as websites and magazines tend to only feature her as a younger singer often.

  3. Whitney Houston is such a good singer. Her pictures are good here. This symbolizes her start in her singing career up to the present. ^^


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