30 Incredibly Weird Tattoos


Tattoos often present weird expressions of one’s personal journey.

The Weird Tattoos in the world of tattoo art span a wide range representing this journey, and include everything from the ghastly weird to the artistic weird.

These tattoos give an idea about the weird world out there through fantasy shapes and strange symbols.

Weirdly styled tattoos belong to a so-strange world of self-expression. These tattoos are always intense and presenting weird pictures to the world. The world of weird tattoo art welcomes you to be inspired and express your personal beliefs about the fantastical way you imagine your life to be. Always very weird, these tattoos impart different meanings, often difficult to understand because of their personal nature, and can open up a world of imagination as you try to understand what they show. The tattoos inked by tattoo artists are of different kinds, ranging from the vicious and the dangerous to the weird but beautiful artistic celebration of one’s personal journey. Often exposing the bare bones and muscle tissues in a ghostly way, the tattoos are definitely visual treats. They tell you a lot about the inner world of the person getting inked, and express in vivid visuals shapes and symbols from the land of dreams, such as skulls and peculiar faces, demon shapes and much more.

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Weird Hand Skeleton Tattoo

This intricate tattoo shows the skeleton of the hand in amazing detail. Painted in realistic colors and shaded appropriately, the skeleton looks awesome real.

Weird Hand Skeleton Tattoo

Weird Hand Skeleton Tattoo

Muscle And Bone Tattoo

The muscle and bone tattoo reveals the bare structure of the body in a ghastly way. Here, we can see shreds of skin attached to the network of muscles and bones.

Musle And Bone Tattoo

Musle And Bone Tattoo

Stitched Skin Tattoo

The stitched skin tattoo reveals the purple muscles beneath the skin. The skin is as if the shreds are attached by connecting bolts.

Stitched Skin Tattoo

Stitched Skin Tattoo

Bare Hand Muscle Tattoo

The bare hand tattoo reveals the muscles of the upper arm in a weird manner. The tattoo is done in red ink, reminding of the blood and sweat that has contributed to the muscles.

Bare Hand Muscle Tattoo

Bare Hand Muscle Tattoo

Full Face Weird Tattoo

The full face weird tattoo here covers the entire face except the eye region. This is a psychedelic fantastical colored tattoo.

Full Face Weird Tattoo

Full Face Weird Tattoo

Weird Creepy Tattoo

The dangerous creepy tattoo here represents the conflict of the inner demons. The four hands are seen suffocating a demon head.

Weird Creepy Tattoo

Weird Creepy Tattoo

Hell Text Tattoo

The hell text tattoo here reads ‘back from hell’. It shows the intense personal journey of the person who has engraved this text on her head.

Hell Text Tattoo

Hell Text Tattoo

Demon Faces Tattoo

The demon faces tattoo here shows the inner demons tied by chains of hell. This is a full body tattoo, with demon faces seen through keyholes near the shoulders.

Demon Faces Tattoo

Demon Faces Tattoo

Creepy Spider Tattoo

The creepy spider tattoo shows a vicious spidery on the cheek. This tattoo brings out the spider demon and the effort to deal with the spider demon.

Creepy Spider Tattoo

Creepy Spider Tattoo

Full Body Multiple Tattoos

The full body multiple tattoos present different phases of the individual’s journey of life. Done in a gentle and random manner, these tattoos reflect the love of music and life.

Full Body Multiple Tattoos

Full Body Multiple Tattoos

The Eye Of God Tattoo

Done on the delicate region of the eyelid, the eye of God weird tattoo symbolizes the all seeing eye, placed over the pyramid. This tattoo has deep mythological meaning.

The Eye Of God Tattoo

The Eye Of God Tattoo

Pawprints And Pirate Skull Tattoo

The pawprints and pirate skull tattoo reveals the fascination for pets, and also the fascination for an adventurous pirate life. Done on the delicate region of the ear, the skull tattoo has a heart on its forehead.

Pawprints And Pirate Skull Tattoo

Pawprints And Pirate Skull Tattoo

Stitched Skin Tattoo

The stitched skin tattoo shows the skin stitched in a random manner, baring the black muscles from inside.

Stitched Skin Tattoo

Stitched Skin Tattoo

Weird Cartoon Creature Tattoo

This weird tattoo shows the cartoon creature holding guns in both hands. The green weird creature is in front of two five-pointed stars enclosed in circles.

Weird Cartoon Creature Tattoo

Weird Cartoon Creature Tattoo

Snake And Lotus Tattoo

This weird head tattoo shows a beautifully done lotus and a coiled snake encircling the lotus stalk. This tattoo is symbolic of the fact that water snakes do live by encircling the stalk of the lotus.

Snake And Lotus Tattoo

Snake And Lotus Tattoo

Graphic Hand Weird Skin Tear Tattoo

This graphic hand tattoo shows two hands tearing the skin. The hands are beautifully done in a weird way with shiny brown marks.

Graphic Hand Weird Skin Tear Tattoo

Graphic Hand Weird Skin Tear Tattoo

Weird Eye Pride Tattoo

This tattoo refers to the mystical all-seeing eye of God. The eye with big eyelashes can be seen atop the leafless branches of a tree. Perhaps the tree refers to the silent wisdom that the trees signify.

Weird Eye Pride Tattoo

Weird Eye Pride Tattoo

Strange Creature Tattoo

This tattoo on the forearm shows a strange creature with red eyes and fangs, with MAD written over it.

Strange Creature Tattoo

Strange Creature Tattoo

Back Anatomy Tattoo

This tattoo represents the anatomy of the back. Done with amazing artistry, this subtle full back tattoo is amazing to look at.

Back Anatomy Tattoo

Back Anatomy Tattoo

Weird Black Creature Tattoo

The weird black creature tattoo shows a mouse like creature trying to say something with three-fingered hands. The creature has red eyes and a set of teeth.

Weird Black Creature Tattoo

Weird Black Creature Tattoo

Colorful Orange Wing Tattoo

The colorful tattoo shows an orange wing done on the upper arm. Also, there are texts written on the tattoo. The tattoo is very colorful but has an overall eerie feel.

Colorful Orange Wing Tattoo

Colorful Orange Wing Tattoo

Weird Hand Tattoo

The tattoo here is shaped like a strange hand with five fingers curled inwards. There are actually four fingers that are distinct. The fifth finger is just a roundish blob.

Weird Hand Tattoo

Weird Hand Tattoo

Strange Hanging Creature Tattoo

This tattoo shows a creature with horns and teeth hanging by its hands from the branches of a tree and is from Gruffalo. The creature has a scaly lower part. A blue sky background can be seen in the tattoo.

Strange Hanging Creature Tattoo

Strange Hanging Creature Tattoo

Weird Half Rib Cage Tattoo

The tattoo shows a detailed half rib cage from the back. The cracks on the ribs and the shoulder-blade make the tattoo even more realistic.

Weird Half Rib Cage Tattoo

Weird Half Rib Cage Tattoo

Amazing Full Body Tattoo

This full body tattoo evenly covers all the regions of the visible body, including the eyes. Done in extraordinary detail, the tattoo has an eerie quality surrounding it.

Amazing Full Body Tattoo

Amazing Full Body Tattoo

Water Creature Holding Gun Tattoo

The tattoo shows an alien like creature that lives in the water. It is a water creature because the gills of the creature can be seen. The creature holds a gun.

Water Creature Holding Gun Tattoo

Water Creature Holding Gun Tattoo

Throat Beloved Tattoo

This text plus image tattoo shows ‘beloved’ written beneath a tattoo that looks like a barbed wire tightly wound around the girl’s neck.

Throat Beloved Tattoo

Throat Beloved Tattoo

Crazy Smiling Teddy Bear Tattoo

This tattoo is actually a kids toy called a Troll and “water creature..“ is most likely Abe Sapien from Hell boy.

Crazy Smiling Teddy Bear Tattoo

Crazy Smiling Teddy Bear Tattoo

Variety Tattoos Weird Fingers

The eight fingers of both hands shown here have different images tattooed on them. Among the images there is a five-pointed star, an exclamation mark, a bomb, a spiral, the hash sign, and thunder and bones.

Variety Tattoos Weird Fingers

Variety Tattoos Weird Fingers

Skeleton Hands Holding Crowned Womb

This tattoo shows two skeleton hands surrounding a heart womb shape with a crown on it. Each of the hands is similar and has four fingers.

Skeleton Hands Holding Crowned Womb

Skeleton Hands Holding Crowned Womb



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